Quote Originally Posted by hugh613:
a) We're ALL familiar with the dl vernacular ("circle jerk", "RitardA", etc) as well as his tendency to go off on major tangents (I tried to steer him back on course a few posts ago - didn't work), so no point in going over it here.
b) In my mind, there is no "hypocrisy" because there is a fundamental difference between a poster for whom you have a personal dislike and a poster who has been banned multiple (and I mean multiple) times before.
I also think there's a fundamental difference with regards to aliases: the 'RichardA' and 'APK' aliases served a purpose (they were 'the villain' - plus, they were generally 'good guys', albeit a tad fanatical). The 'BMA' alias serves no purpose whatsoever, especially in light of what's taken place here as of late.
Surely we can agree on that.
hugh, i'll agree with you just to be nice, but surely you'll understand that this snitch has to go as well imo (in my opinion as in from my perspective, i can only speak for myself)
at least with Bowel Movement Asshole, you get a smattering of
# which if you're ever bored you can click and possibly see a nice image of some female skin. With dullard36, you get the Political forum what it is today, a barren wasteland because who'd bother posting when every post in every thread is followed with accusation of being an alias or an alias supporter, or into wide legged stance male bonding circle jerk, and his whole litany of

shit. Look, as an American i pride myself on being tolerant of the actions and opinions and others, but confirmed from threads i see bumped here of late, the guy has been at the same fucking bullshit day in day out 24/7 for A FUCKING YEAR. How bout you just tell him you like him, and you will be his friend, and i will start threads saying how BMA must stay free forever and never be banned so WSC will read them and he will see that he has the opportunity to thwart my desires, he will ban him. I'm good at thwarting aliases, i got one of Bobs most famous ones nixed. But the trade off is you guys need to contain dullard36 incessant childish drivel to this forum, deal?

Politics forum and Penalty Box forum have two different set of rules. If BMA wants to spam this forum, there is no rule against it. But the repetitive insanity of homosexual, false, stalking bullshit that this guy has ruined the politics forum with is more a priority for me. I like posting in there with the dozen+ folks that like to talk politics from time to time, not this fucking jag off that wants to use the forum as a place to pick up a fucking guy friend, who knows what he plans to do with him once he does, he is a fucking creep of the highest order
The guy has 17604 post, i'll make anyone here an offer, we set the Over/under of how many times this idiot posted about alias/alias supporter shtick line of shit in his last 7604 at 76%, i'll book only under action and give +200, and if you prove me wrong i'll pay the wager and leave the site. NICK MAX WAGER