Snopes and Politfact are unknown "fact checkers" (identities and political orientaions are secret).
Original "objection" of Obama being foreign born and therefore ineligible LEGALLY to run for President was NEVER answered until AFTER the 2008 election in 2011. Three years after the election, and one year prior to the 2012 reelection.
Original objection
"The Birth certificate released the other day states that Obama was born August 4, 1961, and states that his father, then age 25, was born in Kenya.
PROBLEM: Kenya did not become the independent State of Kenya until 1963. In 1961 it was still known as British East Africa Protectorate. Look it up on the CIA official website. Click HERE
How was Barack Obama Sr. born in a country that did not exist until 27 years AFTER his birth?
The Birth Certificate was produced by the Kapi’Olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital.
PROBLEM: This Hospital did NOT exist until 1978, when it was formed by the merger of Kaui’keolani Children’s Hospital and Kapi’olani Maternity Home. Look it up yourself at
How did Obama obtain a Certificate of Live Birth from a Hospital that did not exist until 17 years AFTER his birth?
Now I know that you folks are tired of this “birther” talk, and, frankly, so am I. But I WOULD like to know how much it costs ME for Obama and his little gang of bomb throwers to bribe someone to produce this phony “certificate”?
Just asking. You should be too.