Quote Originally Posted by weeble5672:
I suppose it's a matter of semantics then. I'm not sure about the belittling. I DO know, however, that CT gets inundated with PMs and posts and emails about some of the most ridiculous stuff. I'm positive you or I or anyone would be a little rough-around-the-edges if we had to deal with the shit they do.
Let's try this without even using the word "customers" and see if this makes any sense.
Not one person pays an up front fee to shop at mega-malls across the country, yet retail chains still pay an inordinate amount of cash for the opportunity to do business in these malls. The reason, exposure. You can't tell me that the more posters and viewers that this site has, doesn't result in more revenues directly paid to this site.
The whole premise of these forums is not to provide a place for discussion, but to attract the masses in order to either expose them to numerous advertisements, which you're compensated for, get them to pay for covers experts picks, which they pay for, or get sign ups to whatever online site covers is promoting, ( God forgive me if I bring up what happened with BetUs) which in turn kicks back cash to covers. In this case, free is the wrong word to choose, because even though we don't pay a direct fee for usage, the revenues that this site receives is directly related to the amount of viewers.
There's an old expression in business that goes something like this," The customer's always right." Am I condoning letting the prisoners run the prison? No, just pointing out that sound business principles says there's better ways of handling customer input and suggestions then talking down to them, which has become the norm around here, especially when it comes to CT. You said they get inundated with complaints? That's their job, and IMO a job that they don't do very well. I won't even go into my case, which has own merits, but the numerous others that I see responses from CT like they're cats ass and beyond reproach.
If I walk into a retail store and feel like I've been treated like shit, I'm not going to stick around and make a purchase, I'm walking out. If whoever makes these dumb ass calls doesn't see the woods because of the trees then the same thing will eventually happen here. Time and time again we keep hearing about the overall decline in quality at this site, and why do you think this has happened? Has all of a sudden the quality of the person that comes to this site deteriorated or is it the site itself?

If the hyper links situation, and this current avi situation were brought to your viewers attention ( see how I avoided the use of the word customers even though that's what the viewers are) beforehand, maybe you wouldn't be seeing the outrage you guys are currently experiencing. You guys site, you guys decisions, just saying the current business model that covers is operating under will eventually result in unhappy viewers looking to take their business somewhere else, twitter or a competing site. It isn't like this is the only game in town.
Nothing personal Weebs,

you've always been a good guy in my book. Even exposing you to the position you've put yourself in right here shows the lack of backbone from the top down. They expect the nicest guy here to try and calm down the Indians before the attack, not the persons who caused the fury. Just saying that justifying bad business practices by saying it's free for us here is the wrong way to go about the current situation. How about if security at the malls bullied the customers around, and ultimately drove the masses away? This seems to be the way this site is headed.