7 games and not a single one hit the over.
vicb 2-0 (11-5 run)
kingsott1416 1-0 (14-6 run)
xmas 1-0 (65-34 run)
Renton 1-0 (won last 2 games)
BUDANDLOU 2-1 (10-2 run)
VANBUCK 2-2 (55-34 run)
redz 2-3 (Hit PL's 40-32 run)
USCdiehard71 1-2 (3-2 run)
wingsnut 1-2 (16-7 run)
Szejtan [PL] 0-1 (11-4 run)
Wookiee 0-1 (2-1 run)
lltb43 0-1 (Hit another parlay,4-12 run)
nike332035 0-1 (34-24 run)
poseidonczh 0-1 (11-5 run)
triplee2385 2-4 (58-34 run)
collectNOW 1-3 (47-31 run)
Seymour24 0-2 (25-15 run)
SnakeEyes88 0-3 (30-13 run)
weeble5672 1-6 (12-8 run)
LEAFSRGR6 1-7 (61-36 run)
Didn't make pick, three strikes and you get flushed.
TheOwl 1-0 (Welcome to the board)
mags4444 1-0 (Hit a parlay !!! 12-4 run)
jagerfury 3-1 (17-4 run)
Phoenix at Carolina (7:00 PM)
Philadelphia at Dallas (7:30 PM)
Montreal at Chicago (7:30 PM)
St. Louis at Colorado (9:30 PM)
Detroit at Vancouver (10:00 PM)
Tampa Bay at San Jose (10:30 PM)