I just finished perusing the
arabsingles.com site (sponsored By the good folks at CD Newsletter)
Simply too much hair in unwanted places happening there for my taste, but to each their own.
The screening process you speak of is in place, and we should all assume it has been effective for the most part.
The issue with the "7 countries" is that there is limited government oversight within those countries, which creates little knowledge of who is doing what. Couple that with a lack of US intel out of those countries, and sprinkle in a general lack of information sharing between those countries and the US, and it all equals a less than effective vetting process.
No doubt there are articles written on this which would attempt to refute what I just wrote. Said articles would be written by biased authors.
There are also articles written that would support what I just wrote, and they are also written by biased authors.
Thus, no need to post links for or against my thoughts.
I simply try to apply common sense ... common sense tells me there is an argument to be made for a 90 day halt of refugees, until an attempt at a more effective vetting process can be established.
Common sense also tell me that this will not happen in 90 days, maybe not even in 90 years.
I do not agree with the "ban" ... but I can understand the side which supports it, just as I understand the side that opposes it.
Regardless of sides, I remain adamantly opposed to anyone rioting, or verbally/physically attacking someone else for the crime of having a different OPINION.
It is my observations, that it is the liberals who engage in this behavior much more so than conservatives.
It is not only wrong, it is disturbing.
It would be nice if a few of the democratic leaders would publicly, and regularly denounce this type of behavior. It seems to me they tend to incite it.
Too late, the 9th Circuit Court, Liberal Democrats and the Nutty Left have a 500 lb millstone attached on their necks, the 9th is now planning a “in bank” hearing to hear the case AGAIN. President Trump said no and walked away, letting the AG and Secretary of State with existing laws in the books to take care of the issue. How bad this is you wonder? The 3 Judges could be fired or impeached and/or the whole 9th circuit can be dissolved or broken up. Then you add Senator Charles “Chuck U” Schumer calling the 9th Circuit and screaming at them for putting them in the box prior to the 2018 midterm elections. In other words if there is a Foreign or Domestic terrorism with US citizens killed, maimed, or injured, THEY ARE NOW RESPONSIBLE PERIOD, END OF STORY!!!!!!
Trump is not playing any games,he's just getting started!!!