Quote Originally Posted by Circus_Bettor:
This fake impeachment stuff is full of IRONY.
Like has anyone else noticed what the major players and drivers all have in common?
and this Ukrainian/"American" Lt Col Vindman?
These three all share a common religion!
I am not allowed to mention what religion it is, for I will be banned. IT IS FORBIDDEN to make connections to the religious and cult group leanings of these people, because this particular religion has a special status in the media, and all social media platforms. They are so talented and they bless humanity with all of their talents, like Spielberg, Weinstein, Woody Allen, and so many comedians, Hollywood talent, CNN, and their on air talent, like Wolf Blitzer. They dominate all media and certainly Goldman Sachs and many major banking institutions. We are so blessed to have their talents!
It would be dark and disparaging of me to point out their religion, as if they all had unifying goals and talking points and decided them in focused groups in an organized and well financed way, like "open borders" and "infinity immigration (no set numbers)," or proxy wars (Iraq, Syria...) and 30 billion dollars in aid every year that ultimately benefit a new aspiring nation in the middle east (I cannot name this nation, for it is strictly forbidden).
I just find it all heavily ironic.
Nadler, Schumer, Adam Schiff, and this Ukranian guy....soooo ironic.
I am enjoying the show. I hope it reaches a cresecendo!
Turn off Fox News dude , leave the CULT
Our lunatic President stood on the white House lawn and begged a foreign country to investigate a political opponent ....
Like Mulvaney said " It Happened" ...
Get your popcorn ready for the televised impeachment ....
Wish Trump Good luck with those fraud indictment charges from the SDNY once he is removed