There is nothing Affordable about Obummercare.
As you know already, you can't keep your current doctor as millions have been told nope sorry. There are way too many lie's to list here.
We should have implemented a single-payers plan, but ahhh no your government is a bunch of greedy mofo's.
It's been almost nine month's since the healthcare website launched and they are still having major glitches.
The real concerning issue is now that the would be working Americans are not going to want to find work in order to obtain personal healthcare coverage.
Obummercare promotes laziness and Socialism.
What do you think will happen to the US economy if there isn’t a strong enough workforce?
Do I needs to draw picture for you? Well… it ain’t good for the nation as a whole that’s for sure.
This is a ponzi scheme that will help our already deteriorated country deteriorate even more so.
Hel.. even Cuba may have a better healthcare plan than the U.S does.
But what doos I know eh? You're all smarter than me.