The biggest issue is not having a plan to fix the problem that you helped cause.
There are restrictions in place by the government that make it illegal to import formula from Europe.
The factory that voluntarily recalled their formula while the tests were being done was shut down by the government.
Then when it was determined that there was nothing wrong with the formula the plant was still not allowed to reopen.
Now the pressure is on the government and they say the factory can reopen in two weeks. But it will take them 6-8 weeks to get the formula to stores.
So, NOW the government wants to temporarily waive the barriers that prevent formula being imported.
What you DO NOT come out and say is this:
BIDEN: "If we had been better mind readers, I guess we could've" taken action to address the baby formula crisis sooner.
or this:
HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra: "FDA has kept me apprised of this from LAST YEAR. We have been moving as quickly as we can"
or this:
JEN PSAKI, May 13: "The production of baby formula is so specialized and so specific that you can't just use the Defense Production Act."
"It just doesn't work that way."
Then invoke the DPA this week and expect it to work. Had Trump done this for ventilators instead of going to manufacturers and talking to them the Left would have gone crazy.
"The White House claims administration officials have been working on the problem for months. Given the timeline of response, that clearly isn't true."
You also DO NOT say this last week:
The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday appeared to downplay the extent of the baby formula shortage in a statement that former FDA Associate Commissioner Peter Pitts called "useless."
"The FDA continues to take several significant actions to help increase the current supply of infant formula in the U.S.," FDA said regarding the impact Abbott Nutrition's voluntary recall of several infant formula products has had on supply. "In fact, other infant formula manufacturers are meeting or exceeding capacity levels to meet current demand. Notably, more infant formula was purchased in the month of April than in the month prior to the recall."
When Trump did this sort of thing to try to not panic the people and slow the run on stores it was evil. Now when the Left does it (either intentionally or out of incompetence) they are not called out for it.
You also DO NOT do this:
"...This is an urgent issue that the FDA and White House are working 24/7 to address."
"Who is running point on the formula issue at the White House? You mentioned the White House is involved," another reporter followed up.
"At the White House, I don't know," Jean-Pierre said while laughing. "I can find out for you and get you a person who is running point."
You absolutely HAVE to know WHO is running point to fix this problem!
And you NEVER do this:
"But Jen Psaki, whom I affectionately call “Ginger Goebbels,” told the world Thursday that the White House has been on this issue “for weeks now.” Saying the administration has been doing everything possible to improve the situation they caused, she stated they would do even more things now. How can more things be done if, in fact, the administration was already doing everything possible? Of course, they can’t be. That either means she’s lying about what they’ve been doing or what they will do now. No reporter asked for clarification."
Of course you have NOT been doing EVERYTHING possible -- If so, HOW are you about to do MORE?
"So have they been on top of this problem the public has been aware of for weeks or are they just now moving as it “became apparent” to them? Have they been doing everything they could from the start to fix it, or are there things they are going to do now to fix it? It can’t be both."