so far my record in hockey is 9-4 but i was terribly irratated with reading all the reviews on here for the edmonton detroit game to be an automatic over and yet nothing there. I have read all these reviews yesterday by all these people on here and the only thing i am ready to determine that alot of people are losers at gambling on here or have no idea how to predict anything when it comes to hockey. wow allot of poor people
i am going to try this one more time if it does not work out well i am out and go spend my money on something else cause i dont know anything and neither do all of you
1. i like pittsburgh away
2. colorado calgary over
3. montreal carolina over
i would give an explanation for my picks but whats the point its all useless i am starting to figure out something about sports that i had not thought of till last nigth. No matter how you analyze the game its th refs that control it all and it seems like lately in sports its mafia style of betting, too many refs in every league making too many calls to make too many casinos in vegas and elsewhere too much money so what the hell is a gambler from ottawa to do but think of th e ultimate conspiracy that please dont have a illusion that sports is sports its a business and well as long as the degenrates on here keep on betting they will keep on fixing games its sad really but hey addiction is addiction and thats my moral speech for today followed by a bitch slap to all that should wake up and maybe rethink betting on sports, the only reason i am saying this that this might be my last day of betting cause the fix is in and i am not inside to know whats gion gon