white college educated people will support her? Some education they received huh? If she wins then the liberal college brainwashing will be complete, actually the education system period is a liberal indoctrination. Have fun trying to find a job to all the "college educated" support as well as a country with no borders...

That's all a college degree is = liberal indoctrination
All college institutions do is teach revisionist history.
Islam is peaceful. A liberal lie!
Christianity and Islam are the same. A liberal lie!
Christians were the aggressors during the crusades. A liberal lie!
White Christians in the past committed acts similar to Islamic terrorists. A liberal lie!
Islam has a history of coexisting with other religions. A liberal lie!
Bush started Islamic terrorism. A liberal lie!
Africans were stolen from Africa to be slaves in America. A liberal lie!
Slavery is a white only thing. A liberal lie!
White people are historically more evil than any other race. A liberal lie!
Racism started and exists because of the white race. A liberal lie!
America is the only country with a history of slavery. A liberal lie!
The founding fathers were liberals. A liberal lie!
Liberals are historically responsible for progress. A liberal lie!
The Democratic Party is the party of the people. A liberal lie!
The democrats switched parties. A liberal lie!
There is a right to vote amendment. A liberal lie!
American Pilgrims were illegal immigrants. A liberal lie!
Americans stole the country, defrauded the Indians, and committed genocide. A liberal lie!
The national anthem is racist. A liberal lie!
The Civil War was a moral fight over slavery. A liberal lie!
America is historically an imperialist evil. A liberal lie!
When liberals say “college educated” - they mean people who believe ‘liberal lies and myths.’