Quote Originally Posted by ComputerGroup:
Dude, these mods work for the sportsbooks, when they see guys like Dizzle win week in & week out, that cuts into there profits, they are like the government, they look for something that in there minds might be incorrect but to everyone else is cut & dry, they make up lies to justify there actions, hence what happened to Dizzle! This place is a joke & always has been on the way situations are handled by mods!
I'll respond for you , and please take it seriously ..... 
First off, this is obviously not your first username, because you seem to know how these events have " always " been handled ..... Whatever, it dos'nt matter here .....
The point you make about the Mod's banning people who pick consistant winners is absurd ..... If you check with us, and by " us " I mean the P-Box Nation, or " The Nation " for short, you will see a collective group of men who pick and have been picking winners every week for years on end ..... We are still here, and the reason why is we have zero INTENTIONS on becoming a tout .....
Your buddy Randizzle admitted , in not so many words, that he would eventually start selling his picks ..... Read his threads and you will see ..... What WallStreetCappers did was elimanate a problem at the start ..... Randizzle is / was just a " flash in the pan " ..... A half a season is NOT a measuring stick for one's " handicapping " skill .....
Covers / WallStreetCappers did the RIGHT thing here ..... Trust me on this ..... And , also trust me that no matter how much begging , pleading , crying , or bitching , for what you see as wrong , is going to change anything .....
I suggest all of you " sheep " get used to the damn rules here ..... If you don't like it , please drop the " C " word and have you account banned ( again ) .....
The thing that pisses me off is when this happens, all of you " who-ever's " clog our Box with the same damn dribble ..... I did'nt even know who this Randizzle guy was until a day ago ..... And I would love it if you guys would air your anger via email to C-T , instead of cluttering up out Box .....
I hope this helps, as it is a correct answer from a member of Covers ..... NOT a Mod, or employee of Covers .....

Good Luck with your bets .....