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Posted: #32

Volume 1 page 58

"In addition to targeting individuals involved in the Clinton Campaign, GRU officers also targeted individuals and entities involved in the administration of the elections. Victims included U.S. state and local entities, such as state boards of elections (SBOEs), secretaries of state, and county governments, as well as individuals who worked for those entities.

So what has the Trump administration & Congress done to prevent a re-occurrence? Are they going to do anything?

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Posted: #33

Volume 1 Page 77

Cohen was the only Trump Organization representative to negotiate directly with I.C. Expert or its agents. In approximately September 2015, Cohen obtained approval to negotiate with [Russian real estate development corporation] I.C. Expert from candidate Trump, who was then president of the Trump Organization. Cohen provided updates directly to Trump about the project throughout 2015 and into 2016, assuring him the project was continuing. Cohen also discussed the Trump Moscow project with Ivanka Trump as to design elements (such as possible architects to use for the project) and Donald J. Trump Jr. (about his experience in Moscow and possible involvement in the project) during the fall of 2015.

Trump has regularly denied any involvement with Russia.


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Posted: #34

Would paper ballots eliminate 90% of the issue rather than using voting machines owned and programmed by George Soros? The only downside I see is the country would not find out about a Trump landslide victory in 2020 for a couple of days while the ballots are being counted!
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Posted: #35

Page 215

Later that afternoon, the President cleared the Oval Office to have a one-on-one meeting with Comey. Referring to the FBI's investigation of Flynn, the President said, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." Shortly after requesting Flynn's resignation and speaking privately to Comey, the President sought to have Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland draft an internal letter stating that the President had not directed Flynn to discuss sanctions with Kislyak. McFarland declined because she did not know whether that was true, and a White House Counsel's Office attorney thought that the request would look like a quid pro quo for an ambassadorship she had been offered.

This proves aides did defy Trump's orders & he attempted to get Comey to let Flynn slide.

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Posted: #36

Page 217

One month later, in another private meeting with Lewandowski on July 19, 2017, the President asked about the status of his message for Sessions to limit the Special Counsel investigation to future election interference. Lewandowski told the President that the message would be delivered soon. Hours after that meeting, the President publicly criticized Sessions in an interview with the New York Times, and then issued a series of tweets making it clear that Sessions's job was in jeopardy. Lewandowski did not want to deliver the President's message personally, so he asked senior White House official Rick Dearborn to deliver it to Sessions. Dearborn was uncomfortable with the task and did not follow through.

An example of 2 more aides defying Trump's orders & one of Trump's obstruction attempts.

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Posted: #37

Quote Originally Posted by sundance:

Would paper ballots eliminate 90% of the issue rather than using voting machines owned and programmed by George Soros? The only downside I see is the country would not find out about a Trump landslide victory in 2020 for a couple of days while the ballots are being counted!

Your comment about Soros is total bullshit.





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Posted: #38

I tried posting 2 links but check snopes & apnews which proves my point.

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Posted: #39

Quote Originally Posted by 666LES:

Hertiage Foundation quotes that with the Tax Act 88% of the tax payers will see a reduction of their Tax to the Federal and an individual will see an average increase of $1,400 and a family of 4 -$2,400 per year hardly a snide $10-15.Like I alluded earlier,with the JFK tax cut and the 2 tax cuts during the Reagan terms each resulted in Increased Revenue to the IRS because money in the hands of Americans leads to economic activity and increased employment/taxable actions(Economics 101)It is IMPOSSIBLE to operate at a deficit due to a Tax Cut because a deficit is ONLY the result of deficit spending.Short term the cut resulted in $50-100 extra in a paycheck and the return of Corporate monies from off-shore and long term there will be increased revenues to IRS as this Tide ripples through the Economy rising boats large and small.As a Libertarian,Trump or any other sob has no right to tell me how to spend my increased take-home pay and only a god-damn Progressive should stick his nose in to how Acme Corp spends his profits legally.After Trump has pulled the wool over the workers eyes,just what to hell do you mean by giving them the whole cake in America where the top 10% of tax-payers contribute 50% of IRS revenue?My last comment was in regards that EVERY election hinges on pocketbook issues including  2020 and someone who suggests that Trump is on borrowed time after he passed the most impactful tax act in the last 35 years is ignorant or wishful,check away.Gratefully.

The key word is average.  Not everyone is going to get that.  For everyone person that has benefited vastly, you'll find those that got an extra $10-15 a "PAYCHECK" (felt the need to clarify that since you missed it the first time)  As for you stating people don't have a right to tell you how to spend your money... if the government is giving you a tax cut, it wasn't your money to begin with now was it?  Corporate profits are at record highs and you think they should not give back to the people who got them there?  I'm sorry but when I see fulltime workers barely able to survive, something is wrong with the system.  Corporations are not people no matter how many times these loser politicians try to shove it down our throats.

The key word is average.  Not everyone is going to get that.  For everyone person that has benefited vastly, you'll find those that got an extra $10-15 a "PAYCHECK" (felt the need to clarify that since you missed it the first time)  As for you stating people don't have a right to tell you how to spend your money... if the government is giving you a tax cut, it wasn't your money to begin with now was it?  Corporate profits are at record highs and you think they should not give back to the people who got them there?  I'm sorry but when I see fulltime workers barely able to survive, something is wrong with the system.  Corporations are not people no matter how many times these loser politicians try to shove it down our throats.

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Posted: #40

Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:

Ok,had time to read the report ...Page #2  of the document ..quoting from the report  ‘The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election of interference activities.’So, after 675 days... $25/30 million spent the investigation that included interviews with 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, 30 wire taps..false intelligence and false media reports...using 16 lawyers (13 of them were registered Democrats)..not one a Republican ..we find out it was fabricated bull s---. The Mueller Report says:The evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime..

Turns out the whole report didn't have to be read & I'm sure most in this forum didn't However, just read Page 1.

There were also intelligence reports not contained in Mueller's which he farmed out to other FBI offices & most likely involves Saudi Arabia & China. Those findings are not yet public.

The report contains massive details regarding what the Russians did in our 2016 election & Trump is in complete denial this ever took place because it would diminish his victory. To this day, top aides are hesitant to approach him on the subject as to not pick on his fragile ego.

The report also concludes Trump asked members of his campaign to find Hillary's emails & Flynn reached out to Barbara Leeden & Peter Smith for help. Soon after Peter Smith committed suicide. Trump asked Russia for help, they attempted to attack her server. However the most important part of the report is this IMO...

Mueller was restrained because of the policy of not being able to indict a sitting President. This is what the report said on the subject..

"Fairness concerns counseled against potentially reaching that judgement when no charges can be brought. The ordinary means for an individual to respond to an accusation is through a speedy public trial, with all the procedural protections that surround a criminal case. An individual who believes he was wrongly accused can use that process to seek to clear his name."

" In contrast, a prosecutor's judgement that crimes were committed, but that no charges will be brought, afford no such adversarial opportunity for public name-clearing before an impartial adjudicator."

I believe that ruling is fair but it's not the normal course of events because Trump is President & can't be indicted. If you can't be prosecuted, you can't be indicted. However, Trump can be charged once he leaves office & most certainly a new AG will replace Roy Cohen.

The report continues..."Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh & documentary materials were available."

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not obstruct justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement.The evidence we obtained about the President's actions & intents presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that not criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." 

In other words, if we could indict, we would!

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Posted: #41

The report also states..."The President's efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests. Comey didn't end the investigation of Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn's prosecution & conviction for lying to the FBI. McGahn didn't tell the acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President's order. Lewandowski and Dearborn did not deliver the President's message to Sessions that he should confine the Russia investigation to future election meddling only. And McGahn refused to recede from his recollection about events surrounding the President's direction to have the Special Counsel removed despite the President's multiple demands to do so. Consistent with that pattern, the evidence would not support potential obstruction charges against the President's aides and associates beyond those already filed."  

There's 180 pages documenting Trump's attempts to obstruct justice. The evidence would support obstruction if he weren't president. 



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Posted: #42

He has no farking agenda other that to increase his personal wealth & that of his family. This "strategic goal" you speak of was run by Republicans not Democrats.

Trump had 2 years to repeal the ACA & couldn't do it. He promise you a ridiculous wall & you bought that bullshit that Mexico was going to pay for it.

He gave a tax cut to his friends; he as lied close to 10,000 times; he has screwed with our allies while embracing despots. 

He has increased the national debt dramatically that our children's children will be stuck with for decades.

He has done more to negatively impact our environment than anyone in history. 

If he escapes the Feds, SDNY has all they need on him & his family. 

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Posted: #43

Quote Originally Posted by Circus_Bettor:

There is no evidence of any crime of collusion. This was the only ALLOWED objective allowed for the Special Counsel.  There is no obstruction of justice if there is no crime of collusion. There can logically or legally be no obstruction of justice if there is no crime.    There is evidence of using Presidential influence. That is what Presidential authority is for, to use it. Yes, Trump has many levels of corruption (wealthy partners, Israel, favours to loyal people, etc). FOCUS on that, and stop the Russian collusion hoax narrative. It failed. It was a tactic that will help Trump enormously now. This is a big problem. He never fired Mueller. Therefore, talking about firing Mueller is not ONLY the behaviour of a guilty person, it is also the behaviour of someone wrongly convicted. Innocent people wrongly convicted (or defending his former aides) often will act exhorbitantly, over the top. LEGALLY OR OTHERWISE, NOONE CAN MIND READ. THAT IS A DELUSION OF SOCIAL MEDIA. The whole strategic goal was to hinder Trump's first 100 days, and to have control of the media news cycle with inuendos, and put Trump on the defensive. IT WORKED TO PLAN. Trump had to take tremendous setbacks. Delays. Division. Now there will be blowback. The only option for this Machiavellian tactic (accuse your opponent of what you actually did and people know you did) is to double down. OK. There is no other game left to play. There is no chance of any meaningful legislation to pass.  It is honest to know that this is a tactic as old as Ancient Greece.  To do otherwise is to lose focus on defeating Trump's agenda. It is because of this Special Counsel into Russian Collusion (A MISCALCULATED RISK) that Trump has been handed a tremendous gift, and they are planning to use this to their advantage.

I forgot to mention the misinformation you posted so I highlighted it in bold red.

The Mueller report did not address "collusion" which is a term with no legal description. The report depicts a consistent pattern of deception with repeated efforts to impeded the investigation. No one reasonable who read the report can walk away thinking Trump didn't try to obstruct justice.

He will be held accountable in November & once he leaves office.

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Posted: #44

I don't know the potential cases Mueller farmed out to SDNY & the DC federal offices but I have a pretty good idea..

Using RNC campaign funds to pay off his concubines.

Financial misuse of funds in his Trump Foundation charity.

Tax evasion regarding the Trump Organization in NYC.

Millions of dollars unaccounted from the Trump Inaugural Committee.

Security approval clearance issues for his daughter & son in law.

Real estate deals aka money laundering.

Bank fraud

Insurance Fraud

Page 446 has 12 of the 14 cases redacted that were outsourced. 

Exonerated my butski!

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Posted: #45

Republicans like to put labels on people. That's just like me saying all Pubs are racist. It doesn't make sense right?

Ivanka for President just indicates that your party has no one to run. 

How is your wall coming along?

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Posted: #46

Please child.....Ivanka couldn't even get security clearance without Daddy's help.

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Posted: #47

There's a news report from the Washington Post that Mueller told Roy Cohn that his depiction of the report failed to capture the context, nature & substance of the probe.

Cohn doesn't want to be grilled by Congress but that may force Mueller to appear to set things right for him & his team.

This news isn't going away IMO.

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Posted: #48

Flashback: April 9. CRIST: Reports have emerged recently, general, that members of the Special Counsel's team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24th letter ... Do you know what they are referencing with that? BARR: No, I don't.

Roy Cohn lied because Mueller made him aware of the discontent in the letter he gave Cohn in March.

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Posted: #49

Here's more...

From MUELLER’s letter in March: “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Dep’t appointed the SC: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations”

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Posted: #50

Roy Cohn's 4/10 Senate testimony. “Q: Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion? A: I don’t know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion.” Now it appears that Mueller objected in his 3/27 letter.

Sounds like perjury to me. I'd love to know why Mueller's letter was leaked the day before Cohn testifies to Congress.

There's a Guardian Angel somewhere that's going to save us from ourselves.

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