Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
Hillary now -680 on 5Dimes Vern.
You're looking bad.
For the record I look good. Been hitting the weights, watching the carbs, and leaning out a bit going in to winter. 
Here is what I posted in Van's thread regarding the last days of this election, and in response to someone's assertion that the move in the odds show that "reality is setting in."
The only "reality" becoming apparent is that HRC will not be indicted or implicated in a criminal proceeding by the FBI before the election. That is why the betting action is driving the odds upwards for HRC. A simple elimination of a systematic risk that was able to throw the election into chaos.
Comey helped Trump more than he will ever know....not only does the game looked even more rigged than before, the public is angry with the DOJ's and FBI's handling of HRC's email scandal.
She lost an immeasurable amount of support in the last week. Anyone looking for an HRC cake walk tomorrow is sadly mistaken. We will likely all be holding our tickets and speculating on how this thing is going to pan out a month from now in the midst of an HRC challenge and recount demands. 
Now, I want to be crystal clear on this subject. I am on Trump at +460, and on Trump +200 in FLA, +463 in PA, and +130 in North Carolina. I plan to throw in a couple more IF Ohio comes down a bit, and the price on Michigan gets up in the +500 range.
However, I am not an idiot. Van's approach to betting this election is sound in every way. His pricing is good, I am confident that his money management is good, and his understanding of the electoral map and Democrat advantage in how the game is scored is good.
The only thing that beats him is an outlier. This election has outlier potential. Angry voters, unpopular establishment candidate, and a challenger with an unprecedented strategy have the potential to drive huge turnout and produce an upset. So, I am playing outlier. It may be right, it may be wrong, and we will soon see how things pan out.
But, to you buffoons out there that laid big jack on HRC -400, -500, -600, to -800, looking for a cake walk, your point of view is severely flawed. In so many ways, you have already lost. Enjoy your ulcers and sleepless night.
I think that about covers it. 
Never Make A Winner A Loser. Never.