So, big daddy don "saved" 700 jobs at Carrier a year ago and all his little azz kissers from Pence on down acted like he had just saved the American economy, right? Fast forward a year. Over 600 of the jobs "saved" are gone anyway and there is no optimism they are coming back. To Indiana, Mexico or anywhere else.
big daddy don got his media boost and lipprints on his rear as intended, and now it is "payback" time, at the expense of the American taxpayer, of course. Eisenhower warned your grandfather about the growing (like a cancer) military-industrial complex and three generations since then have slid right into it.
The only people proud of this sh/t are G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Halliburton. "Birds of a feather" you know.
Warren Buffett is not "that kind of guy", but I doubt he will be ashamed of the $29 Billion in tax savings at Berkshire Hathaway this year. Oh yeah, big daddy don can bankrupt the future, and arrange a few little panaceas for the peasants, but when it comes to real big time money he knows how to redirect it where he wants it. All the corporate bonuses to date are not a pimple on an elephants arse compared to the redirection of wealth to the top 1%. You folks are settling for a slice of moldy bread, while he takes the wealthiest out for lobster and filet mignon.
Now, get busy and figure out how this is all Obama's or Hillary's fault. There must be a way to rationalize it. There is everything else.
FOR THE RECORD: I am an independent that voted for Trump. Don't try to pin a "liberal" or "Democrat" or "Hillary fan" tag on me. Just wake up and smell the coffee. If you got what you bargained for you made a bad deal. I know I did.