It’s pathetic how DUP always mentions how “fantastic” his life is.
From what I gathered he’s an overweight slob so maybe him being terrified of Covid is justified. Either way, even if your life is great stfu about it nobody cares
Thoughts and Prayers
It’s pathetic how DUP always mentions how “fantastic” his life is.
From what I gathered he’s an overweight slob so maybe him being terrified of Covid is justified. Either way, even if your life is great stfu about it nobody cares
It’s pathetic how DUP always mentions how “fantastic” his life is. From what I gathered he’s an overweight slob so maybe him being terrified of Covid is justified. Either way, even if your life is great stfu about it nobody cares Thoughts and Prayers
Fat slob ? While I do eat too much pizza and wings
In Amarillo slim style I'd bet whatever on a game of 21 ( basketball) vs you....
Not terrified of Covid , just trying to stay alive and healthy ...Already lost great people to Covid ..Just want it to go away asap ..
Thoughts and Prayers for you fam
Quote Originally Posted by Doja45:
It’s pathetic how DUP always mentions how “fantastic” his life is. From what I gathered he’s an overweight slob so maybe him being terrified of Covid is justified. Either way, even if your life is great stfu about it nobody cares Thoughts and Prayers
Fat slob ? While I do eat too much pizza and wings
In Amarillo slim style I'd bet whatever on a game of 21 ( basketball) vs you....
Not terrified of Covid , just trying to stay alive and healthy ...Already lost great people to Covid ..Just want it to go away asap ..
As of the end of Dec 2021, there were 800,007 covid deaths in the United States.The US has 5% of the worlds population but has 17.5% of the reported deaths of covid,5.3 million. For political/monetary reasons,a death in New York is more valuable then a death elsewhere.
As of the end of Dec 2021, there were 800,007 covid deaths in the United States.The US has 5% of the worlds population but has 17.5% of the reported deaths of covid,5.3 million. For political/monetary reasons,a death in New York is more valuable then a death elsewhere.
@mctrap You're so angry all the time...Everyday of life over here is fantastic , hope it's the same way for you.... RFK JR is a very disturbed abject moron conspiracy nut job ....Nothing surprises me with this sicko ...People like him should be held responsible for murdering gullible rubes with covid
Very revealing statement about RFK Jr. Only a government mule who supports Democide would resort to such commy-propaganda. And that puts you into a category best reserved for domestic terrorists. So, I'll ask you the same question I asked thirdperson: Why hasn't Fraud-ci sued Kennedy (whom you just smeared) for writing a best selling book that basically is a scurrilous attack on his credibility and character??? According to you he's a "moron conspiracy nut job." So it should be a slam dunk case.
I'm still waiting for thirdperson's response. You and her are two pea brains plugged into the same pod that connects to the Matrix. I'm betting it will be crickets from both of you happy slaves.
Relax. I'm unvaxxed!
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life:
@mctrap You're so angry all the time...Everyday of life over here is fantastic , hope it's the same way for you.... RFK JR is a very disturbed abject moron conspiracy nut job ....Nothing surprises me with this sicko ...People like him should be held responsible for murdering gullible rubes with covid
Very revealing statement about RFK Jr. Only a government mule who supports Democide would resort to such commy-propaganda. And that puts you into a category best reserved for domestic terrorists. So, I'll ask you the same question I asked thirdperson: Why hasn't Fraud-ci sued Kennedy (whom you just smeared) for writing a best selling book that basically is a scurrilous attack on his credibility and character??? According to you he's a "moron conspiracy nut job." So it should be a slam dunk case.
I'm still waiting for thirdperson's response. You and her are two pea brains plugged into the same pod that connects to the Matrix. I'm betting it will be crickets from both of you happy slaves.
Not everyone is a scum sucking sue leach like Trump ...That behavior is for losers , why would anyone care what any Kennedy thinks of them ? Are they still covering up rapes and murders these days ?
Not everyone is a scum sucking sue leach like Trump ...That behavior is for losers , why would anyone care what any Kennedy thinks of them ? Are they still covering up rapes and murders these days ?
@sundance The gateway pundit.. It's sad that you rubes believe these are credible sources ...
dude,you are beyond help..anytime you are shown something you dont like you simply claim it isnt true..the mass formation hypnosis with y'all is wild...absolutely off the charts.can you disprove the reported death of that child in any way?
and just what source is credible these days??you must be getting your information from somewhere and we know for 100% certain that all mainstream sources are getting caught lying and misrepresenting again and again and again and again day after who is it that you believe??the organisations that tell you rittenhouse shot black people 12 fuccing months after it was known that he didnt?and that the vaccines are very safe and effective at stopping transmission?and that masks work? you even remember all of these things happening or is your goldfish brain incapable of holding that information for more than a day?
it is utterly impossible to genuinely be this blind and truly is like some sort of magic spell.there is only a 3 month lag between almost every "conspiracy theory" turning into widely accepted truth nowadays and yet still the penny just will...not....ever...drop.
insane.truly extraordinary.
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life:
@sundance The gateway pundit.. It's sad that you rubes believe these are credible sources ...
dude,you are beyond help..anytime you are shown something you dont like you simply claim it isnt true..the mass formation hypnosis with y'all is wild...absolutely off the charts.can you disprove the reported death of that child in any way?
and just what source is credible these days??you must be getting your information from somewhere and we know for 100% certain that all mainstream sources are getting caught lying and misrepresenting again and again and again and again day after who is it that you believe??the organisations that tell you rittenhouse shot black people 12 fuccing months after it was known that he didnt?and that the vaccines are very safe and effective at stopping transmission?and that masks work? you even remember all of these things happening or is your goldfish brain incapable of holding that information for more than a day?
it is utterly impossible to genuinely be this blind and truly is like some sort of magic spell.there is only a 3 month lag between almost every "conspiracy theory" turning into widely accepted truth nowadays and yet still the penny just will...not....ever...drop.
Quote Originally Posted by Jarrett75: the survival rate is 99% plus, yet we act like half the country has died from this. Also you act like there were only a handful of doctors that are offering up alternatives. The problem is everyone is shutting down anything that isn't a vaccine. People should have the freedom to choose. 99% survival rate is misleading. In the US, over 800,000 covid deaths and millions of hospitalizations. Without public health measures, probably far more deaths and hospitalizations. Public health experts consider vaccination of world the only way out of pandemic. Vaccination is the safest and fastest way to build immunity in a large population. Since delta and omicon are more contagious, higher vaccination rate of population is needed to make pandemic endemic. After months, there is a limit to voluntary vaccination. To further increase vaccination rate, mandates become necessary. Vast majority of covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated people. If hospitals are overwhelmed, they take beds away from patients of other illnesses. According to University of Maryland, 76% of ICU patients are unvaccinated, 22% fully vaccinated and 2% vaccinated with third dose. This highlights the importance of vaccines in preventing severe illness. Monoclonal anti-bodies and new anti-viral pills are no substitutes for vaccines. A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Better to prevent an infection instead of treating illness.
OMG,its fuccing tragic that people like you exist..yikes,utterly actually think that the measures have not been restrictive enough??holy crap,i can just imagine you locked up in your house with 10 face masks and a hazmat suit on,jabbed 7 times already even though you were told 3 was enough,ordering everything to your front door to save you entering civilization ever again.what a disgusting,pathetic,weak
this is objectively THE WORST,MOST INEFFECTIVE "vaccine" in history.hands down.full stop.end of story....instances of populations,groups,teams that are 100% fully double vaccinated have STILL shown to be susceptible to having the virus sweep through them with ease and yet you think that more and more and more jabs is the sick freak.i doubt you will be satisfied till there are military/medical troupes out in the public chasing people down with fuccing syringes in their hands to make sure no stone is left unturned.
demented and depraved...please seek help immediately if not sooner.
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Quote Originally Posted by Jarrett75: the survival rate is 99% plus, yet we act like half the country has died from this. Also you act like there were only a handful of doctors that are offering up alternatives. The problem is everyone is shutting down anything that isn't a vaccine. People should have the freedom to choose. 99% survival rate is misleading. In the US, over 800,000 covid deaths and millions of hospitalizations. Without public health measures, probably far more deaths and hospitalizations. Public health experts consider vaccination of world the only way out of pandemic. Vaccination is the safest and fastest way to build immunity in a large population. Since delta and omicon are more contagious, higher vaccination rate of population is needed to make pandemic endemic. After months, there is a limit to voluntary vaccination. To further increase vaccination rate, mandates become necessary. Vast majority of covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated people. If hospitals are overwhelmed, they take beds away from patients of other illnesses. According to University of Maryland, 76% of ICU patients are unvaccinated, 22% fully vaccinated and 2% vaccinated with third dose. This highlights the importance of vaccines in preventing severe illness. Monoclonal anti-bodies and new anti-viral pills are no substitutes for vaccines. A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Better to prevent an infection instead of treating illness.
OMG,its fuccing tragic that people like you exist..yikes,utterly actually think that the measures have not been restrictive enough??holy crap,i can just imagine you locked up in your house with 10 face masks and a hazmat suit on,jabbed 7 times already even though you were told 3 was enough,ordering everything to your front door to save you entering civilization ever again.what a disgusting,pathetic,weak
this is objectively THE WORST,MOST INEFFECTIVE "vaccine" in history.hands down.full stop.end of story....instances of populations,groups,teams that are 100% fully double vaccinated have STILL shown to be susceptible to having the virus sweep through them with ease and yet you think that more and more and more jabs is the sick freak.i doubt you will be satisfied till there are military/medical troupes out in the public chasing people down with fuccing syringes in their hands to make sure no stone is left unturned.
demented and depraved...please seek help immediately if not sooner.
Quote Originally Posted by Doja45: It’s pathetic how DUP always mentions how “fantastic” his life is. From what I gathered he’s an overweight slob so maybe him being terrified of Covid is justified. Either way, even if your life is great stfu about it nobody cares Thoughts and Prayers Fat slob ? While I do eat too much pizza and wings In Amarillo slim style I'd bet whatever on a game of 21 ( basketball) vs you.... Not terrified of Covid , just trying to stay alive and healthy ...Already lost great people to Covid ..Just want it to go away asap .. Thoughts and Prayers for you fam
the tragedy and irony is that by bending over and complying and believing everything every step of the way it is YOU and your ilk that will absolutely ensure that that "this" will never go away.....and im not taking about any virus either.
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life:
Quote Originally Posted by Doja45: It’s pathetic how DUP always mentions how “fantastic” his life is. From what I gathered he’s an overweight slob so maybe him being terrified of Covid is justified. Either way, even if your life is great stfu about it nobody cares Thoughts and Prayers Fat slob ? While I do eat too much pizza and wings In Amarillo slim style I'd bet whatever on a game of 21 ( basketball) vs you.... Not terrified of Covid , just trying to stay alive and healthy ...Already lost great people to Covid ..Just want it to go away asap .. Thoughts and Prayers for you fam
the tragedy and irony is that by bending over and complying and believing everything every step of the way it is YOU and your ilk that will absolutely ensure that that "this" will never go away.....and im not taking about any virus either.
my guy,i assume you also know about rfk's buddy steve kirsch laying out a challenge to ANYBODY at all from the establishment side of the fence that can a)prove that the virus even exists and can show it in isolation b)show evidence that the "vaccine" is safe or c)simply even debate openly the merits of the "vaccine" and the overall approach to combating this whole "killer" virus.
he has offered a million fuggin dollars....easy easy money.why on earth wouldnt anybody take them up on that offer??for nothing more than a type of dialogue.
but so far its crickets.....tumbleweed.
i mean its all "nutty" mumbo-jumbo and wacky,baseless conspiracy theories,right??should be elementary to shut it all down in a quick face to face,no??.....but nope.we know there will be ZERO discussion or debate any time soon.theres money to be made and genocide to enact.
my guy,i assume you also know about rfk's buddy steve kirsch laying out a challenge to ANYBODY at all from the establishment side of the fence that can a)prove that the virus even exists and can show it in isolation b)show evidence that the "vaccine" is safe or c)simply even debate openly the merits of the "vaccine" and the overall approach to combating this whole "killer" virus.
he has offered a million fuggin dollars....easy easy money.why on earth wouldnt anybody take them up on that offer??for nothing more than a type of dialogue.
but so far its crickets.....tumbleweed.
i mean its all "nutty" mumbo-jumbo and wacky,baseless conspiracy theories,right??should be elementary to shut it all down in a quick face to face,no??.....but nope.we know there will be ZERO discussion or debate any time soon.theres money to be made and genocide to enact.
Fauci would absolutely sue Kennedy for defamation if he thought he would win To say “who would believe a Kennedy” or imply that only losers sue is absurd
the specific,pointed,defamatory nature of accusations in that book would make for an easy,open and shut case.......................if only they were untrue.
Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
Fauci would absolutely sue Kennedy for defamation if he thought he would win To say “who would believe a Kennedy” or imply that only losers sue is absurd
the specific,pointed,defamatory nature of accusations in that book would make for an easy,open and shut case.......................if only they were untrue.
Fauci would absolutely sue Kennedy for defamation if he thought he would win To say “who would believe a Kennedy” or imply that only losers sue is absurd
Fauci has much better stuff to do than lower himself to the level of Trump and other sue happy leach scumbags...
Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
Fauci would absolutely sue Kennedy for defamation if he thought he would win To say “who would believe a Kennedy” or imply that only losers sue is absurd
Fauci has much better stuff to do than lower himself to the level of Trump and other sue happy leach scumbags...
" The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly " - George Carlin what I always love is, when you don't have a retort to a civil argument, just bring up Trump.
Unlike just bringing up Biden or…. Entire thread is nonsense.
A Kennedy wanting full disclosure on a subject is pretty amusing.
Quote Originally Posted by BIGDTITLE:
" The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly " - George Carlin what I always love is, when you don't have a retort to a civil argument, just bring up Trump.
Unlike just bringing up Biden or…. Entire thread is nonsense.
A Kennedy wanting full disclosure on a subject is pretty amusing.
" The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly " - George Carlin what I always love is, when you don't have a retort to a civil argument, just bring up Trump.
Nobody is arguing, RFK JR is a fraud who is brainwashing gullible rubes with lies and nonsense. FAUCi Called him very disturbed and moved on ....
Trump is the prime example of a scumbag who sues everyone all the time..
The Kennedy's are scum imo ...
To each is own though
Quote Originally Posted by BIGDTITLE:
" The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly " - George Carlin what I always love is, when you don't have a retort to a civil argument, just bring up Trump.
Nobody is arguing, RFK JR is a fraud who is brainwashing gullible rubes with lies and nonsense. FAUCi Called him very disturbed and moved on ....
Trump is the prime example of a scumbag who sues everyone all the time..
@melossinglet Robert Kennedy Jr The guy is profiting from brainwashing gullible rubes ...Can't help it, it's in his blood .
..gullible rubes,huh??
you go around wearing a mask (or several most likely) to protect against an airborne aerosolized virus.basically the equivalent of putting up chicken wire to stop rain from getting through.and you continue to get jabbed in the fuccing arm with a vaccine that has proven to be almost useless at stopping contraction and transmission and most definitely comes with risk no matter how much you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears everytime you are shown evidence.
so its all lies and scurrilous,unfounded accusations then??.it should be SIMPLE for fauci and others to collect big against this guy.whats the problem here?the lawyers do most of the work and we know for damn sure that fauci can afford the best around after cashing in huge on putting poison into the worlds population.....what exactly is it that he has thats "better things to do"?
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life:
@melossinglet Robert Kennedy Jr The guy is profiting from brainwashing gullible rubes ...Can't help it, it's in his blood .
..gullible rubes,huh??
you go around wearing a mask (or several most likely) to protect against an airborne aerosolized virus.basically the equivalent of putting up chicken wire to stop rain from getting through.and you continue to get jabbed in the fuccing arm with a vaccine that has proven to be almost useless at stopping contraction and transmission and most definitely comes with risk no matter how much you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears everytime you are shown evidence.
so its all lies and scurrilous,unfounded accusations then??.it should be SIMPLE for fauci and others to collect big against this guy.whats the problem here?the lawyers do most of the work and we know for damn sure that fauci can afford the best around after cashing in huge on putting poison into the worlds population.....what exactly is it that he has thats "better things to do"?
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life: @melossinglet Robert Kennedy Jr The guy is profiting from brainwashing gullible rubes ...Can't help it, it's in his blood . ..gullible rubes,huh?? you go around wearing a mask (or several most likely) to protect against an airborne aerosolized virus.basically the equivalent of putting up chicken wire to stop rain from getting through.and you continue to get jabbed in the fuccing arm with a vaccine that has proven to be almost useless at stopping contraction and transmission and most definitely comes with risk no matter how much you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears everytime you are shown evidence. so its all lies and scurrilous,unfounded accusations then??.it should be SIMPLE for fauci and others to collect big against this guy.whats the problem here?the lawyers do most of the work and we know for damn sure that fauci can afford the best around after cashing in huge on putting poison into the worlds population.....what exactly is it that he has thats "better things to do"?
So a inbred Kenedy is smarter than all the experts and top medical professionals in the world
Scumbags like Trump sue everyone for everything , bc they're losere who have fragile egos and have stabbed everyone in the back their whole lives ..
You've been brainwashed fam , please don't drink your own piss like they're telling you to do now ..
Quote Originally Posted by melossinglet:
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life: @melossinglet Robert Kennedy Jr The guy is profiting from brainwashing gullible rubes ...Can't help it, it's in his blood . ..gullible rubes,huh?? you go around wearing a mask (or several most likely) to protect against an airborne aerosolized virus.basically the equivalent of putting up chicken wire to stop rain from getting through.and you continue to get jabbed in the fuccing arm with a vaccine that has proven to be almost useless at stopping contraction and transmission and most definitely comes with risk no matter how much you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears everytime you are shown evidence. so its all lies and scurrilous,unfounded accusations then??.it should be SIMPLE for fauci and others to collect big against this guy.whats the problem here?the lawyers do most of the work and we know for damn sure that fauci can afford the best around after cashing in huge on putting poison into the worlds population.....what exactly is it that he has thats "better things to do"?
So a inbred Kenedy is smarter than all the experts and top medical professionals in the world
Scumbags like Trump sue everyone for everything , bc they're losere who have fragile egos and have stabbed everyone in the back their whole lives ..
You've been brainwashed fam , please don't drink your own piss like they're telling you to do now ..
Quote Originally Posted by BIGDTITLE: " The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly " - George Carlin what I always love is, when you don't have a retort to a civil argument, just bring up Trump. Nobody is arguing, RFK JR is a fraud who is brainwashing gullible rubes with lies and nonsense. FAUCi Called him very disturbed and moved on .... Trump is the prime example of a scumbag who sues everyone all the time.. The Kennedy's are scum imo ... To each is own though
why is it a "scumbag" move to take legal action against a person supposedly making up total lies about you that are harmful,damaging that paint you out to be an evil criminal??how the fucc does that make you a "scumbag" to simply want to right the record and have justice served?
of all people i would have guessed you would be in favour of fixing the ledger in terms of being offended or having ones name sullied..i mean you are the guy who completely fabricates barbs of RaCiSm in here just to play the victim....even though nobody has any fuggin idea of what race each commenter here is.
Quote Originally Posted by DoubleUp4Life:
Quote Originally Posted by BIGDTITLE: " The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly " - George Carlin what I always love is, when you don't have a retort to a civil argument, just bring up Trump. Nobody is arguing, RFK JR is a fraud who is brainwashing gullible rubes with lies and nonsense. FAUCi Called him very disturbed and moved on .... Trump is the prime example of a scumbag who sues everyone all the time.. The Kennedy's are scum imo ... To each is own though
why is it a "scumbag" move to take legal action against a person supposedly making up total lies about you that are harmful,damaging that paint you out to be an evil criminal??how the fucc does that make you a "scumbag" to simply want to right the record and have justice served?
of all people i would have guessed you would be in favour of fixing the ledger in terms of being offended or having ones name sullied..i mean you are the guy who completely fabricates barbs of RaCiSm in here just to play the victim....even though nobody has any fuggin idea of what race each commenter here is.
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