Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu: Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: ''Your boy is the biggest sexual predator and accused rapist ever to sit in the WH. So don't preach to me your support of scumbags like him.'' At least he if he did those things.... he had enough class to not do those nasty things while he was actually sitting in side the WH..now that's a hillbilly scumbucket.....BJ's on the clock..and with an employee..doesn't get much lower than that.. He never used the office of Presidency to get some ass. .....or some head. Trump boned Stormy Daniels. He's not a predator, he's just a regular old skeevy hornball. There is no evidence ( Blue dress) to prove,that Donald Trump boned Stormy Daniels...he said she said.. a push.
He hit it but so what. The worst of it is cheating on his wife but other than that, it's just a old hound boning a skank in Vegas. Who amongst hasn't boned a skank in Vegas?