Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
This isn't the German Shepherd that has been properly trained to be with an ex-soldier who did 3 bloody tours in Desert Storm that has night terrors or the 7 year old that was whipped daily and kept in a cage, we're talking about "safe space" spoiled snowflakes
Except he didn't just list war vets with PTSD or the child that was tortured, he listed people with anxiety disorders (likely severe), people who suffer from sexual abuse at any age, particularly women like one here (do you know this ANYTHING of this person's history?), people who are mentally ill (which is far more prevalent in society than realized and this is a person clearly trying to mitigate that with a service dog).
And what do you choose to do?
Turn the only people who should have service dogs into Arnold Schwarzeneggar from the Predator or the disabled or children, and everyone else is 'a snowflake' who needs a 'safe space'.
YOU Gimmee, are what's wrong with society (along with your massive homogenous ilk here) because your hypermasculine facade IS the problem, NOT the service dog.
And I've said this a million times: the posters here go after minorities (particularly blacks) and any segment of society they deem inferior with aggression and defamation (calling them snowflakes and berating them like you have is a PERFECT example) because of some shortcoming in your own life. And that is where the facade comes from because of a variety of things:
-lack of sex
-lack of attention from the opposite sex
-falling testosterone levels
-failing to live up to ideals in life
It's all here. You are one of the above? You are all of the above?
But the problem isn't the service dog or the owner. That's obvious.
Great response DJ. 

Wow. Leave it to Scal to shoehorn "minorities" (particularly blacks) and "male sexuality" into this thread. Surprised there wasn't a "Trump" and a "Decade Of Dominance" thrown in to complete the "Stupidfecta".....
Oh, and I I love the - (do you know this ANYTHING of this person's history?)
I don't HAVE to know anything about this person's history - the video and the facts speak a million words. Somehow this "poor unfortunate soul" with "anxiety issues" and "PTSD" from some "traumatic childhood event" or something who now requires a "service animal" to even cope with life - somehow, someway was able to dig deep and muster up enough strength and through the grace of God, managed to:
Put on a mask/bandana to shield her face, go to a volatile protest with all the other Antifa terrorist goons with full intent on starting a riot, then start it by fighting with the police, use said "service dog" as a shield, escape custody once, finally get caught again, then, and only then, start crying about her beloved "service animal".....
Now, I'm no shrink, but I'd say based on all those actions, she's cured of whatever "anxiety issues" she had in the first place to even require a "comfort animal". Mission Accomplished!

{But the problem isn't the service dog or the owner. That's obvious.}
Well, at least you got that statement half right.....
Good luck on your picks