Trust me I am not the one that is confused. I am simply stating the stereotype about ID's and voting that is out in the media. I did not make it up on my own, simply restating what is said by political actors and the media, which is a stereotype.
It is clear that you either do not have vote by mail options in your state, or have never used this voting option because you clearly do not understand how mail in ballots work. 
In my state of AZ I vote by mail. To receive a mail in ballot, you must A.) Register to vote, which requires a valid ID (Drivers License) B.) Request and Receive a Mail in Ballot, which is then mailed to the verified address on your Drivers License with your name on it only. C.) You then turn in your mail in ballot and it is verified by the signature on your license.
Therefore, at numerous points throughout the mail in process your legal id (License is verified, if your signature doesn't match it doesn't count).
My state does mail in one ballot to one person, so I am not sure what you are saying there. Who is telling you that isn't happening?
The racist, conspiracist theorist YouTuber you shared a link of who doesn't operate with any type of facts or ethics? You talk about misinformation and then post some BS video from him I am supposed to believe?
Who am I going to believe some random racist YouTuber ranting and raving about conspiracy theory voter fraud or the country's top election security official, who claimed we just had the most secure election in American history??? HMMMMM. Tough call.
By supporting this YouTube, it shows me what type of person you are. Wasn't this clown taken off YouTube 2 weeks ago for conspiracies about COVID, and racist rhetoric targeting Black Americans??? Yeah, I really trust his perspective.
I do not think the MLB moved the all-star game because of ID's being required for Mail-ballots, but rather ID's being required for in person voting. Either way both are pointless because you are already verified when you register to vote. I don't understand how people do not realize this?
How do you register to vote in your state? You still have not answered this simple question.