First, I advise you do what you did about 15 years ago. Don't wait on your overrated, hasn't done shit in 15 years, drug addict QB to leave. Get rid of him first. I advise you trade Fraudgers to the Texans for their #2 draft spot. They would probably be happy to have what's left of him and for real Davis Mills is not a real NFL QB. The addition of Fraudgers might actually make the Texans the favorite to win the god awful AFC South.
Now obviously with the #2 pick, you must pick a QB and there are many to choose from. Now first, I advise you pick one who isn't an admitted drug addict. This team has had a drug addict as a QB for pretty much the last 30 years and the results have not been good. And I don't just mean all the drama trying to get rid of the last one. I'm talking about 30 years of choking. It's well known that drug addicts don't perform well under pressure. Also I suggest you pick one who doesn't steal from charaties intended to help the impoverished. Also please please, I beg you. Pick a QB who doesn't look exactly like the homeless dudes living in the tent city a few blocks down from my office. I swear Farce and Fraudgers twin brothers live in that tent.
So let's see. Hendon Hooker, Stroud or Young. Any of these 3 would be ready to go right away. Shit they will torch those sorry ass NFC north defenses of the Bears, Lions, and Vikings.
So please it's time to move on. Dump this loser like you dumped the last loser. Now is the time and you might as well get that #2 pick from the Texans.