The Ducks with a huge win on the road.
BooBunny 1-0 (20-7 run)
cody0232 4-1
jimmy4u 4-1 (18-5 run)
BUDANDLOU 4-2 (20-11 run)
weeble5672 3-2
USCdiehard71 0-1 (7-3 run)
Didn't make a pick, three strikes and you get flushed.
MrZamboni 2-0 (6-1 run)
KingScorpio 1-0 (won last 2 games)
buffalo11 1-0
SnakeEyes88 3-2 (90-52 run)
NHcoverking 2-5 (17-11 run)
Buffalo at Philadelphia (7:00 PM)
Chicago at N.Y. Rangers (7:00 PM)
San Jose at Tampa Bay (7:30 PM)
Winnipeg at Minnesota (8:00 PM)
N.Y. Islanders at St. Louis (8:00 PM)
Calgary at Dallas (8:30 PM)
Phoenix at Los Angeles (10:30 PM)