Let's talk about Dad's.
Covers bigots love articles on Black fathers and the number of kids they have, if illegitimate. (They even like to put their 'two cents' in when the kid is legitimate!)
You can see them sitting at their computer with self-righteousness, shaking their head saying, "Jeez, I'M paying for that kid as we speak!!!

Never mind that some of the posters make minimum wage, are unemployed, or that their salary, even if over a million, isn't a sand granule in the bucket of social welfare collected from the country as a whole (and then allocated into literally hundreds of federally funded state and government programs separately, further diluting 'their tax dollars').
It is that "collective white mindset" that has convinced them the Black community is supported by White tax dollars. When you have Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitt Romeny screaming about it from political pulpits and saying it is what's wrong with this coutnry, and every GOP supporting voice on both radio and television saying the, it would be hard to believe they wouldn't believe such a thing given even their friends and family have echoed the same sentiments their entire lives.
Therefore, all the time on here you'll find the "black man X fathered Y children" thread followed by the same lame attempt at jokes that bigoted Covers posters gobble up with glee like a steak dinner.
There were threads about Travis Henry, Aaron Cromartie, and Shawn Kemp and Covers members put on a digital stand-up routine even the biggest tomato couldn't quash.
Unfortunately for them, I have a tomato that's bigger than a blue whale and it's coming at them at mach 3 speed.
In that list of names above, allegedly, the highest number of children fathered by one of the men was 11 by 10 different women. WOW! 11!!!
That's a big number isn't it. Hey! Aren't all those guys Black???
More mother's on welfare for the "Baby Daddy" who can't pay...

Well, it's time that Covers get fair and balanced:
There's one guy who makes that list above look like procreation amateurs.
Who is he? His name was Bertold Weisner.
And because Covers like to focus on the "blackness" of the men above, let's give equal time to this man's race.
Surprise!!! He's White.
But how many children did he father?
Let's count together, shall we....