Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
Quote Originally Posted by DeezyAZ81: I know you need mental help, but what is difficult for you to understand? That I was hopeful Rittenhouse would be convicted, or that I wasn't surprised he got off with that judge and awful prosecution team? Not very difficult to comprehend. You laughed at everyone that was saying Rittenhouse would be found not guilty. You stated incorrect facts about the case. People tried to educate you and you mocked them. Then he is found not guilty. Now you’re saying you knew he would be found not guilty. People like yourself should only be allowed to ask questions. Then we have Fubah … this ninny copy and pastes CNN and thinks he’s a reporter.
What incorrect facts did I state about the case? Please highlight them. You made $hit up about the trial to fit your narrative. I was rooting for a Rittenhouse conviction as the trial was occurring, but realized the prosecution botched the case in real time. You made $hit up daily to support Rittenhouse, lying about his ties to Wisconsin, lying about why gun charges were dismissed by the judge, claiming they were dropped because "Rittenhouse didn't break the law", which was not what the judge concluded or stated in court at all.
No I was not surprised that Rittenhouse was found NOT Guilty, just DISAPPOINTED. However, it was not a shocking result, considering the poor prosecution, the jury makeup, and the State of Wisconsin with loose, vague gun laws, which are likely to be changed now.
You were right about the outcome for once, and? 99% of the other things you post on this site are BS and false predictions.
Example: 2020 election in which you continuously predicted a Trump landslide, and mocked those voting for and supporting Biden.
Even after Trump's loss you falsely and regularly claimed the outcome was shady because the election was rigged or full of fraud with no evidence to fit your twisted narrative, just because the fat boy you support lost.
You think 9-11 was a conspiracy.
You once stated to me that institutional racism no longer exists because racial discrimination is illegal and businesses and corporations would get fined heavily if they engaged in such practices. 
I attached numerous recent articles highlighting racial discrimination by big banks like Wells Fargo and million dollar lawsuits being settling by the bank for housing loan lending discrimination against minorities, and of course you had no rebuttal.
Out of the all the ridiculous $hit you post, that is one of the dumbest statements anyone has ever made in this forum, which says a lot.
As if corporations and big businesses don't break laws on a regular basis with little or no consequences. 
I could go on and on about the type of dumb $hit you post regularly, but most here are familiar with your idiotic posts.
The fact you cheer for and idolize moronic Rittenhouse as some type of conservative hero shows the world the type of person you are, as if we needed any other proof. 
Have a good day kid