Quote Originally Posted by esplanade:
Wow. The three stooges. Which of the hefty women in the video are you? There are clues, but help us out.
I am going to help you out, but first of all it should be stated for the record that there is no teaching or learning for the willfully uneducated.
Secondly, your essay response was a failure. You might be under the impression that ignoring a question lends you some kind of freedom or power, then you respond with tonic sarcasm or something under the pretense of a witty comment (which is a challenge for you).
You are an unintelligent right wing naysayer, a moron, and the intelligent conservatives are embarrassed to count you within their ranks, and secretly wish you were an idealized liberal.
It is duly noted that my writing this way is directed to someone far above your 3rd grade level of ability, so i will turn it down a notch and address you in a language you more easily recognize on a daily basis--sailor talk.
You are a complete fucking imbecile and a tool used by the powers that be. Let's use the most current Presidents as an example, since going back in history will leave you too confused.
Bush Dubbya used 700 billion dollars of our "good ol taxpayers'" money to bail out corporations that were "too big to fail." uh, listen up dickwad: He doesn't really believe in a FREE MARKET ECONOMY does he? He is bailing out his "freinds" , get it?
Then Pres Obama follows suit, printing more money for failed institutions that should be allowed to sink--so that a better company can take its place. No. We saved the sinking institutions because our government likes to save stupidity and mediocrity and have us pay for it.
Pres Obama promised a withdrawal from Iraq, but that was bullshit fodder for a middle class tired of hearing about Iraq, tired of paying for it, tired of seeing how that country is a complete mess, tired of our soldiers dying over there. Guess what shit for brains (directed now at all the middle class)? The Pentagon will withdraw when it wants to. Neither Bush nor Cheney nor Obama have any say in that. They are puppets. They are moving along the time schedule they have previously set and will alter that when they are ready for it. And Obama is escalating the Afghanistan takeover--there are rich poppy fields that CIA operatives can use (a few of them) and have a continous supply line of "free money" for their covert operations. Oh, that's news to you isn't it? You didn't hear about any "War on Drugs" or Eradication Plan" did you? Of course not. The CIA doesn't throw away opportunities like that! They still run drugs in Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia. They still run drugs into our own country from S. America. They have a DEA (which is a disguise to arrest only the "other guys'" stash). If someone uses drugs, it should be their problem--a medical problem to be treated by a Doctor. This is how it is successfully approached in Great Britain, Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, and many other countries. It is NOT the government's mess to interfere in--UNLESS THEY HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN IT.Corruption is everywhere and 'Joe Blow American is blind' to it, and even takes the side of Fox News to defend the corrupt entities--like a parasite is on their brain (which isn't far from the truth).
So Iran is next. Pres Obama and Hillary (vis a vis the CIA) are threatening Iran more than Bush Dubbya. You see the timeline is nearing for action. Iran is now conveniently surrounded by our air bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not an Arab state so they will be isolated in the region. They are easy pickings. The Pentagon used up their entire cruise missile supply in the Iraq weapons display (that was not a WAR, as a war requires TWO armies, not one). When these supplies are replenished, and a newer generation of weapons can be tested, then the CIA will pull the strings for a new weapons display on Iran Let the games begin! Fox News and Constantly Negative News will bring us all the action with their "embedded reporters." We won't see 100s of thousands of civilans die--who gives a shit anyway? And we will get weapons decriptions by Hoover Institution and ex'generals (CIA) for our public consumption.
Obama will not be deciding that one either.
Obama and Bush Dubya are spokespersons. If you like a Texas drawl, than go for it. If you like a liberal intellectual like Obama, hey, enjoy the music. Neither of them make decisions that really matter.
Medicaire, obamacare, stimulus packages, "free money" at tax return time, "socialized medicine" or "socialized economy, is just a big fucking circus.
It is a comedy for me, not a tragedy. When it all falls down (and it will oneday) then a new nation will rise up. It will start off on the right track, then it will degenerate into corruption and self-interest-as always happens over and over again.
All we need to do is have worse and worse puppets to reveal it for what it is. More actors, maybe athletes, weight lifters, pro=wrestlers, more cowboys, maybe some femme fatal types like Sarah Palin, dingbat Bible people like a Jimmy Carter type who will do things "as Jesus would do..." This is all coming. Enjoy the show.