Well whatever i never took the time out of my day to to the ultimate pathetic as you have done...
Didnt thik it would come to this but I need to protect myself from these lies now its gone to far....
In the future when you calculate someones plays you might want to scroll THOUGH THE ENTIRE THREAD to get all the plays... and if you knew anything about wagering on baseball you would know record doesn't mean shit, its UNITS... Besides the fact that you have calculated my record incorrectly and my percentage is quite higher than you made up my units are as followed....I keep a spreadsheet, was hoping it wouldn't come to this but most people already know your lying
As of Thursday 6/3 +5.76 Units (This is the Thread with The Braves 4 Unit win)
As of 6/22 -3.39 Units This is before I went 4 - 0 on my large plays... You would know, since you did research on my plays, that my large plays are 10 Units plays.. I lost a large play on the Yankees 10 Units earlier in the year but won a play that same day on the ASTROS +270 ...... Oh wait and you probably missed my SUPER LARGE play on the Dodgers as well a week and a half ago , and than went 2 - 0 on +money plays the next day .... You would know this if you would have scrolled through the entire thread ... But then the next day I lost 2 plays and you decide to post "Another winning day" by URISS, when you didn't post in my thread for the previous 2 WEEKS CAUSE I WAS KILLING THE BOOKS... And than the following day I won ANOTHER LARGE play on the Mets and you were NO WHERE TO BE FOUND...

I called you out like 10 times and you wouldn't show your face.... Your pathetic
If you would like for me to continue you can just say so but I know its clear to everyone and everyone else that I am in the
GREEN for the MLB season with a record just shy of 46%... WHICH DOESN'T"T MEAN SHIT IN BASEBALL
So if you would like to keep lying, and trying to humiliate me its not going to work because people know the truth... Isn't it funny that I'm in the GREEN and never mention it or even mention how many units I'm up??? That's because I'm not looking for attention like you claim you piece of shit... And here is the best part I would like for everyone to look at as well... When BaldHead initially said my picks were garbage I WAS STILL IN THE GREEN

I am up 34.39 UNITS on the SEASON YOU STUPID FUCK..... Keep making fun of my 39% when in all actuality is 44% and some change and up over 34 UNITS..... YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER
I never posted my Units won or the killing I made the last 3 to 4 weeks on some huge plays, because its unnecessary, people know just by viewing my thread their is no need to post it.....
I can also attach my spread sheet somehow but its not even necessary because people can do what you did and just research it themselves, and quite honestly nobody is as pathetic as you to take the time out of the day and go through over 50 threads, which you obviously didn't scroll through all of them and calculate someones units... So not only are your claims false and you make excuses saying you don't know how much my LARGE plays are but its is clear you know they are 10 Units... It is also clear that I am in the green, and up THE MOST units I have ever been up in baseball in the last 3 years....
And I end up in the box for defending myself from a 1 month member like yourself who also has no recollection of my NFL plays.... After speaking with a few mods I decided to post this as my last post in this thread... I hope you have an alias name b/c you will need it soon