Please all you trump supporters please tell all of us, why a former President and maybe a President again, should be having a meeting at his home with any dictator on this planet. There is no reason any former, current or future President should be hosting dictators at their homes. Taxpayers are gonna have to foot the bill for the security of this meeting taking place at trumps home. So trump can pick the dictators brain, that we will pay for.
Its truly amazing trump supporters just cant see that he wants to become a dictator and is now seeking other dictators to ask how to do it. All kidding a side, do you trump supporters want Our Country to become a dictatorship or do you just think theres no way it can happen? Honestly i would just love to hear your opinions on this.
Honestly i will have more respect for you, if you say you want to live in a dictatorship, then to say it cant happen. Cause if you say it cant happen, you really arent thinking this thru very clearly and are just being played big time. Hes trying to scare people into believing that the country needs a dictator running it. We dont, Our country is still the best in the world and why people would want to change how are Country functions, boggles my mind. Just know if this happens and the country become a dictatorship, dont think for one second that since you are a trump supporter, that means you will be part of the team, cause you wont.
I sure hope some of you die hards who for some reason believe trump is jesus christ, wakes up before the nov election. You are not gonna want your kids and grand kids living their lives under a dictatorship, believing that this will make their lives better, cause it wont. All you trumpers will have lived your lives under a free democracy while your kids and grand kids will get fucked royally living in a dictatorship.
But with all said, i still want to hear why any President should be having a pow wow with a dictator. This isnt fake news either.
For years all you ever heard was how the democrats are gonna take your guns away, but the simple truth is, if trump gets back into office and wants a dictatorship, he will have no choice but to round up all our guns. No way he can run his dictatorship with people having guns. Wouldnnt that be a kick in the ass, for years worrying about the democrats taking your guns and a maga republican is the one who actually does it. I already look forward to reading the same maga nonsense as your replies.