Quote Originally Posted by TBPOC:
You keep doing what you do best = lying, and posting sexual fantasies about other dudes on a sports wagering forum .. Never told on Monte ...You made that up , just like your fake tout nba playoff record ( everything about you is a lie ) Covers traffic is way down due to trolls like you.... Love that you called for my downward spiral 2 years ago ...During that time I'm up over 81k as posted ...
^^^^^ never fails, like a trained circus animal there is never any deviation from the staged theatrics and the scripted show.
In classic fashion, the psychopathic narcissist default mechanism is to divert, deflect, and project outwards the exact things they know they are guilty of doing, but somehow have zero awareness that everyone who knows them is completely in tune with the psychopathic narcissist's game plan.
Q. Why da fuk would this POS Karen snitch on Monte?
A. Immediately before the rat went to the Karen help station, Monte replied to me with a " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
" for punking TBPOC...that triggered Karen to do what is in a Karen's DNA and got Monte banned.
What a piece of shit this bitcch really is and it's all in the open for anyone to conclude this for themselves,,,
To still have the chutzpah to keep coming back to the box and pretend like nothing happened is beyond comprehension,,,but it is 2022 where soft spineless marshmallow trollrats are given special treatment and a pass, as to not offend and possibly trigger them into another Murikan mass shooting.