Quote Originally Posted by Killer_B:
Quote Originally Posted by Dsn150:
Eh?Sounds about right-
Good luck getting anything from D1 except hatred for Trump & Repubs... It shouldn't be that hard to answer the question if there was anything being offered... Crickets is about the size of it though from DNC... Maybe they'll be successful fixing the next election.
I don't hate anyone, I just don't like thieves and liars.Here are some of the things I like:
believes that regular and adequate income for the employee together with uninterrupted production of goods and services, through the medium of private enterprise, are essential to a sound national economy. This can only be obtained in an era of industrial peace.
vigorously advocate a full and orderly program for the development and conservation of our natural resources.
That aid be given to veterans, particularly disabled veterans, to obtain suitable employment, by providing training and education, and through strict compliance with veterans' preference laws in Federal service
We condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the Republic
not to infringe by censorship or gag-order the right of a free people to know what their Government is doing.
eventual statehood for Puerto Rico
The present Administration's sordid record of corruption has shocked and sickened the American people. Its leaders have forfeited any right to public faith by the way they transact the Federal Government's business.
Fraud, bribery, graft, favoritism and influence-peddling have come to light. Immorality and unethical behavior have been found to exist among some who were entrusted with high policy-making positions, and there have been disclosures of close alliances between the present Government and underworld characters.