Probably has a lot to do with why President Biden is rated the 14th BEST US president in history (out of 45)
Where is trump rated?
And getting us daphuck OUT of the extremely expensive $9 BILLION PER MONTHquagmire in Afghanistan that the republicans dragged us into 20 years ago [which trump kept us in for 4 years!!!] was/is one of his signature accomplishments.....
45 from a total of 45. Bottom. Last.
A loser.
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Probably has a lot to do with why President Biden is rated the 14th BEST US president in history (out of 45)
Where is trump rated?
And getting us daphuck OUT of the extremely expensive $9 BILLION PER MONTHquagmire in Afghanistan that the republicans dragged us into 20 years ago [which trump kept us in for 4 years!!!] was/is one of his signature accomplishments.....
Associated Press - Border Patrol reports arrests are down 25% since Biden announced new asylum restrictions
Historically, US tends to attract more immigration when the economy is strong. Under appreciated is that a higher percentage of illegal immigrants are removed under Biden administration. Despite executive orders on immigration lacking the resources of congress laws to execute them properly. Under funded immigration system lacks the capacity to process asylum and immigration claims in a timely manner.
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Associated Press - Border Patrol reports arrests are down 25% since Biden announced new asylum restrictions
Historically, US tends to attract more immigration when the economy is strong. Under appreciated is that a higher percentage of illegal immigrants are removed under Biden administration. Despite executive orders on immigration lacking the resources of congress laws to execute them properly. Under funded immigration system lacks the capacity to process asylum and immigration claims in a timely manner.
No recessions began under Clinton #12, Obama #7, or Biden #14
No recession is an overlooked accomplishment of Biden administration. There are others. First, number of uninsured Americans for healthcare is at an all time low. Secondly, salary increases outpace inflation. Third, job growth outpaces any previous president. Fourth, drop in inflation is unmatched in modern history. Fifth, families are richer than ever. Sixth, income inequality is narrower. Seventh, stock market is roaring. Eighth, violent crime rates have fallen.
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par:
No recessions began under Clinton #12, Obama #7, or Biden #14
No recession is an overlooked accomplishment of Biden administration. There are others. First, number of uninsured Americans for healthcare is at an all time low. Secondly, salary increases outpace inflation. Third, job growth outpaces any previous president. Fourth, drop in inflation is unmatched in modern history. Fifth, families are richer than ever. Sixth, income inequality is narrower. Seventh, stock market is roaring. Eighth, violent crime rates have fallen.
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par: No recessions began under Clinton #12, Obama #7, or Biden #14 No recession is an overlooked accomplishment of Biden administration. There are others. First, number of uninsured Americans for healthcare is at an all time low. Secondly, salary increases outpace inflation. Third, job growth outpaces any previous president. Fourth, drop in inflation is unmatched in modern history. Fifth, families are richer than ever. Sixth, income inequality is narrower. Seventh, stock market is roaring. Eighth, violent crime rates have fallen.
lots of others !
can u expand that list for us ?
"I'm the MOST HONEST HUMAN BEING that God has EVER created!!" - Donald Trump
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par: No recessions began under Clinton #12, Obama #7, or Biden #14 No recession is an overlooked accomplishment of Biden administration. There are others. First, number of uninsured Americans for healthcare is at an all time low. Secondly, salary increases outpace inflation. Third, job growth outpaces any previous president. Fourth, drop in inflation is unmatched in modern history. Fifth, families are richer than ever. Sixth, income inequality is narrower. Seventh, stock market is roaring. Eighth, violent crime rates have fallen.
Many overlooked accomplishments during Biden administration. 1 Expand overtime protection for millions of workers. 2 First ever over-the-counter birth control pill in US stores. 3 Boost gun safety and gun violence prevention. 4 Penalize airlines that delay or cancel flights. 5 Prevent discriminatory mortgage lending. 6 Build largest drone army in the world. 7 Crackdown on junk fees. 8 Broken deal to save Colorado river. 9 Loosen federal restriction on marijuana. 10 Boost small food producers. 11 Boost domestic microchip production. 12 Crackdowns on cyber attacks. 13 Broker alliance between Japan and South Korea to counter China. 14 Boost cancer research to reduce death rates. 15 Boost labor unions. 16 Fix wireless communication chaos. 17 Strengthen military ties to allies. 18 Renewable energy becomes second top source of electricity. 19 US producing more oil than any time in history. 20 Fix bridges, tunnels, airports, roads, water lines, internet and other infrastructure.
Quote Originally Posted by KellyM_1964:
lots of others ! can u expand that list for us ?
Many overlooked accomplishments during Biden administration. 1 Expand overtime protection for millions of workers. 2 First ever over-the-counter birth control pill in US stores. 3 Boost gun safety and gun violence prevention. 4 Penalize airlines that delay or cancel flights. 5 Prevent discriminatory mortgage lending. 6 Build largest drone army in the world. 7 Crackdown on junk fees. 8 Broken deal to save Colorado river. 9 Loosen federal restriction on marijuana. 10 Boost small food producers. 11 Boost domestic microchip production. 12 Crackdowns on cyber attacks. 13 Broker alliance between Japan and South Korea to counter China. 14 Boost cancer research to reduce death rates. 15 Boost labor unions. 16 Fix wireless communication chaos. 17 Strengthen military ties to allies. 18 Renewable energy becomes second top source of electricity. 19 US producing more oil than any time in history. 20 Fix bridges, tunnels, airports, roads, water lines, internet and other infrastructure.
Jesus it’s just one big delusional circle jerk in here. I never felt more bombarded with political rhetoric as I have just pursuing this thread. If anyone actually believes Biden is 14th best President in US history please I beg you PLEASE let me your bookie for anyone who actually leaves this circle jerk and bets. Fubah is the only name I recognize who posts plays here.
Jesus it’s just one big delusional circle jerk in here. I never felt more bombarded with political rhetoric as I have just pursuing this thread. If anyone actually believes Biden is 14th best President in US history please I beg you PLEASE let me your bookie for anyone who actually leaves this circle jerk and bets. Fubah is the only name I recognize who posts plays here.
During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
@thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
yep !!!!! and crucial at the time
include that in the list
"I'm the MOST HONEST HUMAN BEING that God has EVER created!!" - Donald Trump
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par:
@thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
@thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
And bankrupting some of those landlords as well because they were not able to recoup what they lost...COVID did major damage, maybe not were you are located, but it left so many dirty roads behind it because of the motions put in place by either administration....
Just ask some of the property owners how they fared as a result of the motions put in place by either's not very favorable...and our government didn't bail any of them out like it did or does the banks
COVERS allows u to tell someone they are sexually frustrated so long as ur hands are clean
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par:
@thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
And bankrupting some of those landlords as well because they were not able to recoup what they lost...COVID did major damage, maybe not were you are located, but it left so many dirty roads behind it because of the motions put in place by either administration....
Just ask some of the property owners how they fared as a result of the motions put in place by either's not very favorable...and our government didn't bail any of them out like it did or does the banks
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par: @thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
yep !!!!! and crucial at the time include that in the list
In some ways similar to a president extending federal help for disaster relief to various states (usually red states, this term)
Quote Originally Posted by KellyM_1964:
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par: @thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
yep !!!!! and crucial at the time include that in the list
In some ways similar to a president extending federal help for disaster relief to various states (usually red states, this term)
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par: @thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
yep !!!!! and crucial at the time include that in the list
In some ways similar to a president extending federal help for disaster relief to various states (usually red states, this term)
Quote Originally Posted by KellyM_1964:
Quote Originally Posted by Zeus4par: @thirdperson During his first year when America was suffering the effects of covid physically, socially, and financially, due in very large part to total mismanagement by the previous Trump regime, if I recall correctly Biden admin also saved many hundreds of thousands from extreme hardship by repeatedly blocking landlord evictions.
yep !!!!! and crucial at the time include that in the list
In some ways similar to a president extending federal help for disaster relief to various states (usually red states, this term)
Biden will deliver remarks from the White House beginning at 8pm ET. President Biden, saying on X that he will outline “what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people” There are six months remaining in his term, and Biden and the White House have said he will serve out the remainder of his time in office.
EXCELLENT speech. Brief and to the point.
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Biden will deliver remarks from the White House beginning at 8pm ET. President Biden, saying on X that he will outline “what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people” There are six months remaining in his term, and Biden and the White House have said he will serve out the remainder of his time in office.
Excerpt from solid fact-based article. Link/chart below.
" In most areas of governance, however, Biden got more done than Trump— in many cases, vastly more.
Trump signed $6 billion in new infrastructure spending, Biden $1.2 trillion. Trump’s national security achievements are dwarfed by Biden’s biggest success: leading the international alliance against Russia to support Ukraine and his related strengthening and expanding of NATO.
What’s behind Biden’s lapping of Trump in attainment? Partly, it’s the difference in party ambition: Democrats want to use government to advance their agenda, whereas Republicans simply want to block the Democrats’ agenda.
Mostly, the difference in achievement reflects the character of the two men. As Bill Scher observes, Biden, a skilled and patient veteran lawmaker, worked more productively with members of the opposite party and thereby signed more—and more consequential—bills than Trump, an imperious hothead. Trump hired inexperienced ideologues to run his regulatory agencies, and when their proposals were challenged in court, they were overturned 77.5 percent of the time The average for all presidents is just 30 percent, as Rob Wolfe notes."
Excerpt from solid fact-based article. Link/chart below.
" In most areas of governance, however, Biden got more done than Trump— in many cases, vastly more.
Trump signed $6 billion in new infrastructure spending, Biden $1.2 trillion. Trump’s national security achievements are dwarfed by Biden’s biggest success: leading the international alliance against Russia to support Ukraine and his related strengthening and expanding of NATO.
What’s behind Biden’s lapping of Trump in attainment? Partly, it’s the difference in party ambition: Democrats want to use government to advance their agenda, whereas Republicans simply want to block the Democrats’ agenda.
Mostly, the difference in achievement reflects the character of the two men. As Bill Scher observes, Biden, a skilled and patient veteran lawmaker, worked more productively with members of the opposite party and thereby signed more—and more consequential—bills than Trump, an imperious hothead. Trump hired inexperienced ideologues to run his regulatory agencies, and when their proposals were challenged in court, they were overturned 77.5 percent of the time The average for all presidents is just 30 percent, as Rob Wolfe notes."
CNN reports on Biden being the first sitting president in generations to call for reforms of supreme court and presidential immunity. Term limit, binding code of conduct, increase in number of judges and no presidential immunity for crimes committed in office. Polls show public disapproval of supreme court at historic high.
CNN reports on Biden being the first sitting president in generations to call for reforms of supreme court and presidential immunity. Term limit, binding code of conduct, increase in number of judges and no presidential immunity for crimes committed in office. Polls show public disapproval of supreme court at historic high.
CNN reports on Biden being the first sitting president in generations to call for reforms of supreme court and presidential immunity. Term limit, binding code of conduct, increase in number of judges and no presidential immunity for crimes committed in office. Polls show public disapproval of supreme court at historic high.
I believe most intelligent people also believe there should be reasonable term limits as well as a binding code of conduct WITH CONSEQUENCES which THEY can't overturn or declare unconstitutional!
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
CNN reports on Biden being the first sitting president in generations to call for reforms of supreme court and presidential immunity. Term limit, binding code of conduct, increase in number of judges and no presidential immunity for crimes committed in office. Polls show public disapproval of supreme court at historic high.
I believe most intelligent people also believe there should be reasonable term limits as well as a binding code of conduct WITH CONSEQUENCES which THEY can't overturn or declare unconstitutional!
Excerpt from solid fact-based article. Link/chart below.
" In most areas of governance, however, Biden got more done than Trump— in many cases, vastly more.
What’s behind Biden’s lapping of Trump in attainment? Partly, it’s the difference in party ambition: Democrats want to use government to advance their agenda, whereas Republicans simply want to block the Democrats’ agenda.
Mostly, the difference in achievement reflects the character of the two men. As Bill Scher observes, Biden, a skilled and patient veteran lawmaker, worked more productively with members of the opposite party and thereby signed more—and more consequential—bills than Trump, an imperious hothead. Trump hired inexperienced ideologues to run his regulatory agencies, and when their proposals were challenged in court, they were overturned 77.5 percent of the time The average for all presidents is just 30 percent, as Rob Wolfe notes."
The difference is clear and stark, and much more impressive for Biden admin when we consider the disaster he inherited from the failed Trump regime
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Excerpt from solid fact-based article. Link/chart below.
" In most areas of governance, however, Biden got more done than Trump— in many cases, vastly more.
What’s behind Biden’s lapping of Trump in attainment? Partly, it’s the difference in party ambition: Democrats want to use government to advance their agenda, whereas Republicans simply want to block the Democrats’ agenda.
Mostly, the difference in achievement reflects the character of the two men. As Bill Scher observes, Biden, a skilled and patient veteran lawmaker, worked more productively with members of the opposite party and thereby signed more—and more consequential—bills than Trump, an imperious hothead. Trump hired inexperienced ideologues to run his regulatory agencies, and when their proposals were challenged in court, they were overturned 77.5 percent of the time The average for all presidents is just 30 percent, as Rob Wolfe notes."
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