A list of some "dubious" firsts for the disgraced leader of the GOP & the trump crime family:
First to lose the popular vote twice in succession
First with no political experience to be elected by other idiots and bigots
First president to call our fallen marines "losers" and "suckers"
First president to be impeached TWICE!
First president to deliberately incite a deadly INSURRECTION
First president to refuse the peaceful transfer of power
First president to downplay a deadly pandemic leading to the premature deaths of over one million Americans
First president to bribe two pornstars (he phcked while married) and suppress their stories prior to his election
First president to declare he is "the chosen one"
First president to declare he is "the most honest human being GOD ever created"
First president to set the alltime record for golf excursions after declaring in his campaign he would have no time for golf
First president to have been married to 3 different women: two of them immigrants
First US president to sell out our intel agencies to a foreign superpower
First president ever to have over 80 MILLION votes cast AGAINST HIM!!
First ex-president to openly LIE about his loss in the election
First president to deliberately steal and conceal classified documents while in office as president
First president to suggest two foreign superpowers should interfere in US elections (for HIS benefit)
First president to call for a boycott of Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball
First president to snub a hand extended to him in a gesture of goodwill by the House Speaker prior to the State of the Union
First president to muse about firing missles into Mexico, and injecting bleach to kill a virus
First ex-president to muse openly about ripping up our Constitution!
First president ever to cost his party the Senate, the House, the Presidency, and then a failed midterm they should have won in a huge landslide.....and the senate AGAIN!
First ex-president to be indicted for state crimes!
First post ww2 president to be ranked worse than #40 then drops 2 spots lower!!!!
First ex-president to be declared by a jury as a disgusting sex-offender!
First ex-president to be federally indicted for multiple criminal offenses under the Espionage Act!!!.
any more ?