President Obama says Republicans will "never be satisfied" by the amount of border protection he has ordered.
"Even though we've answered these concerns, I've got to say I suspect there's still some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. You know, they said 'we needed to triple the border patrol.' Well, now they're going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied. I understand. That's politics. But the truth is the measures we put in place are getting results," President Obama said in El Paso, Texas today.
To remove first post, remove entire topic.
President Obama says Republicans will "never be satisfied" by the amount of border protection he has ordered.
"Even though we've answered these concerns, I've got to say I suspect there's still some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. You know, they said 'we needed to triple the border patrol.' Well, now they're going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied. I understand. That's politics. But the truth is the measures we put in place are getting results," President Obama said in El Paso, Texas today.
so as our president continued his whirlwind campaign cash pick up trips, he whipped up some latino support with a mockery of the gop as well as the closed border people.
of course, the president will never actually reform immigration now but he is still more preferable to the gop or closed border bogeymen.
the gop of course likes the money from cheap labor.
the closed border folks, well i mostly agree with them(although i favor a major guest worker program geared toward citizenship for those in and employed)
ironically, it would seem that the dems would love nothing more than to turn the hispanic population in to a welfare entitled community as was done to the black community by LBJ.
in the meantime, mr post racial himself is playing to a sub 100 iq type of emotion in the hopes of en masse voting.
beware, the hard working, morally ethical race of hispanics that i am highly familar with is no more incorruptible that the morally ethical hard working blacks of the 50's and 60's that saw their kids breed prodigiously out of wedlock for financial gain....and slavery of a different kind has ensued.
well theres my rant.
so as our president continued his whirlwind campaign cash pick up trips, he whipped up some latino support with a mockery of the gop as well as the closed border people.
of course, the president will never actually reform immigration now but he is still more preferable to the gop or closed border bogeymen.
the gop of course likes the money from cheap labor.
the closed border folks, well i mostly agree with them(although i favor a major guest worker program geared toward citizenship for those in and employed)
ironically, it would seem that the dems would love nothing more than to turn the hispanic population in to a welfare entitled community as was done to the black community by LBJ.
in the meantime, mr post racial himself is playing to a sub 100 iq type of emotion in the hopes of en masse voting.
beware, the hard working, morally ethical race of hispanics that i am highly familar with is no more incorruptible that the morally ethical hard working blacks of the 50's and 60's that saw their kids breed prodigiously out of wedlock for financial gain....and slavery of a different kind has ensued.
Obama will relent and go for the alligator or crocodile scenario.....and then the Repubs will turn around and demand sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their frickin' heads.
The madness needs to stop somewhere....
I just know what is going to happen.
Obama will relent and go for the alligator or crocodile scenario.....and then the Repubs will turn around and demand sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their frickin' heads.
nah, methinks a guest worker program. criminals get nasty treatment , workers/families get decent not great treatment.
what i am really after here is debate about my contention of trying to create another entitled race through welfare? is that racist of me to think that? i dont think so but thats a tough topic to self reflect on.
am i correct and if so, how can a population with some much good and potential be brought forward in a healthy fashion. is get out of the way and muzzle the social engineers a good thing or just approve the social engineers we like(dubious thought).
we will be privvy to the battle for the very soul of the hispanic population based on how this shakes out IMO.
lasers, brilliant.
nah, methinks a guest worker program. criminals get nasty treatment , workers/families get decent not great treatment.
what i am really after here is debate about my contention of trying to create another entitled race through welfare? is that racist of me to think that? i dont think so but thats a tough topic to self reflect on.
am i correct and if so, how can a population with some much good and potential be brought forward in a healthy fashion. is get out of the way and muzzle the social engineers a good thing or just approve the social engineers we like(dubious thought).
we will be privvy to the battle for the very soul of the hispanic population based on how this shakes out IMO.
reminds me of a trivia question i asked here a while back. according to an unscientific poll of illegal immigrants conducted by clubdirt, what is the number one concern of illegal immigrants as they cross over? i believe captain got it right. snakes.
reminds me of a trivia question i asked here a while back. according to an unscientific poll of illegal immigrants conducted by clubdirt, what is the number one concern of illegal immigrants as they cross over? i believe captain got it right. snakes.
It was a funny statement, I definitely laughed. I also laughed when he came in to the correspondence dinner to the Hulk Hogan Theme and a picture of his birth certificate over the American flag. That shit was hilarious , and I was howling. If you missed it
The border isn't a joke, and while his exaggerations were funny they were also pretty typical and a bit "par for the course". It is strange to me that he feels that he needs to follow up Bin Laden's assassination so quickly, to tackle a hot button issue like this, but it is pretty clear he is looking to expand the voting pool, if not for himself, then for the party.
He looks very strong right now after taking down Public enemy #1, it is politically retarded for him to appear to be weakening our very sovereignty through some half assed measure at the border. Who knows maybe he has an ace up his sleeve.
The # of border agents is going to be talked about a lot. Obama did increase them. That, in my opinion was a good change. It is the overall reluctance to uphold the laws of the land, and the constitutional charge of defending Americans that is the problem. I think that has always been the problem. A president that passes legislation like the DREAM act is clearly looking out for votes and not the safety and solvency of his own countrymen.
It was a funny statement, I definitely laughed. I also laughed when he came in to the correspondence dinner to the Hulk Hogan Theme and a picture of his birth certificate over the American flag. That shit was hilarious , and I was howling. If you missed it
The border isn't a joke, and while his exaggerations were funny they were also pretty typical and a bit "par for the course". It is strange to me that he feels that he needs to follow up Bin Laden's assassination so quickly, to tackle a hot button issue like this, but it is pretty clear he is looking to expand the voting pool, if not for himself, then for the party.
He looks very strong right now after taking down Public enemy #1, it is politically retarded for him to appear to be weakening our very sovereignty through some half assed measure at the border. Who knows maybe he has an ace up his sleeve.
The # of border agents is going to be talked about a lot. Obama did increase them. That, in my opinion was a good change. It is the overall reluctance to uphold the laws of the land, and the constitutional charge of defending Americans that is the problem. I think that has always been the problem. A president that passes legislation like the DREAM act is clearly looking out for votes and not the safety and solvency of his own countrymen.
Every other country in the world takes their citizenship seriously, it is a bit pathetic that ours seems to be a non-issue, or something that we sweep under the carpet.
It is modern day slavery, it is illegal, and morally reprehensible. Any act that moves forward with normalizing governmental relations, and extends taxpayer dollars to any of these criminals is despicable.
Every other country in the world takes their citizenship seriously, it is a bit pathetic that ours seems to be a non-issue, or something that we sweep under the carpet.
It is modern day slavery, it is illegal, and morally reprehensible. Any act that moves forward with normalizing governmental relations, and extends taxpayer dollars to any of these criminals is despicable.
that hulkster thing was a scream. i thought of acerubrum's avatar.
the president is unlikely to advance any social agendas that weaken his favorite status for 2012. wouldnt be surprise to see all sorts of interesting maneuvers from dems/gops from now on out. its campaign time baby and anything goes in money and powerville.
immigration reform is a loser for both sides in some fashion...ironic that our nations interests dont coincide with either parties agenda when it comes to this topic.
yes everyone takes theirs seriously.
that hulkster thing was a scream. i thought of acerubrum's avatar.
the president is unlikely to advance any social agendas that weaken his favorite status for 2012. wouldnt be surprise to see all sorts of interesting maneuvers from dems/gops from now on out. its campaign time baby and anything goes in money and powerville.
immigration reform is a loser for both sides in some fashion...ironic that our nations interests dont coincide with either parties agenda when it comes to this topic.
this nation has a long tradition of immigrants arriving to build a better life, + at different times the country will require different levels of immigration. a majority of the american people want all immigrants to go through the "front door," + they want the government to be sensitive to changing economic conditions. when the government fails to secure the u.s' border with mexico, it allows new diseases to spread unchecked into the country, + mexican drug cartels to conduct military operations inside the u.s, amongst a host of other preventable concerns.
law abiding individuals that desire to enter the country legally are subject to immigration red tape. while making the process a nightmare for the group of law abiding individuals in line, the neglect in policy to deter law breakers entering illegally rewards their actions. once illegal immigrants arrive in the u.s, they either try to make a living legally (by directly competing with blue collar american workers for jobs + driving their wages down) or illegally, through involvement in criminal activity. this kind of behavior should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship.
the vast majority of illegal immigrants contribute no federal or state income taxes + they never intend to. at the same time, they take advantage of the free social services + benefits offered to them. the u.s' needs an immigration policy that insists that everyone come in through the front door. in addition, one that can set immigration levels that the u.s' economy can handle.
the economy is struggling, millions of americans are out of work, forty-four million are on food stamps + forty-seven million are living in poverty. common sense does not grant amnesty to all of the illegal immigrants already here + put them on a path to citizenship. which will embolden more illegal immigrants to follow the same method of arrival.
america has tightly secured the border between south korea + north korea for over fifty years, + could secure its own borders if targeted as a priority. in the aftermath of the death of bin laden, the face of al-qaeda, there is another threat across the southern border. over the past fifteen to twenty years, hezbollah has set up operations across mexico, central + south america. hezbollah is making lucrative money involved in the drug trade + in trafficking illegal aliens. whether it is the latter or one of the many issues that force u.s' taxpayers to fund illegal immigrant activities, citizens need an immigration policy that makes sense + that protects american jobs from a factor that contributes to the erosion of the middle class.
this nation has a long tradition of immigrants arriving to build a better life, + at different times the country will require different levels of immigration. a majority of the american people want all immigrants to go through the "front door," + they want the government to be sensitive to changing economic conditions. when the government fails to secure the u.s' border with mexico, it allows new diseases to spread unchecked into the country, + mexican drug cartels to conduct military operations inside the u.s, amongst a host of other preventable concerns.
law abiding individuals that desire to enter the country legally are subject to immigration red tape. while making the process a nightmare for the group of law abiding individuals in line, the neglect in policy to deter law breakers entering illegally rewards their actions. once illegal immigrants arrive in the u.s, they either try to make a living legally (by directly competing with blue collar american workers for jobs + driving their wages down) or illegally, through involvement in criminal activity. this kind of behavior should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship.
the vast majority of illegal immigrants contribute no federal or state income taxes + they never intend to. at the same time, they take advantage of the free social services + benefits offered to them. the u.s' needs an immigration policy that insists that everyone come in through the front door. in addition, one that can set immigration levels that the u.s' economy can handle.
the economy is struggling, millions of americans are out of work, forty-four million are on food stamps + forty-seven million are living in poverty. common sense does not grant amnesty to all of the illegal immigrants already here + put them on a path to citizenship. which will embolden more illegal immigrants to follow the same method of arrival.
america has tightly secured the border between south korea + north korea for over fifty years, + could secure its own borders if targeted as a priority. in the aftermath of the death of bin laden, the face of al-qaeda, there is another threat across the southern border. over the past fifteen to twenty years, hezbollah has set up operations across mexico, central + south america. hezbollah is making lucrative money involved in the drug trade + in trafficking illegal aliens. whether it is the latter or one of the many issues that force u.s' taxpayers to fund illegal immigrant activities, citizens need an immigration policy that makes sense + that protects american jobs from a factor that contributes to the erosion of the middle class.
Illegals are the reason Cali is bankrupt and BHO will say anything to get a 2nd term and since it will be his last he'll forget all he promised his followers and just have fun on our Tax $$$$$$'s.
Illegals are the reason Cali is bankrupt and BHO will say anything to get a 2nd term and since it will be his last he'll forget all he promised his followers and just have fun on our Tax $$$$$$'s.
Illegals are the reason Cali is bankrupt and BHO will say anything to get a 2nd term and since it will be his last he'll forget all he promised his followers and just have fun on our Tax $$$$$$'s.
those all are my thoughts
Quote Originally Posted by ApacheM:
Illegals are the reason Cali is bankrupt and BHO will say anything to get a 2nd term and since it will be his last he'll forget all he promised his followers and just have fun on our Tax $$$$$$'s.
"law abiding individuals that desire to enter the country legally are subject to immigration red tape. while making the process a nightmare for the group of law abiding individuals in line, the neglect in policy to deter law breakers entering illegally rewards their actions."
aint that the sad truth
from hoodwink
"law abiding individuals that desire to enter the country legally are subject to immigration red tape. while making the process a nightmare for the group of law abiding individuals in line, the neglect in policy to deter law breakers entering illegally rewards their actions."
this nation has a long tradition of immigrants arriving to build a better life, + at different times the country will require different levels of immigration. a majority of the american people want all immigrants to go through the "front door," + they want the government to be sensitive to changing economic conditions. when the government fails to secure the u.s' border with mexico, it allows new diseases to spread unchecked into the country, + mexican drug cartels to conduct military operations inside the u.s, amongst a host of other preventable concerns.
law abiding individuals that desire to enter the country legally are subject to immigration red tape. while making the process a nightmare for the group of law abiding individuals in line, the neglect in policy to deter law breakers entering illegally rewards their actions. once illegal immigrants arrive in the u.s, they either try to make a living legally (by directly competing with blue collar american workers for jobs + driving their wages down) or illegally, through involvement in criminal activity. this kind of behavior should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship.
the vast majority of illegal immigrants contribute no federal or state income taxes + they never intend to. at the same time, they take advantage of the free social services + benefits offered to them. the u.s' needs an immigration policy that insists that everyone come in through the front door. in addition, one that can set immigration levels that the u.s' economy can handle.
the economy is struggling, millions of americans are out of work, forty-four million are on food stamps + forty-seven million are living in poverty. common sense does not grant amnesty to all of the illegal immigrants already here + put them on a path to citizenship. which will embolden more illegal immigrants to follow the same method of arrival.
america has tightly secured the border between south korea + north korea for over fifty years, + could secure its own borders if targeted as a priority. in the aftermath of the death of bin laden, the face of al-qaeda, there is another threat across the southern border. over the past fifteen to twenty years, hezbollah has set up operations across mexico, central + south america. hezbollah is making lucrative money involved in the drug trade + in trafficking illegal aliens. whether it is the latter or one of the many issues that force u.s' taxpayers to fund illegal immigrant activities, citizens need an immigration policy that makes sense + that protects american jobs from a factor that contributes to the erosion of the middle class.
Quote Originally Posted by Hoodwink:
this nation has a long tradition of immigrants arriving to build a better life, + at different times the country will require different levels of immigration. a majority of the american people want all immigrants to go through the "front door," + they want the government to be sensitive to changing economic conditions. when the government fails to secure the u.s' border with mexico, it allows new diseases to spread unchecked into the country, + mexican drug cartels to conduct military operations inside the u.s, amongst a host of other preventable concerns.
law abiding individuals that desire to enter the country legally are subject to immigration red tape. while making the process a nightmare for the group of law abiding individuals in line, the neglect in policy to deter law breakers entering illegally rewards their actions. once illegal immigrants arrive in the u.s, they either try to make a living legally (by directly competing with blue collar american workers for jobs + driving their wages down) or illegally, through involvement in criminal activity. this kind of behavior should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship.
the vast majority of illegal immigrants contribute no federal or state income taxes + they never intend to. at the same time, they take advantage of the free social services + benefits offered to them. the u.s' needs an immigration policy that insists that everyone come in through the front door. in addition, one that can set immigration levels that the u.s' economy can handle.
the economy is struggling, millions of americans are out of work, forty-four million are on food stamps + forty-seven million are living in poverty. common sense does not grant amnesty to all of the illegal immigrants already here + put them on a path to citizenship. which will embolden more illegal immigrants to follow the same method of arrival.
america has tightly secured the border between south korea + north korea for over fifty years, + could secure its own borders if targeted as a priority. in the aftermath of the death of bin laden, the face of al-qaeda, there is another threat across the southern border. over the past fifteen to twenty years, hezbollah has set up operations across mexico, central + south america. hezbollah is making lucrative money involved in the drug trade + in trafficking illegal aliens. whether it is the latter or one of the many issues that force u.s' taxpayers to fund illegal immigrant activities, citizens need an immigration policy that makes sense + that protects american jobs from a factor that contributes to the erosion of the middle class.
that hulkster thing was a scream. i thought of acerubrum's avatar.
the president is unlikely to advance any social agendas that weaken his favorite status for 2012. wouldnt be surprise to see all sorts of interesting maneuvers from dems/gops from now on out. its campaign time baby and anything goes in money and powerville.
immigration reform is a loser for both sides in some fashion...ironic that our nations interests dont coincide with either parties agenda when it comes to this topic.
On a related note, I had the pleasure of recently viewing a Norman Rockwell exhibit at a local art gallery.
That man had quite the talent.
When art is spoofed, it generally speaks to the longevity of the artist.
Quote Originally Posted by drJ:
yes everyone takes theirs seriously.
that hulkster thing was a scream. i thought of acerubrum's avatar.
the president is unlikely to advance any social agendas that weaken his favorite status for 2012. wouldnt be surprise to see all sorts of interesting maneuvers from dems/gops from now on out. its campaign time baby and anything goes in money and powerville.
immigration reform is a loser for both sides in some fashion...ironic that our nations interests dont coincide with either parties agenda when it comes to this topic.
On a related note, I had the pleasure of recently viewing a Norman Rockwell exhibit at a local art gallery.
That man had quite the talent.
When art is spoofed, it generally speaks to the longevity of the artist.
Illegals are the reason Cali is bankrupt and BHO will say anything to get a 2nd term and since it will be his last he'll forget all he promised his followers and just have fun on our Tax $$$$$$'s.
You havent researched enough obviously.
California's conservatives love to point at the illegals as the ills to everything, just like Arizona does..both groups are wrong.
Quote Originally Posted by ApacheM:
Illegals are the reason Cali is bankrupt and BHO will say anything to get a 2nd term and since it will be his last he'll forget all he promised his followers and just have fun on our Tax $$$$$$'s.
You havent researched enough obviously.
California's conservatives love to point at the illegals as the ills to everything, just like Arizona does..both groups are wrong.
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