more and more new generation Chinese Immigrants supporting trump, becoming Chinese Republicans. The reason is:
The Republican Party is not racist. The Democratic Party is.
Racism means treat people differently simply because of their skin color or ethnical ancestry,
no matter it’s negative or positive treatment.
In other words, it’s racist if black people are not allowed to get on the bus, it’s also racist to run a bus line that only black people can get on.
Speaking back to the American society, the socio-economical fact is: Blacks and Hispanics are mostly poorer than Whites and Asians in America.
And the way to prosperity is education and occupation.
Democrats’ solution: affirmative action in schools and companies.
A Hispanic kid and an Asian kid has the same SAT of 2200 and GPA of 3.7 at a high school in California. Under affirmative action, the Hispanic kid would get the offer from UCLA and the Asian kid would be rejected. The reason is, there are already too many Asian kids on campus, much higher than the demographic percentage of the Asian Americans in California.
Even if the Asian kid’s family is poorer than the black kid’s family!
I can’t imagine anything more racist than this.
Republicans’ solution: color-blind admission/employment policies.
No race is inferior, and no race is superior. Our asian republicans believing in that! Poverty, not race, is the cause of less education. Under the same circumstances, the Asian kid would be accepted because his/her family is poorer, and it’s much harder for him/her to achieve that level of academic performance.
The mainstream media has neglected this for so long, simply because the population percentage and voter turnout of Asian Americans are too low to affect the result of elections.
However, we are not silent. We are already mobilizing to push for the real racial equality,
which republicans advocate for. Education is the No. 1 issue Asian Americans care about, and the democrats are failing us so hard.
The new generation of immigrants from China, mostly based in California and New York, are actively supporting the Republican Party.