Theres been a lot of scrutinizing on my forums. Some deserved. Some not.
Lets look at my track record. I have DOCUMENTED SUCCESS on this site with my NFL system. I've always have had a lot of success on my own in the NHL but this year, I tried to make systems or all sports. After two weeks of private testing, it seemed like I had a good system for all 3 sports. Obviously, the college BB one is getting thrown out the window after starting 11-4 and now normalizing to 50%. I may try to develop a new system but i dont see much need or it with the success that the NHL one is having. Now, I will continue to tell people to proceed with caution on the NBA system as I know it is only a 16 game history. (12-4). But there is no doubting I have a great track record with the NHL. 25-7-1 is not just a few lucky picks and I know i have made a lot of you money. I am not one of these cappers on here that need the "youre such a great capper" compliments. I dont get off by stuff like fact it makes me uncomfortable. But the amount of work that goes into capping these games is worth it because Im making $$$ of of it. But then doubling the work by coming into a fourm like this an mostly just defending my intregrity to people just trying to stir the pot has proved to be a ittle too much. I will continue to share my picks just maybe not on this forum as much but if you want to inbox me I will try to keep as many of my true followers in the loop somehow. I wish continued success to everyone who hs partaken in my threads whether it has been supportive or haterific. BOL TO ALL