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Posted: #57

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:

[Quote] Im not a politician and neither are you...if you feel so strongly about it, get off covers and go do something about it in the real come here and post nonsense and think you are part of the solution...when the day comes where you can no longer connect to the internet, your entire world will be shattered while the rest of us will go on living our humble lives.
  The typical response of a reactionary conservative in a nut shell. When presented with facts, insert both pinkie fingers between both ears and deny all reality. Claim it is fake news and then proceed to make empty threats showing the weakness of one’s argument and the desperation to quickly change the subject before said facts drowns oneself. I am not a politician either my dear friend, simply a $19 an hr lab technician. But I plan on doing something as this country seeps ever closer to Fascism. And I plan to use my constitional rights to vote and I’m sure you can guess who I will be voting for. Disagree if you want sausages but come at me with facts, not the hate filed druthers of what passes for facts on Fox News.




Love it 





Love it 

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Posted: #58

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:

Thank you for proving my point for the 100th time. No rebuttals? No counter argument? Of course not. All you have is name calling and pouting. And going to my original point, the Trump policy of sending the children of illegal immigrants into detention centers is a perfect parallel to the Nazis sending person into concentration camps.

You just keep doubling down endlessly without any chance to getting back to even....whether you agree or disagree with Trumps zero tolerance policy, these children who are being seperated have parents who deliberately chose to break the law and thus are subject to their penalties and consequences...its sad to see children going thru this, but their parents gambled and sometimes when you gamble you lose.

Life is about luck...some kids are born into the British Royal Family, others are born into illegal alien families who think its ok to enter another country without following the rules that apply to everyone else.

Nazis sending innocent people to concentration camps was mass if you continue to seek affirmation within this thread, you are essentially calling the Trump White House mass murderers, and if you truly had the courage to say this outside in the real world, you would quickly change your tune, but with cowards like you its much easier to hide behind your keyboard and live within the shadows of society.

Victory Belongs to the Most Tenacious
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Posted: #59

Quote Originally Posted by packersbackers:

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:

Thank you for proving my point for the 100th time. No rebuttals? No counter argument? Of course not. All you have is name calling and pouting. And going to my original point, the Trump policy of sending the children of illegal immigrants into detention centers is a perfect parallel to the Nazis sending person into concentration camps.
You just keep doubling down endlessly without any chance to getting back to even....whether you agree or disagree with Trumps zero tolerance policy, these children who are being seperated have parents who deliberately chose to break the law and thus are subject to their penalties and consequences...its sad to see children going thru this, but their parents gambled and sometimes when you gamble you lose. Life is about luck...some kids are born into the British Royal Family, others are born into illegal alien families who think its ok to enter another country without following the rules that apply to everyone else. Nazis sending innocent people to concentration camps was mass if you continue to seek affirmation within this thread, you are essentially calling the Trump White House mass murderers, and if you truly had the courage to say this outside in the real world, you would quickly change your tune, but with cowards like you its much easier to hide behind your keyboard and live within the shadows of society.


Hitler did not start the process of the mass extermination of person until 1942. The term concentration camp was used as an internment camp for person and undesirables to be put away from society. Remind you of the current state of politics? I did not call Trump a mass murderer, I don't think he's murdered any more innocent lives than any President in history. I am simply stating that rounding up these children as young as 4 and housing them in internment camps is no different than Hitler rounding up person and housing them in internment camps.

It's not like this practice is anything new to our history. We did the same thing to Asian Americans during WW2 and again when they first came into this country and we did it to Native Americans for hundreds of years. But if you see the images of these children in concentration camps and say screw them, their parents broke the law, not my problem, then I am afraid you sir do not have a soul. 


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Posted: #60

Gmab.    Suggesting that what trump is doing is the moral equivalence of 5he nazis concentration camps (either b4 or after the extermination started) is ridiculous on its face.  Further, you leave out the fact that trump was created by us because the joke that is Washington is too cowardly to address any of the countries problems.

as to the specific situation what the hell is he supposed to do.  You think “catch and release” is a viable solution.    You think “sanctuary” cities are a viable solution.   I may not no know much, but I will guarantee the end of any country w the end of rule of law.   We could solve all these problems, ( immigration, debt, education, race, terrorism etc ) fairly easily but there are no leaders in Washington and instead we have a bunch of cowards playing politics w little kids.   I don’t particularly care for trump or his methods but as even Comey noted we created and deserve him.  Further, I at least give him credit for trying to solve the problems the cowards won’t even address.

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Posted: #61

I personally don't see any similarities between what's happening now and the Nazi concentration camps.  However I do see some resemblance to what President Roosevelt did to the Japanese Americans during WW2 by placing them in internment camps.  The government confiscated their assets and placed entire families in these fenced/guarded camps for the entire duration of the war.  No due process ... f*cking nothing.  And these folks were AMERICANS.  Being just 1/16 Japanese got you incarcerated for a long @ss time folks.  

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Posted: #62

Post #60 hit the nail on the head. Well said 
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Posted: #63

Quote Originally Posted by cave0707:

I personally don't see any similarities between what's happening now and the Nazi concentration camps.  However I do see some resemblance to what President Roosevelt did to the Japanese Americans during WW2 by placing them in internment camps.  The government confiscated their assets and placed entire families in these fenced/guarded camps for the entire duration of the war.  No due process ... f*cking nothing.  And these folks were AMERICANS.  Being just 1/16 Japanese got you incarcerated for a long @ss time folks.  

Hear ya, this families separation "zero tolerance" police by Trump has no place to go but fail. It's non humane, immoral, even Sessions' own Methodist church has accused him as child abuse.

At the end of the day, the so called "counter puncher" will bow out from his cruel families separation police, stay tuned.   
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Posted: #64

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:


The typical response of a reactionary conservative in a nut shell. When presented with facts, insert both pinkie fingers between both ears and deny all reality. Claim it is fake news and then proceed to make empty threats showing the weakness of one’s argument and the desperation to quickly change the subject before said facts drowns oneself. I am not a politician either my dear friend, simply a $19 an hr lab technician. But I plan on doing something as this country seeps ever closer to Fascism. And I plan to use my constitional rights to vote and I’m sure you can guess who I will be voting for. Disagree if you want sausages but come at me with facts, not the hate filed druthers of what passes for facts on Fox News.

You started a thread comparing trump to the Nazi's? You should watch Fox News a little, you might learn something. I love you lefties bs with Fox News all the time because the truth hurts. 

Did you see Trey Gowdy interview of the Inspector General Michael Horowitz yesterday at that hearing. FOX showed it, they didn't have to say a word. Did you see it on any big lib news channels (no way)? Please tell us how the country is being led to Fascism by the right when the colleges are squelching Freedom of Speech and rioting every chance they get when a conservative tries to speak? Only someone that is blind would believe that things in the world aren't 100x better than the previous 8 years. The DOJ and FBI have been taken over by partisan hacks led from the top. Why didn't they have a field office investigate HRC? Answer: Because they couldn't control it with impartial agents.
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Posted: #65

Words cannot even describe what a huge defeat today was for Trump. All he had to offer his rabid pack of racist xenophobes was state sponsored ethnic cleansing. Without that to offer the Trumptards will drop him like a hot potato.

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Posted: #66

Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:

To those who are attacking the person in this thread, please refrain from insults on a personal level, we dont allow that even if the  poster is difficult and you do not like the topic. But to reply to the topic there are some similarities, especially at the beginning of what Hitler also reminds me of how we rounded up Asians during the war and held them in similar type camps. I think the concept of rounding people up and putting them in guarded forced areas is what the poster is trying to discuss and he is right about that. I think Trump has some similar characteristics to dictators..he is a dictator in many ways, especially with his businesses and the way he treats others. I also think what he is doing is abusive and degrading, these are people JUST LIKE how about we try to treat others with a level of class and respect even if we do not like some things, especially WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Germany did not start out as concentration camps gassing humans, the change happened slowly, little by much that the public did not even know or go against the end result. I think as with many things Trump is going too far and I hope that politicians, the media, the court system, local and state governments continue to fight him and try to keep him in check...a dope like Trump will go as far as you let him inside his dictatorial personality.

I agree and perhaps the OP could have worded things a bit differently, but you can see how the same Trump supporters can take what he said literally as him saying Trump and Hitler are the same when it comes to what is happening at the border.

These discussions are always spun one way by the usual suspects. I am not a liberal or a lefty or a democrat, in fact I have voted Conservative more often than anything else, but the usual suspects will automatically assume you have to be if you don't fit in with their made up reality.

The part about it happening slowly and the public not going against it is exactly right. That is a similar to how Trump supporters are right now and many do not even know when Trump is lying, nor do they go against anything he says or does. With regards to killing, he could literally shoot someone on 5th ave like he said and his supporters wouldn't care. He could order to shoot everyone approaching the border and his supporters wouldn't care. He could pull off a Hitler genocide and I don't believe his supporters would care, unless it was them.

There is that quote that has a bit of irony as it relates to this thread considering who authored the quote and how Trump supporters don't care about certain types of people or how they are treated...

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the person, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a person.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

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Posted: #67

"person" is obviously the 3 letter word people call Israeli people that the censor doesn't like.

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Posted: #68

The only difference btw what Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants and what the Nazis did to the person is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump's Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border. 

That's it. Practically everything else is the same. What Trump's Border Patrol agents are doing has nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents at Buchenwald and Dachau. Trump's agents are carrying out a policy promulgated by this administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out a policy of rounding up political opponents, "undesirables", and person and incinerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra - legal. You didn't have to be convicted of a crime to be incinerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in these hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

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Posted: #69

The "crime" in Hitler's Germany was being Jewish. The "crime" committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented. There are no similar tactics being carried out along our border with Canada. 

Once inside the gates of hell holes like Buchenwald and Dachau, Jewish parents were separated from their children and housed in different facilities. The same thing is happening to the families of undocumented immigrants here.

If you could see the scenes of immigrants in McAllen, Texas, they would be eerily similar to the scenes of person entering concentration camps in Nazi Germany. This is because none of the person were in handcuffs nor are the immigrant children or their parents in Texas. Neither German person or undocumented immigrants could be described as going willingly but nor did they resist. So the similarities between these two groups are closer than any of us would like to believe.

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Posted: #70

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:

The only difference btw what Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants and what the Nazis did to the person is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump's Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border. 

That's it. Practically everything else is the same. What Trump's Border Patrol agents are doing has nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents at Buchenwald and Dachau. Trump's agents are carrying out a policy promulgated by this administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out a policy of rounding up political opponents, "undesirables", and person and incinerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra - legal. You didn't have to be convicted of a crime to be incinerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in these hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

Of course, a major difference is that an illegal border jumper's first act on United States soil is to break the law...a fine way to make a first impression-

Now, all of the kids will get to stay with their parents, incarcerated- 
Perhaps we should adopt the same policy for US citizens who are incarcerated leaving their children without parents at home- send all of the kids to prison with the parents...

You want the families together- well, now you've got it-
O/U on how long it takes until the left starts whining that these conditions are unacceptable?

Also- a person can be detained without being convicted, but you already knew that-
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Posted: #71

The lefties are losing their minds over lawbreakers. It's a great position to take to getting hammered in November. We have a border, we have laws. How about of somebody just shows up in a foreign land, lets say Russia? Go ahead and see how that goes, with or without kids. Idiots. You'll be dying to get back to America. Dble12 how about answering a question once in a while instead of spewing moronic bs

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Posted: #72

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:

The only difference btw what Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants and what the Nazis did to the person is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump's Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border. 

That's it. Practically everything else is the same. What Trump's Border Patrol agents are doing has nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents at Buchenwald and Dachau. Trump's agents are carrying out a policy promulgated by this administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out a policy of rounding up political opponents, "undesirables", and person and incinerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra - legal. You didn't have to be convicted of a crime to be incinerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in these hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

This is a scary look into the mind of the modern day bleeding heart Libtard. But, like I told you before, what else could we expect from someone insane enough to double down on 12.....
The comparison to jeews rounded up in Nazi Germany is a huge insult to anyone who suffered through that nightmare and their families.
Secondly, these aren't "victims" any more than the parent arrested for DUI, or possession of marijuana are "victims". You're knowingly entering this country illegally, suffer the consequences.....
Thirdly, we don't need a border along Canada, because Canada is not a corrupt P.O.S. country run by terrorists who exploit their people. What would you say if our South border "neighbor" was Afghanistan? Would you feel the same? Now, how about France or Japan? Exactly.....

Finally, since you hate Trump so much, but love your Clintons - and Bill or Hillary would have NEVER done something so deplorable like this to these "innocent dreamers" - let me leave you with these 2 words:

"Elian Gonzalez"

*(mic drop)
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Posted: #73

Quote Originally Posted by GimmeMoneyNow:

Quote Originally Posted by Doubleadownon12:

The only difference btw what Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants and what the Nazis did to the person is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump's Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.  That's it. Practically everything else is the same. What Trump's Border Patrol agents are doing has nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents at Buchenwald and Dachau. Trump's agents are carrying out a policy promulgated by this administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out a policy of rounding up political opponents, "undesirables", and person and incinerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra - legal. You didn't have to be convicted of a crime to be incinerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in these hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.
Wow.This is a scary look into the mind of the modern day bleeding heart Libtard. But, like I told you before, what else could we expect from someone insane enough to double down on 12.....Anyways.....The comparison to jeews rounded up in Nazi Germany is a huge insult to anyone who suffered through that nightmare and their families.Secondly, these aren't "victims" any more than the parent arrested for DUI, or possession of marijuana are "victims". You're knowingly entering this country illegally, suffer the consequences.....Thirdly, we don't need a border along Canada, because Canada is not a corrupt P.O.S. country run by terrorists who exploit their people. What would you say if our South border "neighbor" was Afghanistan? Would you feel the same? Now, how about France or Japan? Exactly.....Finally, since you hate Trump so much, but love your Clintons - and Bill or Hillary would have NEVER done something so deplorable like this to these "innocent dreamers" - let me leave you with these 2 words:"Elian Gonzalez"*(mic drop)

No, Canada is not a POS country. They treat humans as humans when they arrive at the border.


(mic drop)

Just curious, can you point me to your post about praising murdering DICKtators and insulting U.S. military by saluting a murdering general of said DICKtator?

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Posted: #74

Quote Originally Posted by moneym8:


No, Canada is not a POS country. They treat humans as humans when they arrive at the border.


(mic drop)

Just curious, can you point me to your post about praising murdering DICKtators and insulting U.S. military by saluting a murdering general of said DICKtator?


First off, when you "Drop The Mic", that's it. You don't run back out on stage, pick it up off the floor, and go:
"OH! OH! By the way! Here's some more non-sensical Liberal Left Crap!!!!!


You're spot on about Canada, but if we were to flip positions, and Mexico was Canada's southern border, you'd be living in "Los Canadastan" with guerilla warfare, Drug cartels ruling the country, Muslim terrorists, etc., etc., - it would be Thunderdome......

So, go ahead an sleep easy, Canada - once again, as usual, America will pay for and handle everything for you.

We're Michael Jordan scoring 60, and you're Craig Hodges throwing up 3's in garbage time. Yes, we both get to the freedom "ring", but isn't someone doing a bit more to get us there?!?!?!


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Posted: #75

Doubleadownon12 is right.   Hitler comparision with family separation is fair comment.  Trump sounds like a evil fascist when he says "illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers."  No legitimate research supports his racist claim.  Actually, immigrants are less likely to commit violent crimes than native americans according to justice department.

Bully Trump did not have to traumatize kids  but he choose to because abuse is convenient.  Even pope Francis condemns this zero tolerance (no mercy) policy.  After massive protests, Trump now flip flops but many families remain separated.  Make no mistake.  Trump is not sorry .  Just sorry that he got caught violating immigrants right of due process under US constitution.

According to author of book "Global concentration camps."  prisons can be concentration camps without the genocide.  They are created to punish people via mass detention without trial.  US courts have repeatedly ruled that changing detention policy to deter unauthorized border crossing is illegal.
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