After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
Hillary helped those who killed her son (both sides!) but his focus is on anti ISLAMIC TERRORIST rhetoric. What a Douschebag ! This Muslim shiet is the problem on our world, and Trump is the answer . The answer is getting resistance from behind and those waiting in the shadows.
Hillary helped those who killed her son (both sides!) but his focus is on anti ISLAMIC TERRORIST rhetoric. What a Douschebag ! This Muslim shiet is the problem on our world, and Trump is the answer . The answer is getting resistance from behind and those waiting in the shadows.
That is because the story was made up. The picture is of repossessed planes from another of Trump's string of business failures. The BANK that repoed the planes used to charter flights from Lejeune. The pictures are from after Trump defaulted on the loans and the bank repoed the planes.
That is because the story was made up. The picture is of repossessed planes from another of Trump's string of business failures. The BANK that repoed the planes used to charter flights from Lejeune. The pictures are from after Trump defaulted on the loans and the bank repoed the planes. Hillary is the devil, we all know it.
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
It's fun watching you pretend like you aren't a racist, right wing extremist wacko.
Quote Originally Posted by Relax_Dude: Hillary is the devil, we all know it.
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
It's fun watching you pretend like you aren't a racist, right wing extremist wacko. Hillary is the devil, we all know it.
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
blame yourself and others who allowed the dumpster fire that is the GOP to get to a point where Trump is their candidate.
Quote Originally Posted by Relax_Dude: Hillary is the devil, we all know it.
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
blame yourself and others who allowed the dumpster fire that is the GOP to get to a point where Trump is their candidate.
1) Democrats commit fraud in elections (get dead people to "vote again"), disallow id checks before voting to maximize fraud, non citizens to vote (see North Carolina), allow open borders and ease of voter registration in all border states to maximize latino and registered democrat voting===RACIST
2) Coalition of blacks, latinos, arab muslims, leftist socialists==RACIST
3) Khan was paid by the DNC and has ties to Hillary and believes in sharia law===RACIST
4) control borders===RACIST
5) control muslim immigration===RACIST
6) America First===RACIST
7) Fair Trade===RACIST
8) Protect law enforcement officers===RACIST
9) Bill Clinto stalked, raped molested over 19 women===RACIST
10) deals were made to keep Hillary from being indicted===RACIST
11) Hillary accepted foreign donations in a pay-for-play scam===RACIST
12) Hillary paid $400 million dollar ransom to Iran===RACIST
13) Hillary committed perjury about Benghazi and email scandals===RACIST
14) The sky is blue===RACIST
Smug Liberal Fascist Programmed Response :
1) Democrats commit fraud in elections (get dead people to "vote again"), disallow id checks before voting to maximize fraud, non citizens to vote (see North Carolina), allow open borders and ease of voter registration in all border states to maximize latino and registered democrat voting===RACIST
2) Coalition of blacks, latinos, arab muslims, leftist socialists==RACIST
3) Khan was paid by the DNC and has ties to Hillary and believes in sharia law===RACIST
4) control borders===RACIST
5) control muslim immigration===RACIST
6) America First===RACIST
7) Fair Trade===RACIST
8) Protect law enforcement officers===RACIST
9) Bill Clinto stalked, raped molested over 19 women===RACIST
10) deals were made to keep Hillary from being indicted===RACIST
11) Hillary accepted foreign donations in a pay-for-play scam===RACIST
12) Hillary paid $400 million dollar ransom to Iran===RACIST
13) Hillary committed perjury about Benghazi and email scandals===RACIST
1) Democrats commit fraud in elections (get dead people to "vote again"), disallow id checks before voting to maximize fraud, non citizens to vote (see North Carolina), allow open borders and ease of voter registration in all border states to maximize latino and registered democrat voting===RACIST
2) Coalition of blacks, latinos, arab muslims, leftist socialists==RACIST
3) Khan was paid by the DNC and has ties to Hillary and believes in sharia law===RACIST
4) control borders===RACIST
5) control muslim immigration===RACIST
6) America First===RACIST
7) Fair Trade===RACIST
8) Protect law enforcement officers===RACIST
9) Bill Clinto stalked, raped molested over 19 women===RACIST
10) deals were made to keep Hillary from being indicted===RACIST
11) Hillary accepted foreign donations in a pay-for-play scam===RACIST
12) Hillary paid $400 million dollar ransom to Iran===RACIST
13) Hillary committed perjury about Benghazi and email scandals===RACIST
14) The sky is blue===RACIST
Actually, I didn't comment on any of the above, just posts 4 and 5. I realize your education is limited, but try some reading comprehension.
Quote Originally Posted by Relax_Dude:
Smug Liberal Fascist Programmed Response :
1) Democrats commit fraud in elections (get dead people to "vote again"), disallow id checks before voting to maximize fraud, non citizens to vote (see North Carolina), allow open borders and ease of voter registration in all border states to maximize latino and registered democrat voting===RACIST
2) Coalition of blacks, latinos, arab muslims, leftist socialists==RACIST
3) Khan was paid by the DNC and has ties to Hillary and believes in sharia law===RACIST
4) control borders===RACIST
5) control muslim immigration===RACIST
6) America First===RACIST
7) Fair Trade===RACIST
8) Protect law enforcement officers===RACIST
9) Bill Clinto stalked, raped molested over 19 women===RACIST
10) deals were made to keep Hillary from being indicted===RACIST
11) Hillary accepted foreign donations in a pay-for-play scam===RACIST
12) Hillary paid $400 million dollar ransom to Iran===RACIST
13) Hillary committed perjury about Benghazi and email scandals===RACIST
14) The sky is blue===RACIST
Actually, I didn't comment on any of the above, just posts 4 and 5. I realize your education is limited, but try some reading comprehension.
Turn logic on its head if you want to gain control of the weak and feeble minded: A Muslim Pakistani with a HEAVY Pakistani accent, with hijab wearing muted wife behind him, lectures down to Americans with a fake 'Kahnstitution' (the REAL CONSTITUTION allows for the President to ban any group that threatens its citizens ) , and angrily declares that in the Kahnstitution, Crooked Hillary should be allowed to continue unvetted refugees access to your tax dollars , refugees with no more education than the quranic verses, to emigrate to the US by 800%. This is the right thing to do, and Trump didn't lose a son to ISLAMIC TERRORISTS so he can't say anything to me. And libtards listen to those lies, just like Hillarys lies. This country is doomed. It's on a fast track to becoming a non-nation of massive corporate entities who decide the fate of the world--taken away from citizens, from nation hood , from cultural identities ( they become obscured and obliterated by political correctness, lack of will, immigration, o doctrinal ion to "global realities.") This is what a slow fascist takeover looks like, not a Reichstag burning or "Night of the long Messere (knives)". Full control by corporate entities you will never hear about who pay off their puppets.
Turn logic on its head if you want to gain control of the weak and feeble minded: A Muslim Pakistani with a HEAVY Pakistani accent, with hijab wearing muted wife behind him, lectures down to Americans with a fake 'Kahnstitution' (the REAL CONSTITUTION allows for the President to ban any group that threatens its citizens ) , and angrily declares that in the Kahnstitution, Crooked Hillary should be allowed to continue unvetted refugees access to your tax dollars , refugees with no more education than the quranic verses, to emigrate to the US by 800%. This is the right thing to do, and Trump didn't lose a son to ISLAMIC TERRORISTS so he can't say anything to me. And libtards listen to those lies, just like Hillarys lies. This country is doomed. It's on a fast track to becoming a non-nation of massive corporate entities who decide the fate of the world--taken away from citizens, from nation hood , from cultural identities ( they become obscured and obliterated by political correctness, lack of will, immigration, o doctrinal ion to "global realities.") This is what a slow fascist takeover looks like, not a Reichstag burning or "Night of the long Messere (knives)". Full control by corporate entities you will never hear about who pay off their puppets.
Its safe to say that the poster in question is an Islamophobe, racist against blacks, anti-semetic, a bigot, a misogynist, and likely every other form of bigotry against anyone not white nor American.
I'm guessing he is a big fan of David Duke.
Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:
What race is Muslim ?
Its safe to say that the poster in question is an Islamophobe, racist against blacks, anti-semetic, a bigot, a misogynist, and likely every other form of bigotry against anyone not white nor American.
Turn logic on its head if you want to gain control of the weak and feeble minded: A Muslim Pakistani with a HEAVY Pakistani accent, with hijab wearing muted wife behind him, lectures down to Americans with a fake 'Kahnstitution' (the REAL CONSTITUTION allows for the President to ban any group that threatens its citizens ) , and angrily declares that in the Kahnstitution, Crooked Hillary should be allowed to continue unvetted refugees access to your tax dollars , refugees with no more education than the quranic verses, to emigrate to the US by 800%. This is the right thing to do, and Trump didn't lose a son to ISLAMIC TERRORISTS so he can't say anything to me. And libtards listen to those lies, just like Hillarys lies. This country is doomed. It's on a fast track to becoming a non-nation of massive corporate entities who decide the fate of the world--taken away from citizens, from nation hood , from cultural identities ( they become obscured and obliterated by political correctness, lack of will, immigration, o doctrinal ion to "global realities.") This is what a slow fascist takeover looks like, not a Reichstag burning or "Night of the long Messere (knives)". Full control by corporate entities you will never hear about who pay off their puppets.
If you want to see fascism, look in the mirror. You were born 80 years too late and not in Germany which is too bad for you because you would do well in a society run by a leader that inspires his sheep to blame their lot in life on a minority.
Quote Originally Posted by Relax_Dude:
Turn logic on its head if you want to gain control of the weak and feeble minded: A Muslim Pakistani with a HEAVY Pakistani accent, with hijab wearing muted wife behind him, lectures down to Americans with a fake 'Kahnstitution' (the REAL CONSTITUTION allows for the President to ban any group that threatens its citizens ) , and angrily declares that in the Kahnstitution, Crooked Hillary should be allowed to continue unvetted refugees access to your tax dollars , refugees with no more education than the quranic verses, to emigrate to the US by 800%. This is the right thing to do, and Trump didn't lose a son to ISLAMIC TERRORISTS so he can't say anything to me. And libtards listen to those lies, just like Hillarys lies. This country is doomed. It's on a fast track to becoming a non-nation of massive corporate entities who decide the fate of the world--taken away from citizens, from nation hood , from cultural identities ( they become obscured and obliterated by political correctness, lack of will, immigration, o doctrinal ion to "global realities.") This is what a slow fascist takeover looks like, not a Reichstag burning or "Night of the long Messere (knives)". Full control by corporate entities you will never hear about who pay off their puppets.
If you want to see fascism, look in the mirror. You were born 80 years too late and not in Germany which is too bad for you because you would do well in a society run by a leader that inspires his sheep to blame their lot in life on a minority. Hillary is the devil, we all know it.
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
Thought Obama was the devil. Oh, that was the last two elections.
Quote Originally Posted by Relax_Dude: Hillary is the devil, we all know it.
After she steals the election , there will be massive insurrection. The coalition that is "with her" will fall apart: blacks hate Latinos and vice versa, Muslims ONLY care about Muslims, and whites will feel ripped off, bamboozled and disenfranchised . None of them REALLY trust her, and she is incapable of talking herself out of it! Revolution !
Thought Obama was the devil. Oh, that was the last two elections.
Its safe to say that the poster in question is an Islamophobe, racist against blacks, anti-semetic, a bigot, a misogynist, and likely every other form of bigotry against anyone not white nor American.
I'm guessing he is a big fan of David Duke.
Well,from your link negative feelings and attitudes towards Muslims is racist.. anti-Muslimism or Islamophobia,then it would go, that negative feelings, attitudes, bigotry and hatred toward Republicans is also racist..anti- Republicanism or Republicanphobia .....
To that end, there looks to be a lot of racist in this political forum..
Quote Originally Posted by djbrow:
Its safe to say that the poster in question is an Islamophobe, racist against blacks, anti-semetic, a bigot, a misogynist, and likely every other form of bigotry against anyone not white nor American.
I'm guessing he is a big fan of David Duke.
Well,from your link negative feelings and attitudes towards Muslims is racist.. anti-Muslimism or Islamophobia,then it would go, that negative feelings, attitudes, bigotry and hatred toward Republicans is also racist..anti- Republicanism or Republicanphobia .....
To that end, there looks to be a lot of racist in this political forum..
No one in America can defend their way of life, culture, heritage, even language or their borders. Nothing is allowed to be respected, nor guarded, nor deprecated, without prior written permission from the government. This is your new world order that subverts humanism for "global realities." (Corporate capitalism and elite classes). The loser of this race will still be a connected multi millionaire of a privedged class of 1%. You and I will have to work under the policies and people he or she puts in place. If you want at least small changes in your daily life (less terrorism on tv, better wages , better deals and less waste, more sense of community--which is a bigger issue than you think...), choose carefully based on small changes in YOUR HAPPINESS. Don't lodge your success with theirs.
No one in America can defend their way of life, culture, heritage, even language or their borders. Nothing is allowed to be respected, nor guarded, nor deprecated, without prior written permission from the government. This is your new world order that subverts humanism for "global realities." (Corporate capitalism and elite classes). The loser of this race will still be a connected multi millionaire of a privedged class of 1%. You and I will have to work under the policies and people he or she puts in place. If you want at least small changes in your daily life (less terrorism on tv, better wages , better deals and less waste, more sense of community--which is a bigger issue than you think...), choose carefully based on small changes in YOUR HAPPINESS. Don't lodge your success with theirs.
Is this because A: You are a lazy Schmuck who could care less about what your countrymen have given to you, and in your indebtedness for your good life, you don't care who is pilfering your national treasury? Who sends troops to die and kill others for no reason except greed? Leaders are wasting people's money and you want to sleep?!?!
Or is it B, your life is do fulfilled you don't care who wins because you're an ingrate?
Or is it C, you lead a dull, miserable life and you can't try to be more than a wretch you are and try improve your own life or those of others (like veterans or future victims of terror)? Or is it D, all the back and forth tussle has you confused and you don't have the guts to fight?
Or is it E, I just wanted to be funny with a sleepy guy, but the joke failed?
Quote Originally Posted by sports_Network:
wake me up on November 4th.......
Is this because A: You are a lazy Schmuck who could care less about what your countrymen have given to you, and in your indebtedness for your good life, you don't care who is pilfering your national treasury? Who sends troops to die and kill others for no reason except greed? Leaders are wasting people's money and you want to sleep?!?!
Or is it B, your life is do fulfilled you don't care who wins because you're an ingrate?
Or is it C, you lead a dull, miserable life and you can't try to be more than a wretch you are and try improve your own life or those of others (like veterans or future victims of terror)? Or is it D, all the back and forth tussle has you confused and you don't have the guts to fight?
Or is it E, I just wanted to be funny with a sleepy guy, but the joke failed?
Ahh, back to the liberal playbook I see. You even act as though you believe this line of thinking is original or profound.
I know, I know, I'm just a robot from Phox news just waiting for my next marching orders...bla bla. ( yawn )
Calling extremists like yourself is not original nor profound. You see, extremism, by nature, is a compensation for lack of intellect, because one takes a black/white position without analysis as to the various positions.
So people like you and Relax are simply inherently extremist.
Quote Originally Posted by bowlslit:
Ahh, back to the liberal playbook I see. You even act as though you believe this line of thinking is original or profound.
I know, I know, I'm just a robot from Phox news just waiting for my next marching orders...bla bla. ( yawn )
Calling extremists like yourself is not original nor profound. You see, extremism, by nature, is a compensation for lack of intellect, because one takes a black/white position without analysis as to the various positions.
So people like you and Relax are simply inherently extremist.
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