Lol first off I'm a robust 190 lbs\\

Second off its fucking HILARIOUS listening to all the know it alls with their theorys about they know exactly how cops operate and how the breathalyzer is linked to some computer system so because of that my story is completely impossible or whatever. Granted I have no way of proving this ever happened, but I damn sure know it happend and listening to people say shit like "100% obviously this is made up" is just funny bc obviously no-one has any way of verifying that this DIDNT happen, yet you all act like you have a hidden camera following me around and can FACTUALLY PROVE that I made this story up or something. Just really hilarious to see people make such declarative statements that I know are obviously wrong, yet people make them with such authority even though they are 100% wrong.

And the whole - No cop would risk his job - thing. That's great. Thats a realllllly realllllly good one. Because every cop is so straight and narrow, that god forbid they let a reasonably coherent dude park his car and get him off a DUI. Because you know, there aren't cops out there pinching drugs during seizures, shaking drug dealers down for cash and letting them walk, letting females outta crimes for sexual favors, etc........You all have a pretty square, pretty little outlook on life if you actually think every single cop is 100% all about enforcing every aspect of the legal code. Fact is there are PLENTY of cops out there who have let way crazier shit than this slide. I didn't crash into anyone. I didn't hit and run. I didn't have a gun or drugs on me. I blew over the limit, and the cops took leniency on me for some unusual, known only to them reason, and did a really nice thing and let me slide. Is that really so unbelievable? If for you it is, then I just feel bad for you, that you are so hung up on believing that the world and everyone in it operates on an "abc......123" format. Not every cop is some great hero guy. Cops have let people slide for shit before. Honestly if you can't open your eyes and accept that reality, then hey, have fun living in your little bubble. All the people in this thread who "100% know for sure, ABSOLUTELY" that this story is false must for the most part all be typical close-minded ignorant American dumb-asses who think that GM is still the best car company in the"" "world.

"Gee Whillikers Guys, this young rascal is full of piss and vinegar! As if our true blue American hero police officers would ever allow such a heinous crime to escape persecution! Not in the Good Old US of A!"

You all are such dumb stupid squares. Feel so bad for you that you are actually ignorant enough to think that an event like this is implausible. Hey, maybe in TrailerParkville, USA, all the cops are straight and narrow bc everyone knows everyone in your little two-bit towns. But believe it or not, some cops have more pressing issues to deal with, and one 26 year old guy who gets caught driving somewhat fast up an empty street, who blows over but is by no means out of control, just might not be the most pressing issue they would have to deal with that night.
Anyway, I won't address this anymore. I swear to god, on the holy bible, on my eyes, on my mothers life, lol whatever you want, that everything I have written in this thread is 100% true. I wasn't bragging about driving drunk, not something to brag about, I was elated and stoked and amazed that for whatever reason the cop let me off and I didn't get anything but a parking ticket. Obviously it was a VERY lucky experience, but not something that is so improbable that its never happened to anyone else before, or would be unbelievable. If none of you want to believe me that's your perogative, its just unfortuante that you all think you know so much about everything, that you're blind to the fact of how dumb you really are to just dimiss my story.