...Yet, such foolishness seems to have infected the Democratic Party, with its now near-ubiquitous "Fight For $15" campaign. As a piece in IBD highlighted right after the Democratic Party Convention's call for a massive hike in the minimum wage, forcing sharply higher wages on troubled local economies where the median wage is low can have a devastating effect.
"The most absurd plank to appear in either party's platform this year is the Democrats' call to 'raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour over time and index it,' " wrote Oren Cass, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of "Is A $15 Federal Minimum Wage Appropriate?" "It is policy written for the nation's very wealthiest enclaves, but incoherent for economically distressed regions."
The tragic irony of this is that those who are worst hurt by a higher minimum wage are those with little education or training, mostly minorities, immigrants and the young. They get priced right out of the labor market by the well-meaning nanny-staters who want to impose a one-size-fits-all minimum wage on the entire country — regardless of the damage it does...