Quote Originally Posted by Trav2282:
Why the Pats love?
First thing I like to look at in any football game (especially in this case) is success running the ball, and can the team I am interested in accomplish having that. Ofcourse this would never be more important than against Drew Brees and the Saints offense, because when you can keep them on the sidelines history has shown us that it really throws them out of sync, and thus creates issues for them.
This brings us to the question of can the Patriot offense keep the ball for long, grinding, drives that result in scores. I give that a resounding yes! The Patriots average 4.2 yards per carry which puts them at 12th in the league. That brings us to the Saints defense which gives up a big fat 5.4 yards per carry, which puts them dead last in average yards allowed per carry in the entire NFL. The average person will look and say can Brady and the Pats pass offense keep up with Brees and company, but I don't see it that way, and I am pretty sure a very intelligent football coach like Belichik won't either. You beat the Saints by controlling the football and keeping their offense on the sidelines. Now on top of the rushing advantage, we have Stevan Ridley practicing again this week with the Pats so he will most likely be available as well. However Blount and Bolden are more than capable of taking care of business on their own. When they are not gashing the Saints for 5 yards per carry the Pats will be keying on two possible mismatches in the slot position, as a now 100% healthy Amendola along with Edelman will pose the most dangerous threats yet faced this season by Saints safeties Jenkins and Vaccaro, whom I think can be taken advantage of, especially after the running game is established by the Pats as I fully expect it to be. Ofcourse Gronkowski returns this week and I don't have to tell you what that means to the Patriots offense, and the issues it creates for the Saints defense.
I only bet against the Saints once this season and that was with the Bucs, who quite frankly outplayed them, mostly due to being able to run the ball and control the game. The Saints were very fortunate to win the game with some aid from the officials and with a last second field goal, but the Bucs still covered the number. I'm sure Belichek will be using game film from that day to see how the Bucs handled the Saints all day.
Most teams have not been able to exploit that weak rush defense of the Saints because the potent Saints offense can and does get on top of you so quickly, and therefore have you playing from behind, which equates to passing.
This is the second road game in a row for the Saints which is not a positive thing.
The Patriots are coming off of their worst offensive performance in 7 seasons, and we know that will not sit well with a proud team, and their egomaniacal QB and Coach. I expect this to be easily the Patriots best performance of the season.
As you may or may not know I was on the Bengals last weekend and in fact have successfully bet against the Pats for all 3 of there against the spread losses this season. The only time I backed them was in their win and ats cover over the Bucs at home. I'm hoping I am fortunate enough to remain in tune with this bunch.
If those things above that I mentioned regarding the Pats offense vs the Saints defense do not play out the way I have envisioned, then I will almost certainly lose my wager and the Pats the game.
Hope that helps to convey my thoughts a bit

The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the wolf doesn't perform in the circus.