I think my record playing live plays and i mean not pre quarters.... before, i can go like 20 wins 3 losses or 30 wins 5 losses..... i think i hit 17 wins in a row most of the time 15 wins. And this is for every grind.
but when some leagues is hard i will abort that league ofcourse and wont dwell on it anymore.
imagine you wager big money with 5 minutes remaining and putting all the wagers. You wait 5 minutes or so that quick, waiting for the outcome.
you can lose big in 5 minutes or win big in 5 minutes.
its dangerous in all aspects so take it easy.
i can lose too ofcourse that happens when it started bad. usually. As there will be pressure.
Those running plays the line was adjusted now, before its too easy........ they know now..... unlike before, tremendous advantage. When spot comes out.
Live plays like i said.
live plays where you wait for a certain number to come out, wait and wait for it, the lower the minutes of the quarter much better, then hit it.... when the number dont come out, i dont play. When i put money on it, it will be a quick verdict. Lose or win in a span of 5 minutes.
and plenty of games playing at the same time so back and forth to every potential game to wager.
hardcore really.
when spot dont comes out.....
imagine tuning in for hours and you wont play a single thing on that game, and proceed to go to other game.
Hardcore really. Dont have plan to do it every year or for a long time, no one can do that, its painful too, physically taxing i must say.
ofcourse cold streak will come too. Its a matter how you survive it. So take it easy.
playing like this is not the first option.
i tone down the grind for now. Lol 
before i can play more wagers a day than im doin now.
sometimes 3 plays unloaded at the same time, with 3 different quarters. Verdict is in after 5 minutes.
Then proceed to next.
hardcore. But no one can withstand playing like that.
so when nba season starts, or other big leagues, bigger money so the more you play the more you lose.
small leagues are different.
peeking now on my pending play....
my tennis play is looking good.