Yesterday wasn't great, that over should have probably cashed but great game regardless. Got cute with Ravens though I did really love that play and then got hit by the lone touchdown on a punt return. So it goes, apologies to all.
On my phone posting so I won't have much of a write up. Will be back for the later game.
TAMPA BAY FH (+3.5)....HUGE PLAY: Honestly my biggest play of the playoffs and in some time. Quick reasoning, the Bucs have been really really good getting out fast when playing on the road. I think he emotions in Detroit are touching but I have seen them come out of the gate flat at home on many occasions. Didn't happen last week, but I think it happens this. Look, I like the Lions to potentially win this game but I think Mayfield is in a zone and the defense, while a bit less ferocious on the road, has the tools to get it done. Prefer siding with a FH play which have done well this year, but I just love this number and spot for the Bucs.
Ok hope everyone is having a great weekend, today will be great. As always, tail or fade, good luck to all...