Quote Originally Posted by mattbrot:
And so it is all Obama's fault
Gas was not cheap under Bush either
1. Obama has made it absolutely impossible for America to develop its vast oil reserves.
2. The ethanol program rewards producers of ethanol from CORN instead of from sugar cane. HUH? Ethanol can be produced from sugar cane for roughly $1 a gallon, but with current manipulation by a few US Senators large scale ethanol production from sugar cane has been totally blocked. Imports of both sugar cane and ethanol made from sugar cane are pretty much illegal. And Obama has done what about this? NOTHING.
3. Setting up large numbers of liquefied natural gas stations along US interstates, as proposed by many people, so that large trucks could switch from diesel to liquefied natural gas not only has not been pursued by the Obama administration but the environmentalist fascists have made it quite clear that they will file lawsuits to block such development. And Obama backs the environmental fascists in lockstep.
4. America invented the technology used by the Germans in WWII to produce gasoline from coal. The US has vast coal reserves, but we have no coal to gasoline production facilities. Why is this? Oh, I forgot, the environmental fascists have pretty much made it impossible to build such a facility in the US.
5. Europe has been producing a diesel engine which gets over 50 miles per gallon for many years. Over 50% of automobiles sold in Europe are diesel powered. This engine is ILLEGAL in the United States. Let me repeat that one, because I did not believe it either. The highly efficient diesel engine, getting over 50 miles per gallon, is ILLEGAL in the United States. Volkswagen sent teams to both Congress and the White House trying to get their diesel engine made legal for the United States, and they failed. HUH? This makes absolutely no sense.
Why is it that our own government is making it impossible for us to get off of imported oil? Can a pro-Obama person explain this to me?
I could go on and on with examples like this but I will give the pro-Obama crowd a chance to respond to the ones I have listed above.
Oh, I am not a Republican and I absolutely detest the Bush family, so your "Bush did it" propaganda won't work on me. You have to actually address the issues I am raising.
Here are the questions we need answers to, that go along with the issues that I listed above.
1. Why did the Obama administration basically forbid oil production on federal land, in all areas designated "refuge", and off shore? This pretty much has stopped our domestic oil development in areas where it is not already ongoing on private land.
2. Why is Obama allowing a couple of Senators to keep sugar cane ethanol production or the importation of either sugar cane or ethanol made from sugar cane basically illegal?
3. Why has the Obama administration done nothing to get large trucks switched over to run on liquefied natural gas as has been proposed by many people for many years? I guess they want to run large trucks on batteries or something equally ignorant.
4. Why is the US not using the technology that we created, which the Germans proved works well, to convert coal into gasoline, thus reducing our dependency on our enemies for oil?
5. Why is the excellent diesel engine that is used all over Europe and gets over 50 miles per gallon illegal in the US? Volkswagen offered to build factories in the US to build the engine and share it with any company that wants to buy the engine for cars in the US.
Can you answer these questions for us please, Obama lovers?