Quote Originally Posted by dl36:
No read everything I posted on this thread... I am saying that is a Failed strategy historically and I am predicting that it will be again...
It's simple marketing... If you want someone to buy your product you need to showcase your product to get the person to buy.. If you just bash the competition, it doesn't make you want to buy your product.. In fact it makes you to want buy neither product...
And who exactly am I parotting with this Independent thought?
You say trump has a few flaws? Name your top 3?

1. Trump has a bully mentality
2. He is almost completely surrounded by 'yes' men.
3. He speaks his mind without thoroughly thinking things through.
Unlike Hillary, he does have redeeming qualities.
He demands respect because of his accomplishments no matter what people say. Many people have been given a head start like he has and few have materialized as much as he has.
He has helped people financially without the need to publicize it.
He isn't bought by special interest.
The liberal media hates him so that must be a good quality.
If he is elected he won't be coddled by the mainstream media.
If the GOP is really fractured as you say...it will be fully repaired by the time 8 years comes along and it will be stronger and better than ever.
I think you're wrong in your full assessment of the GOP.
You don't give any credence to the sheer difficulty to overcome the size of the liberal party.
Dems have done a bang up job of tricking minorities that republicans hate them. They've also done a good job of tricking YOU low information people into thinking the republicans are racist and sexist despite the history that proves otherwise.
The way the electoral college is set up you almost have to have a perfect storm so to speak to get a conservative in the white house. Example being a Democratic President that shoves a cigar up a young girls hooch in the Oval Office combined with him offering his lollypop up to semi good looking female state employees in a fancy hotel room.
Without a sort of backlash against the Democrats from the sheep, it is very difficult to get the swing states to come through for the GOP.
So it isn't so much as a failed strategy, it is a lack of backlash.