I'm not sure why Trump would want to debate HRC.
Assuming that the moderators were capable of keeping Trump on topic, he would receive a verbal beatdown of epic proportions.
What does this mean? Basically it means that HRC is a career politician, and Trump is many things, but a politician is not one of them.
HRC should know more than Trump on political issues, this is obvious.
If they were to debate on what it takes to build a skyscraper, would anyone expect HRC to do well?
Before people give the obvious retort of "but he is running for POTUS, she is not running to be a General Contractor", let me point out that the majority of Trumps supporters are such because he is not part of the corrupt political system. His voter base likes that he is not a career politician.
Trumps strength is putting together a team of competent individuals, who know how to get things done in an effective, efficient manner.
The Clinton Machine, nor politicians in general, do nothing efficiently, and rarely effectively.
For HRC's supporters, rejoice that she knows more about foreign policy than Trump. Have fun with it. Revel in it. Consider it an argument as to why Trump is not fit to be POTUS. None of this can be disputed.
Do all of this while ignoring the fact that HRC is a well documented liar, deceiver, and deeply corrupt.
IMO, anyone who puts forth an argument for either candidate, is delusional