New head of epa acting director. Pruit amidst scandals over spending first class tickets renting from big oil lobbyists has called it quits maybe Trump can place someone in the department that actually cares for the environment.
New head of epa acting director. Pruit amidst scandals over spending first class tickets renting from big oil lobbyists has called it quits maybe Trump can place someone in the department that actually cares for the environment.
New head of epa acting director. Pruit amidst scandals over spending first class tickets renting from big oil lobbyists has called it quits maybe Trump can place someone in the department that actually cares for the environment.
New head of epa acting director. Pruit amidst scandals over spending first class tickets renting from big oil lobbyists has called it quits maybe Trump can place someone in the department that actually cares for the environment.
New head of epa acting director. Pruit amidst scandals over spending first class tickets renting from big oil lobbyists has called it quits maybe Trump can place someone in the department that actually cares for the environment.
Pruitt was one of the worst but not the worst Trump chose. Betsy is right up there with Scott and others fit the same descript. I think Trump didnt properly read the guideline book for picking a neutral department director...too many lobbyists and insiders and some were just outright horrible, like Scott.
You cant have someone anti-environment with his background in charge of the EPA...its like the guy could care less about safeguarding and protecting the environment, it was insulting seeing the decisions coming out of the EPA and how this guy just could care less about anything outside his corporate mindset.
Pruitt was one of the worst but not the worst Trump chose. Betsy is right up there with Scott and others fit the same descript. I think Trump didnt properly read the guideline book for picking a neutral department director...too many lobbyists and insiders and some were just outright horrible, like Scott.
You cant have someone anti-environment with his background in charge of the EPA...its like the guy could care less about safeguarding and protecting the environment, it was insulting seeing the decisions coming out of the EPA and how this guy just could care less about anything outside his corporate mindset.
He was a total disgrace. Who looks to buy a used mattress?
His main job was to reverse everything President O did for the environment.
His replacement Wheeler is just as bad but dangerously more discreet.
He was a total disgrace. Who looks to buy a used mattress?
His main job was to reverse everything President O did for the environment.
His replacement Wheeler is just as bad but dangerously more discreet.
He reduced the amount of protected lands so his cronies could strip mine in the bad lands for tar sand the pipe under the reservation aquifer is steel that weight will destroy the pipe in less than a generation. The q bee here in Maine was not given back and our legislators had to make new laws to stop the mining potentially destroying three water sheds near Patten everything was done so he could make Money. How about an EPA head that actually has a degree in environmental studies at least a conservation officer background.
He reduced the amount of protected lands so his cronies could strip mine in the bad lands for tar sand the pipe under the reservation aquifer is steel that weight will destroy the pipe in less than a generation. The q bee here in Maine was not given back and our legislators had to make new laws to stop the mining potentially destroying three water sheds near Patten everything was done so he could make Money. How about an EPA head that actually has a degree in environmental studies at least a conservation officer background.
Just goes to show you what activism will do for you. Pruitt is just the beginning, the first swamp creature to go down. Now we need to rally the Liberal forces against whatever right wing lunatic Trump nominates. And hopefully as Trey Gowdy stated Mueller needs to hurry the hell up and lock up Trump in chains already.
Just goes to show you what activism will do for you. Pruitt is just the beginning, the first swamp creature to go down. Now we need to rally the Liberal forces against whatever right wing lunatic Trump nominates. And hopefully as Trey Gowdy stated Mueller needs to hurry the hell up and lock up Trump in chains already.
I'm lock-step with the President on foreign policy and national security, including border security....i'm not with him on the enviromment though.
I'm lock-step with the President on foreign policy and national security, including border security....i'm not with him on the enviromment though.
I'm lock-step with the President on foreign policy and national security, including border security....i'm not with him on the enviromment though.
I'm lock-step with the President on foreign policy and national security, including border security....i'm not with him on the enviromment though.
Tariffs on the cheap chinese good on which we have come to rely on. Diplomacy with North Korea. Diplomacy with Russia. Stemming the tide of illegal immigration.
Tariffs on the cheap chinese good on which we have come to rely on. Diplomacy with North Korea. Diplomacy with Russia. Stemming the tide of illegal immigration.
I've got a better question for you, horse. I'm 35. What was any foreign policy of note of any President in my lifetime? And how is any policy pertaining to foreign affairs, of any President in the last 30-40 years, better than anything Trump is trying to do?
Bush used "the War on Terror", a war against specific terrorist groups in the mountains of Afghanistan, to make a hairpin turn detour to Iraq. He doesn't go after the Saudis. He stirs up old beef with an old, sleeping dog with no teeth. Creates a vacuum that leads to the rise of Isis.
Obama comes along and for a while he's doing good. Starts making exit strategies. Gets Bin Laden. Things are looking up. Then Syria happens. Rinse and repeat. Power vacuum. Isis.
That's one aspect. We can talk trade. We can talk about how we're the biggest consumer in the world yet we don't leverage that in any way. We can talk about how China owns so much of our debt, much of which was probably financed with money we've pumped into their economy. And how now they're slowly buying our country up. And i'm not talking just in a abstract thinking, world finance type of way. I mean they are literally buying property here like crazy. So they've got the bricks and mortar and they run the bingo....and while we're at it, don't even get me started on NAFTA.
I've got a better question for you, horse. I'm 35. What was any foreign policy of note of any President in my lifetime? And how is any policy pertaining to foreign affairs, of any President in the last 30-40 years, better than anything Trump is trying to do?
Bush used "the War on Terror", a war against specific terrorist groups in the mountains of Afghanistan, to make a hairpin turn detour to Iraq. He doesn't go after the Saudis. He stirs up old beef with an old, sleeping dog with no teeth. Creates a vacuum that leads to the rise of Isis.
Obama comes along and for a while he's doing good. Starts making exit strategies. Gets Bin Laden. Things are looking up. Then Syria happens. Rinse and repeat. Power vacuum. Isis.
That's one aspect. We can talk trade. We can talk about how we're the biggest consumer in the world yet we don't leverage that in any way. We can talk about how China owns so much of our debt, much of which was probably financed with money we've pumped into their economy. And how now they're slowly buying our country up. And i'm not talking just in a abstract thinking, world finance type of way. I mean they are literally buying property here like crazy. So they've got the bricks and mortar and they run the bingo....and while we're at it, don't even get me started on NAFTA.
Seriously? Obviously he has a foreign policy that rather effective because other countries ain't got the free ride anymore on security and trade, I'd say its 180° from the last guys foreign policy. Seems people aren't getting set on fire or their heads cut off at the same pace anymore eh? N Korea is far from solved but sure seems like we're not sending billion$ for empty promises. Time will tell but it appears both countries hands are off the buttons, which I know disappoints the left. Anything to regain power. Listen to the idiots Maher that makes $10M a year, "bring on the recession" (as if it would affect him).
Seriously? Obviously he has a foreign policy that rather effective because other countries ain't got the free ride anymore on security and trade, I'd say its 180° from the last guys foreign policy. Seems people aren't getting set on fire or their heads cut off at the same pace anymore eh? N Korea is far from solved but sure seems like we're not sending billion$ for empty promises. Time will tell but it appears both countries hands are off the buttons, which I know disappoints the left. Anything to regain power. Listen to the idiots Maher that makes $10M a year, "bring on the recession" (as if it would affect him).
Reagan had the best with Kissinger Germany became united. And Eastern block countries moved toward some symbols of freedom. Big oil is out of the drivers seat with Trillerson removal. Nationalism is not an effective foreign policy and the trade wars with China the eu Canada and Mexico will hurt USA in the long run.
Reagan had the best with Kissinger Germany became united. And Eastern block countries moved toward some symbols of freedom. Big oil is out of the drivers seat with Trillerson removal. Nationalism is not an effective foreign policy and the trade wars with China the eu Canada and Mexico will hurt USA in the long run.
We do not manufacture anything anymore. Textiles are all but gone. Shoes with just a few left in Maine. Tool makers are gone
parts for cars just about everything is made else where by driving costs the consumer will pay for this
trade war.
We do not manufacture anything anymore. Textiles are all but gone. Shoes with just a few left in Maine. Tool makers are gone
parts for cars just about everything is made else where by driving costs the consumer will pay for this
trade war.
I've got a better question for you, horse. I'm 35. What was any foreign policy of note of any President in my lifetime? And how is any policy pertaining to foreign affairs, of any President in the last 30-40 years, better than anything Trump is trying to do?
Bush used "the War on Terror", a war against specific terrorist groups in the mountains of Afghanistan, to make a hairpin turn detour to Iraq. He doesn't go after the Saudis. He stirs up old beef with an old, sleeping dog with no teeth. Creates a vacuum that leads to the rise of Isis.
Obama comes along and for a while he's doing good. Starts making exit strategies. Gets Bin Laden. Things are looking up. Then Syria happens. Rinse and repeat. Power vacuum. Isis.
That's one aspect. We can talk trade. We can talk about how we're the biggest consumer in the world yet we don't leverage that in any way. We can talk about how China owns so much of our debt, much of which was probably financed with money we've pumped into their economy. And how now they're slowly buying our country up. And i'm not talking just in a abstract thinking, world finance type of way. I mean they are literally buying property here like crazy. So they've got the bricks and mortar and they run the bingo....and while we're at it, don't even get me started on NAFTA.
I've got a better question for you, horse. I'm 35. What was any foreign policy of note of any President in my lifetime? And how is any policy pertaining to foreign affairs, of any President in the last 30-40 years, better than anything Trump is trying to do?
Bush used "the War on Terror", a war against specific terrorist groups in the mountains of Afghanistan, to make a hairpin turn detour to Iraq. He doesn't go after the Saudis. He stirs up old beef with an old, sleeping dog with no teeth. Creates a vacuum that leads to the rise of Isis.
Obama comes along and for a while he's doing good. Starts making exit strategies. Gets Bin Laden. Things are looking up. Then Syria happens. Rinse and repeat. Power vacuum. Isis.
That's one aspect. We can talk trade. We can talk about how we're the biggest consumer in the world yet we don't leverage that in any way. We can talk about how China owns so much of our debt, much of which was probably financed with money we've pumped into their economy. And how now they're slowly buying our country up. And i'm not talking just in a abstract thinking, world finance type of way. I mean they are literally buying property here like crazy. So they've got the bricks and mortar and they run the bingo....and while we're at it, don't even get me started on NAFTA.
First, you don't have to be able to spell foreign policy to have one. Every President's decisions are a reflection of their advisers. And as far as our allies go, what has our alliances gotten us? Where has it gotten us? Which allies are we talking about? Germany? Canada? I think our relationships equate to a lot take and not much give. It's like having a wife who spends your money, crashes your car, and f*cks the mailman only to hear someone say, "You better be careful or you're gonna lose a good woman."
First, you don't have to be able to spell foreign policy to have one. Every President's decisions are a reflection of their advisers. And as far as our allies go, what has our alliances gotten us? Where has it gotten us? Which allies are we talking about? Germany? Canada? I think our relationships equate to a lot take and not much give. It's like having a wife who spends your money, crashes your car, and f*cks the mailman only to hear someone say, "You better be careful or you're gonna lose a good woman."
Not sure if this makes any sense to you. But We are not number one anymore in anything. China is. China has the worlds largest population the largest economy They make the most goods and provide the most services. The United States is completely dependent on it’s allies for manufactured goods. We do pay the most of the rest of the world and we get the least. We pay the most in Education we are ranked below 30th in the world in testing. We pay the most to healthcare industry we are again 30th in live births ,life span . We pay more than 3 times the rest of the world combined in defense and our inner cities are less safe today than Bagdad.
We crippled our industry, completely destroyed our credibility republicans even screwed us out of our aaa credit status, news flash it wasn’t Nancy Pelosi or Obama Republicans have had the House since 2010 they owned the senate since 2014 they own the house the senate and Presidency since 2016. Now they even control the courts all the chair seats the presidency and the heads of every agency since the election. What have they done? They increased our nations debt by double.....
Not sure if this makes any sense to you. But We are not number one anymore in anything. China is. China has the worlds largest population the largest economy They make the most goods and provide the most services. The United States is completely dependent on it’s allies for manufactured goods. We do pay the most of the rest of the world and we get the least. We pay the most in Education we are ranked below 30th in the world in testing. We pay the most to healthcare industry we are again 30th in live births ,life span . We pay more than 3 times the rest of the world combined in defense and our inner cities are less safe today than Bagdad.
We crippled our industry, completely destroyed our credibility republicans even screwed us out of our aaa credit status, news flash it wasn’t Nancy Pelosi or Obama Republicans have had the House since 2010 they owned the senate since 2014 they own the house the senate and Presidency since 2016. Now they even control the courts all the chair seats the presidency and the heads of every agency since the election. What have they done? They increased our nations debt by double.....
Not sure if this makes any sense to you. But We are not number one anymore in anything. China is. China has the worlds largest population the largest economy They make the most goods and provide the most services. The United States is completely dependent on it’s allies for manufactured goods. We do pay the most of the rest of the world and we get the least. We pay the most in Education we are ranked below 30th in the world in testing. We pay the most to healthcare industry we are again 30th in live births ,life span . We pay more than 3 times the rest of the world combined in defense and our inner cities are less safe today than Bagdad.
We crippled our industry, completely destroyed our credibility republicans even screwed us out of our aaa credit status, news flash it wasn’t Nancy Pelosi or Obama Republicans have had the House since 2010 they owned the senate since 2014 they own the house the senate and Presidency since 2016. Now they even control the courts all the chair seats the presidency and the heads of every agency since the election. What have they done? They increased our nations debt by double.....
Not sure if this makes any sense to you. But We are not number one anymore in anything. China is. China has the worlds largest population the largest economy They make the most goods and provide the most services. The United States is completely dependent on it’s allies for manufactured goods. We do pay the most of the rest of the world and we get the least. We pay the most in Education we are ranked below 30th in the world in testing. We pay the most to healthcare industry we are again 30th in live births ,life span . We pay more than 3 times the rest of the world combined in defense and our inner cities are less safe today than Bagdad.
We crippled our industry, completely destroyed our credibility republicans even screwed us out of our aaa credit status, news flash it wasn’t Nancy Pelosi or Obama Republicans have had the House since 2010 they owned the senate since 2014 they own the house the senate and Presidency since 2016. Now they even control the courts all the chair seats the presidency and the heads of every agency since the election. What have they done? They increased our nations debt by double.....
First, you don't have to be able to spell foreign policy to have one. Every President's decisions are a reflection of their advisers. And as far as our allies go, what has our alliances gotten us? Where has it gotten us? Which allies are we talking about? Germany? Canada? I think our relationships equate to a lot take and not much give. It's like having a wife who spends your money, crashes your car, and f*cks the mailman only to hear someone say, "You better be careful or you're gonna lose a good woman."
First, you don't have to be able to spell foreign policy to have one. Every President's decisions are a reflection of their advisers. And as far as our allies go, what has our alliances gotten us? Where has it gotten us? Which allies are we talking about? Germany? Canada? I think our relationships equate to a lot take and not much give. It's like having a wife who spends your money, crashes your car, and f*cks the mailman only to hear someone say, "You better be careful or you're gonna lose a good woman."
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