This to understand the way this man thinks as he became the vice president.
Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, let me begin by thanking the leaders for
their kind comments. It is true that I have been here a long time, I
say to my friend from Kentucky. As a matter of fact, I say to my friend
from Hawaii, I remember the first time I stood on the floor as a
Senator of the United States. It was the desk directly to your left,
SenatoSenator, the top row, second in. It was temporarily my desk. I remember
standing and being told that the desk on my right was the desk of Henry Clay and on my left Daniel Webster because the senior Senators from the
respective States got those desks. I say to my friend from California,
itit was the only time I can remember being speechless when I stood
there, as a 30-year-old kid, thinking: Oh, my God.
Well, I never thought I would be standing here today. I never
believed serving in this Chamber was my destiny, but it always was a
big part of my dreams.
I remember vividly the first time I walked in this Chamber, I walked
through those doors, but I walked through those doors as a 21-year-old
touristtourist. I had been down visiting some of my friends at Georgetown
University. I went to the University of Delaware. I had a blind date
with a young lady from a school they used to call Visi Visitation--
which is now part of Georgetown. My good friend, a guy named Dave
Walsh, was there. After the evening, staying at his apartment, I got up
and--I shouldn't say this probably, but I will--I don't drink. Not for
moral reasons, I just never had a drink. There is nothing worse than
being a sober guy with a bunch of college guys who have a hangover the
next morning.
So I got up and decided to get in the car--this is a true story,
Senator Carper--and I drove up to the Capitol. I had always been as fascinated with it. In those days, you could literally drive right upuptoto the front steps. I was 21 years old. This was 1963. I say to my
riend from Iowa, I drove up to the steps and there had been a rare
Saturday session. It had just ended. So I walked up the steps, found
myself in front of what we call the elevators, and I walked to the
ghght to the Reception Room. There was no one there. The glass doors,those French doors that lead behind the Chamber, were open. There were
nno signs then. I just walked