Well ladies and girls, looks like Tyler Palko is once more the kings of the pool! Since he has accumulated 500 he wont she wont be betting again until October! Hey Tyler, I'll send you $21 if you dont play super conservative. Websters defines conservative as scared!
Anyway, my picks were so powerful that a storm leveled Phoenix last night, I'm just gettin warmed up! Good thing I got work release from jail, gives me time to skip out early to the APT to wager ten strong 500's. Tyler, the bet isn't dollars or cents, just points. You probably still have the money you won last year, put it in a CD and panhandled for this years entry fee!
I must welcome out latest contestant Marcella, she is an ASU student, hot as hell and knows less about football than TP! Thats not toilet paper college fans, thats Tyler Palko!
I see the 10 year my senior sister Nene has joined up. Neene, you live in OH not FL, Bobbie Bowden is so old they won't take him in the Shadyside nursing home, let it go!
I'm still on probation after my last visit home but have completed 12 weeks in a 12 step program and got my meds stright at the VA! I will be seeking yet another diploma after tent city, a masters in domestic violence! Remember the University of Maryland was the hing-pin for countless academic superiority!
Watch out for Matt Snively this year, AKA Snive 06, he has recently broke the bank on Centsports.com! Don't tell anyone but Tony or possibly his killer dog is making all the picks!
I got to go to Chevron and listen to blue hairs complain about the power outage, came back on at 0445. After a short nap its off to University of Phoenix, escort the cheerleaders, throw out drunks and watch the Cards get their ass kicked! I got to hit up Matt Lionart for an autograph for another ASU chick at Chevron!
Well I'm still waiting on some rebuttal here! UncSam