Quote Originally Posted by Newtons Law:
Good post Alan. The money and lifestyle is ridiculous.
This could make for a great discussion as I think this speaks to bigger issues...and I'd love to get some more peoples opinions on it...
But I'm not sure if the money and lifestyle is ridiculous. At least not to them. It's the life people dream of. Money, women, traveling the world, power, etc. But to defend them, they are earning the money that the market has decided they are worth. Even the bad golfers are making bank as long as they keep their tour card.
People tune in to watch Spieth, McIlroy, Fowler, Day, Phil, Bubba, Scott, Sergio and Dustin. And why shouldn't they...these guys are the most interesting.
Stenson: Amazing golfer...snooze fest.
Snedeker: Elite at times...boooooooring.
Kuchar: When he's dialed in he's amazing...but I'm not making it a point to watch his round.
The guys earning all the money are the ones who have success and personality. That spring break snapchat was a calculated move on their part to show them partying together, getting along, and creating an elite club. It's part of the Millenial mindset where they aren't interested in tearing each other apart. They like helping people they consider equals. They see the big picture. They aren't concerned with being the best ever at their craft. They just want to be successful, and they know if everyone on their level is successful, they will be too. It's really smart business.
There are a lot of young cool guys on tour, but that spring break snapchat event should've given notice to every golf fan. These young guys are working together and supporting each other. The days of someone like Tiger Woods wanting to intimidate and rip the heart out of his opponents are loooong gone. After that trip, you think Fowler is going for the jugular if he's paried up against Rory on Sunday? Heck no...they'll congratulate each other after every shot. Cause they are all making bank. And I can't blame them.
But if golf fans are looking for the next rivalry? Good luck...it doesn't exist right now, and probably won't unless someone comes out of nowhere and calls these guys out. But that won't happen...because there's more money to be made if you're in the club than if you're out.
If you want to see what Jordan Spieth is really motivated by...read this
There's just so much money to be made in being a big name in golf...the winning isn't even important to these guys. When Greg Norman collapsed, he had to go home and think about it. when Van De Velde collapsed he had to go home and think about it.
When Spieth went home he thought about it, and then thought more about his contracts with AT&T, Under Armour, and Coke (a deal that put his brand on the same level as Lebron and Taylor Swift).
I'd love some more comments about this so if anyone agrees or disagrees, I'd love to hear it.