I am not going to get angry or throw party lines out there but seriously, I mean use your brains folks...Trump for sure is guilty of more than what some of these guys who are bowing out are, speaking of congress. The guy in AZ bowed out for talking to a staffer about being a surrogate...of course that might not mean it was all he did or if it was innocent but there has been much less to have people persecuted (rightly btw) than what Trump has done. Anyone who has followed Trump for the last 20-30 years and can say with a clear mind that he is not guilty of this is really fooling themselves. Trump went on Stern several times and bragged about his conquests and about himself. Why anyone would try and act as if Trump is not an antagonizing, chauvanistic pig is really blinded...severely blinded. He does not hide his elitiest, snobish little ego, it has been out there for what 30-40 plus years and he does not care if people approve of his conquests or not. Problem is as a civil servant and representative of this country, that kind of behavior is not acceptable by anyone, I dont care what party. This discussion is not about what Clinton did or what some DEM did, this is about Trump and him alone. I say if someone is guilty then they have to go down..and if some networks are lining up guilty congressfolks then that is fine with me. The way we have allowed them to hide and pay off victims is a travesty, it is an insult to the American public and we really deserve someone with more integrity and class than Trump and many of our congress dopes.
His CUCKOLDS only know how to bring up O Bama or Clinton ..