Here are the rules for the NHL:1. Post your single best game with a max. money line of $200.
2. You may play a parlay with games with no money line limit and if you hit you will be given credit for every game and if you lose you will only be accountable for one loss.
3. If you post more than one game I will assume that it is a parlay and it will be recorded as one.
Here are the top 15 NHL Cappers (Based on a winning percentage of over .500 with a min of 10 plays):
1. Superbeets 23-8-3 (74%)
2. Hammr 16-6 (73%)
Napoli 16-6 (73%)
3. More4Us 16-9 (64%)
Rufus1966 32-18-2 (64%)
SportsMadFan1 27-15 (64%)
TDD 28-16 (64%)
4. Baqu 12-7 (63%)
Ice King 17-10 (63%)
5. BeanTownCity 8-5 (62%)
Bluesplayer 41-25 (62%)
TheDegrator 8-5-1(62%)
6. Anber1ated 11-7 (61%)
Dfk711 27-17 (61%)
MasterOfNhl 19-12 (61%)
7. Eel 9-6 (60%)
FlyByst3 9-6 (60%)
Pjf769 9-6 (60%)
8. Beamjim 16-11 (59%)
9. Havoc-22 45-33 (58%)
Sportsmarvel 18-13 (58%)
10. Gorki 8-6 (57%)
Wandsliv 16-12 (57%)
11. Classy 40-32 (56%)
theDarksider 15-12 (56%)
Leo7919 14-11-1 (56%)
12. Cinthatwins 12-10 (55%)
Duby 6-5 (55%)
Puckhandler 23-19-1 (55%)
13. Bots27 44-37-2 (54%)
DoubleUp4Life 34-29 (54%)
Pucks69 7-6-1 (54%)
14. Ice Hunter 8-7 (53%)
Phat03 18-16 (53%)
Puck in the Face 24-21 (53%)
SmokinGun 24-21 (53%)
15. Criddy 42-39-4 (52%)
Skinny1 28-26 (52%)
The rest:
10-4 0-2
49er69er 1-0
52x 1-3
69AmazinMets 3-0
Adanac 0-1
Agardiner 2007 0-1
AgainstDaConsen 0-1
AHLgoon 11-19
AllAboutSports 26-29
Andarmac99 4-5-1
Andreagassi6969 3-8
Anthurciuoli 0-1
Andruxa 3-4
AnyWho 1-0
Armenian4Life 5-7
Asterixx 0-1
Avl1434 0-1
Azezzo 3-0
B Lugosi 3-4
Banans 0-2
BasketBallGold 4-3
Bear 1-5-1
BetCityOG 2-6
BcdIT83 3-8
BigDoe100 0-1
BigVim 0-1
BigWormy2 0-1
BillyBaxter 0-0-1
BlackBurn10 0-1
Bleacherbum 1-0
Bmac2669 0-1
Booboo 1-2
Boppy 0-2
BostonRolls44 1-2
BountyHunt 2-4
BrewCityPete 0-1
Britnney 0-3
theBroadways19 0-1
Bullocks 2-0
Bulubulu 0-2
C.Botts 1-0
CallMePsychic 1-0
Campirano 1-2
CanadaChris 1-0
Chanki 9-14
Chip Douglas 0-1
Clutch 30-31
Colt 1-1
CoverHog 1-2
CoversGambits 1-0
CuGolf10 3-1
CujoBird 0-2
Cyton 27-34
Dada-as 3-2
Danada 0-1
DanDiego 0-1
Dangler 0-1
DanM71 0-1
DeathRowRecords 4-2
Del Piero 6-1
Determined 18-20-1
Disorder 0-1
Djnukem 0-1-1
Doubleparring1 0-1
DrBenway 1-3
DrLove 1-7
Dweckert 20-30-2
Ebaylor 4-5
Evile66 0-1
FactFinder 2-7-1
FatDan215 0-1
FatterWallets 0-2
Fever 0-2
Fishman4 0-1
Flavers 14-21
FranzSchubert 2-4
FullBlown 1-1
Gambles 1-4
Garrito 0-1
GarthVader 2-0
Gbear 3-2
Geoffery 1-1
GeorgeCarlin 0-1
Gillis_95 6-11
Gladiators69 0-2
Gogoplata 0-1
GoingGone 2-2-1
GoldenGoose 0-1
Grade 1-1
Grindstone 1-0
HandPicked 0-1
HeadOverHeart 1-0
Heated_Kush 2-0
HockeyNuts 0-7
HockeyTown71 0-1
HokkiePlaya 0-1
HowWinWolf 0-1
IceMan5691 0-1
Icemantbi 1-0
IlliniFF05 0-1
Immortal 1-3
Irempel 1-3
IronLung 0-1
Islanderzfan15 3-3
Islandsnow 5-3
Jab38 3-2
Jagerfury 1-1
JamesInCgy 2-1
Jason316 19-26
Jaytown 1-1
Jbrailey122 1-0
Jerry Garica1 5-2
Jezhead 9-12
JHbuff25 4-5
Jim Tressel 6-11
Jleimer 0-1
Joey_Knish 1-0
JohnnyPicks 0-1
Jrock88 33-43-2
Jtfinn 1-0
JustPlainRich 2-0
JustWin99 0-3
Karim22 24-34
Kidsoprano13 1-1
KingFish1 0-2
Kings45 1-0
KingScorpio 0-1
Klaryns 4-5
KneecapRisker 0-2
Knightofsorrow 0-0-1
Knottydread 1-0
Ktjane23 0-1
Kyler506 0-1
LaJohn 0-1
Larek 0-1
LaRinkRat 4-2
Leafs1967 3-0
Leafsrgr8 26-43-2
Lifecycle 0-1
LilDrew99 2-0
Lippsman 36-41-5
Love_Totals 0-1
LoveLine 0-1
LordofBeer 2-0
M15525 2-1
Mac1403 16-28
MavsFan 0-0-1
Max Power 0-2
Maysabator 0-1
McPicks 2-4
MesaMillionaire 1-0
MetalBill 0-1
MetMan2103 7-8
MilkMan9023 3-2
Mkohtala1 1-3
MP-32 0-1
MrUnderOver 1-1
Mwse1965 4-8
Neffie8 3-4
NolanBlake 1-5
NuckHead 0-1
NuNes 0-1
Ocho-Cinco 3-6
ODog66 0-2
Oilers4eva 2-5
theOmegaSupreme 0-1
OnlyValue 1-0
Oshawatps 0-1
Panabetting 0-1
Papsmear 0-1
Parasol 1-0
PayDaJuice 0-1
Persiapersia 0-1
Pha621 2-1
PhilSchnaars 6-10
Pjo1370 4-7
Pknuckle247 0-1
Platypus 0-1
Player82 0-1
PleaseCover 2-1-1
PopinJay 5-4
theProfit 12-18-4
ProlineFool 0-1
Ptunney13 0-5
Punter On 0-1
Puppetm716 2-2
Raine 1-3
RamsFan3 1-4
Rasputen 0-1
Ravi31leafs 0-1
RazzorBacker 0-1
Rdrflyer 0-1
Reckoner 0-1
Redbullsoul 3-5
RedDevil824 0-1
RedWings56 2-1
RedZone 1-0
RinoBambino 1-0
Rod Steel 5-2
Romell28 3-10
Rucciman 1-0
SaberJake 27-28
Salo76 2-3
Sama 1-0
SavageThug54 0-1
Seahawk97 1-0
Sean2114 7-12
SeanDonigan 0-1
Sekhon311 0-2
Selanne08 13-21
SensFan17 10-10
ShortStack 0-3
Shriner 1-0
SimmSays 8-8
SixPak420 0-1
Slashot11 2-4
SlewFan 9-17-4
SmallTimer 4-5
Smart Money 0-1
SocialD 10-11
Sones 0-1
Soviet 0-1
Speenyc 2-2
Spinv 0-1
Spitfire15 1-0
SportsFanatic71 1-0
SteveS84 0-1
StyleKid 0-1
SueDon70 0-1
SuperDave 1-2
SuperGeek 0-2
SweetDreams 1-0
SykesSystem 2-3
Synergy77 0-3
Szeitan 0-1
TahoeLakeNV24 1-0
TeamExpos 0-1
Teoctist 33-36-1
Tigthecat 15-16-1
Timber9 2-1
Tomandrews 0-1
TomToronto 0-1
Tone79 31-35-11
Trancer70 0-1
Tridge 0-1
TRoe15 1-0
TwaineStud 3-5-1
TXrocket69 12-13
Unforgettable 1-2
Usdachoice 0-1
Vasko 2-6-1
Vicb 21-31
Vincer 0-3
Weeble5672 7-12-1
theWheel78 3-1
TheWick 0-1
WhoDeBestKid 28-44
Willbetanything 60-75-2
WingsFan419 4-6
Xmas 2-2
Xxchillxx 7-15
XX_Spezza_XX 17-27-1
Yankees2k6 0-1
Z-Man 1-4
Zebrek 3-2
Zsharpz 0-1