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Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: No I didn't call you a liberal of Mr.liberal...I called you a leftist... Big difference.. You are wrong ...the refute is here ....Going by your numbers and your figures, that roughly 25% of the eligible voters (out of 250 million) voted for President Trump...if we carry that presumption and apply it to the number of Klan and neo nazi's that would have voted ( only 25% of them ) the only swing state Hillary Clinton would have had a chance to win was the Big state of New would have made no difference in the outcome of the election.. You know Ktrain,,you remind me of the Ferndale punks we use to see on the sidewalk ..when we were cruising down Woodward Ave to Teds drive -in.....they would stand there and shout out vulgar comments to us,but as soon as we stop the car to confront them face to face they go ![]() It's must be in your DNA............. Hey old man, I know you're memory must be shot but you've already used that passive aggressive threat before. Feel free to come up with a new one if you can even think for yourself anymore. Maybe you should just stick to calling everyone "leftists", "lefty's" or "liberals". Probably easier on your dementia riddled brain. Besides, no one is scared of you Slim. You remind me of the old man yelling at kids to stay off the lawn. "Back in my day.....". No one cares about your day, old man. Trump barely won a few swing states by a few percentage points against one of the most unpopular candidates of all time. I'm not even sure the GOP wants Trump to run in 2020. I'd rather see someone like Ben Shapiro run for the GOP. It would be better for America to have him than someone like Trump. But Trump is dumb and old as f#ck so I can see why you would be a fan of his. |
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by sundance: Are you my own personal troll ktrain? The woman more than likely is a Democratic operative trying to bring the Left/Dems out of political extinction. It's really not anything personal, it's just that you make it so easy with some of your posts on here. I'll give you another chance though. You come up with another source to corroborate your claim and I'll stop pointing out all the times you spew "fake news" like a hypocrite.
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by sundance: From today's only trusted news source. Go figure! Photos: Moore Accuser a Democrat ActivistAccuser had closely worked with Hillary Clinton’s campaign![]() I guess this makes sense given your history of fact checking what you post. |
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: ![]() Ktrain, you need to get back across 8 mile.. I guess I'm wrong if you truly believe that the Obama era was more divisive than slavery or Jim Crow. ![]() Amazing logic as always Slim. I do think it's a legit question about you gargling Trump's balls though. I saw it on infowars and Sundance said that's the only reliable news source anymore. Notice how you say I'm wrong, yet you didn't address any other part of what I posted and refuted that? Wonder why? Notice how you resort to calling anyone who disagrees with you a "leftist" or "liberal"? I must be the worst liberal ever then. Pro gun, anti minimum wage, pro tax cuts, anti big government, anti excessive government spending....but yep, that's me....Mr. Liberal over here. Amazing logic Slim. ![]() Trump's ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: I didn't ignore it, I offered a solution. Increase the mandatory minimums for people found in illegal possession of a firearm. In Texas the gun was purchased legally. You're having a hard time grasping what happened in Texas for some reason. ![]() Haven't we learned enough from drugs about mandatory minimums, and how they are a bad idea? Are we really going to have to hear horror stories about people serving mandatory minimum sentences because they happen to be in a house or a car where there is a fire arm? A fire arm they might not have even been aware of but because it fits a certain criteria and definition of "possession," they now will have their lives ruined over this? Mandatory minimums are never a good idea imo.
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: Nearly 63 million people voted for President Trump.. The Klan claims it has “between 5,000 and 8,000 members nationwide ..there are no verifiable numbers on the Neo-Nazi membership lets say it's equal to the Klan members ...although I do not think it's that many.. So,you are saying between 10,000 and 16,000 of these people,if they all voted,,, put President over the the South.. OK !............ ![]() Oh so now hyperbole is too much for you? Got it. Now you want to bring it to the literal sense. Whatever works for you Slim. I guess that works since you've never been one for consistency anyways. I like this numbers game though. Roughly 63 million voted for Trump, out of roughly 250 million eligible voters. Can't imagine why people aren't getting behind him. Trump only has a majority in Congress and still can't get sh!t passed. Wonder why that is? It's funny you used those numbers, between 10k and 16k, because that's roughly what he won a few key swing states by. Might not be so lucky in 2020 if he can't actually get anything done. Which would be quite impressive given that he has a majority in Congress. I can only imagine what might happen if he runs against someone slightly more popular than HRC, who is literally the most unpopular candidate of all time. I'd hate to see what would happen if he had to run against someone that isn't hated by most of America. Especially considering he STILL lost the popular vote. But yeah, Trump's doing a great job right? He might even get that tax cut passed through a Congress that he has a majority of before next year. I'm looking forward to this tax cut doing absolutely nothing for me or anyone that I associate with but doing wonders for Trump and his circle. That's great. Love me some trickle down economics! Slim, what's it like gargling Trump's ball sack? Or should I ask Detox? |
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Crusher13: are OWNING this thread...shooting dead on what some other's "want you to believe the case".... ![]() Let's look at the fact...domestic abuser court marshalled OUT of the AF, crazy man by his own actions,,still allowed to purchase firearms despite being CONVICTED of these felonious acts...THE Government failed...Even I know the hard way..being accused and then, CONVICTED of any DOMESTIC violence (which I wasn't but EVIL woman do lie in Court ![]() ![]() ![]() So what's the SOLUTION???/ I'll post mine after reading others ![]() Sorry to side track this thread but I'm slightly confused by this post. So you were convicted of domestic violence? Or you weren't convicted of domestic violence?
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: You have me on that one....I guess I'll have to concede. The practices of Jim Crow laws enacted by Democratic-dominated state legislatures in the South was more divisive...... ![]() Yeah it's crazy how that worked out. Almost like the two major political parties evolved or swapped stances since Republican Abraham Lincoln was President. I wonder what party Democratic Governor George Wallace would be a part of today? I'm sure all the Pro Trump Nazi's and Klan members in the south voted for Hillary though right? Or maybe Gary Johnson? ![]() |
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: Well,, as I may from time to time embellish a little ..If you want an example of real hyperbole..check this guy out .. Q. Are race relations better off than before you were elected ? A. “I actually think that it’s probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided,” Source: No what you gave was hyperbole. But we could go with your take on it and say that the last 8 years being more divisive than slavery or Jim Crow. Hell, let's bring back slavery! I wouldn't mind buying you as my slave. That would be a lot of fun....for me. ![]() ![]() |
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim: Thanks to Obama the nation is more divided than ever ..and that was before President Trump even came on the scene... race relations are at a new low...there was always a divide ,but Obama widened it..Obama divided Americans by class ..class warfare pitted against the poor ..blacks against whites against women ..BLM protesters against police.. There is no doubt the nation has declined under Obama ..his true legacy is a divide nation..and a Democrat party in shambles.. Hyperbole much? More divided than ever? Even when slavery/Jim Crow was legal? I don't know, that just seems slightly more divisive than anything in recent memory, Bush's, Clinton and Reagan included. The nation has been said to be declining under every President since Reagan and yet I don't see any mass exodus out of America.
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by JimmyDrizzl: Another crazed liberal attacks a peaceful church in Texas killing 28 more conservative evangelicals and wounding many more. This is just a few weeks after the killings in Vegas which took out 60 or so conservative country music fans....SEE the pattern here? .....AND how about the attack at the baseball field last summer in Washington. MSNBC and CNN need to be shut down for creating mayhem and murder as they are broadcasting non stop 24 hrs a day constantly portraying Trump and his supporters as evil, dangerous and wicked. I tune in these stations from time to time just to see what they are doing and it is not good for the country. The mentally challenged and deranged buy into their daily garbage and feel they must act to kill the evil Trump voters...How sick.. I am all in for a boycott of these vile network sponsors...This is the only way to hit them and make them clean up their act...No revenue and they go out of business... We need an activist group to organize a huge sponsor boycott of CNN and the other stations that are trying to create a civil war and perpetrate violence. This has been going on for way too long...How many more liberal idiots will fall for their lies and go out to kill again and again? Conservatives cannot play by the decent mild rules ANY longer....CNN and the other station must be dealt a conservative beating this time and end the lying stupid crap broadcast daily from these networks. I thought liberals were opposed to owning guns and wanted to ban them all together? Isn't that what you "conservatives" have been saying on here? Now Vegas and Texas happen and liberals are gun fans? Doesn't seem to conform to your generalizations at all. And before you lose your mind over this, I'm pro 2nd amendment. Even though I don't own a weapon, I am all for people having the right to own them, barring certain exclusions of course (felons, mentally unstable, etc). I know this will get taken the wrong way but I just can't help myself sometimes. I know a mass shooting like this is a terrifying experience to endure, and definitely not the ideal way to die. But these are a bunch of people (Christians, or a lot of religious people really) who really think there is a better place for them after they leave this life/world. Why is this such a tragic incident then? They're all in a better place now right? No more waiting around in this crappy world for the next life in a better place right? Anyways, thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. They do so much right? |
JimmyDrizzl | 77 |
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Quote Originally Posted by tootskie: Hundley is absolutely capable of filling in for Rodgers. Rocket arm, accurate, that division I'll take him 2nd behind stafford....the problem is not him, it's his patchwork offensive line that might kill him...and defense that can't stay healthy. ![]() ![]() |
LETGOPACK1234 | 27 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: The protests are happening on Jones' platform. He isn't taking a stand against peaceful protests. He's taking a stand against players using his platform for the protests. If you owned a bar would you allow employees on the clock to participate in a protest on a divisive issue in your establishment? Would you allow your employees to protest planned parenthood, on the clock, inside your establishment? With the controversial message being aimed at your customers? Stopping people from protesting is illegal. Stopping people from protesting while at work, using their employers platform is completely reasonable. ![]() We were already in agreement on employees not being allowed to protest at work if their employer doesn't allow it. I agree, Jones can cut a player tomorrow if he feels like it. Goodell can suspend guys that protest the anthem if he wants. But they probably won't do that. That was established in other threads. What I disagree with you on Trump saluting Jones for "taking a stand" against his employees protesting during the anthem. You say this is some "genius" tactic by Trump to put pressure on NFL owners to stand up to their players. I disagree. I don't see any "genius" to Trump's tweet. I take it at face value: Trump commending a guy that is on his side of the issue. Trump isn't some tactical genius that is three steps ahead of everyone else. TBH, I'm not even sure what Jones would do if someone like Zeke or Dak did protest during the anthem. Bench them for a play, a series, a game, the season? We don't know. Jones saying he'll bench a guy is pretty vague imo. Especially given his history of signing players that have committed actual crimes. We're nine months into Trump's Presidency and this is what is considered a "major victory": getting some NFL players to stand during the national anthem. It's going to be a long four years if you consider this a major victory. |
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: I don't think you really understand what's going on in that tweet. Trump is knowingly putting Jones in a very bad spot. There are a bunch of people that share your point of view and there are boatloads of Dallas Cowboys fans in Texas that are completely disgusted with the players kneeling for the anthem. That tweet isn't Trump being nice to Jones. That tweet is Trump putting Jones in the national frying pan. Trump will now start tweeting that he made the owners, make the players, stand for the anthem. He knows how the players will feel about that. This is all the genius of Donald Trump. And rightfully so... the owners and the NFL never should have allowed it from the beginning... They did, Trump is burying them. ![]() We're going to disagree on that one. I don't see any "genius" to Trump's tactics. Niners and Colts had players kneel with Pence in the building. This just comes across as Jones levying an ultimatum to his players (I don't remember any of them kneeling during the anthem before anyways, I could be wrong on that though) and Trump praising him since it supports his side. I could see why Trump, a guy that was born on third thinking he hit a triple in life, would want people to blindly think America is a wonderful place for everyone. I can also see why a bunch of guys, several of whom might have grown up less fortunate, might not have the same perspective about America, given how they were treated growing up. If there is anyone Trump should "throw in the frying pan" it's Goodell. Notice how Adam Silver addressed this issue before the season even started? I don't think Trump is that smart. I'm taking the tweet you referenced at face value: Trump saluting Jones for taking a stand against peaceful protest by his players.....but not violent crimes. Let's be honest too, If Zeke or Dak took a knee for the anthem next time out, they might sit one play or one drive. No way Jones sits them for a game or more. Look at his history of treating players who have done worse in society.
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: And I wasn't saluting Jones. I was showing how the players don't have the right to protest. NFL owners have put themselves in a terrible spot. Let players, that will be in the NFL for 3 years and leave broke, ruin your brand or stick up for yourself and piss off the vile left. ![]() Right. You're just saluting the guy(Trump) that is saluting Jones. Otherwise, why bother to use the tweet? Perhaps one of Trump's aides could have suggested mentioning another owner instead of Jones? Someone that doesn't consider peaceful protest worse than manslaughter, domestic violence, assault, drug use, etc. |
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: TRUMP TWEET: A big salute to Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, who will BENCH players who disrespect our flag. "Stand for Anthem or sit for game!" There goes their "rights" ![]() Ah yes...Jerry Jones, a man of moral conviction if ever there was one. Kill a teammate via DUI? Welcome back to the team! Domestic assault? No big deal, here's a contract. Drug issues? No problem so long as you can produce on the field. Get caught with hookers on your wife's birthday? Who cares! Aggravated assualt over a parking spot? You can still play Outside Linebacker. But don't you dare have a peaceful protest during the anthem. ![]() Yes, a BIG SALUTE to Jerry Jones and his moral code for employee conduct.
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: As of July 30, 2017 the debt had gone down $102,365,614,861.12 since January 20, 2017. ![]() This is true.....for now. |
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: Within 9 months, Trump has exposed the left as a party that openly burns the American flag, kneels for the anthem, attacks police and military, shuts down free speech and destroys American history. ![]() I'd be more impressed if he did something that's actually productive, especially since he has control of congress. Something like create a budget surplus and start decreasing our debt instead of increasing it. Exposing a few hundred morons at Berkeley, for being the morons they are, doesn't seem like a big victory to me. Congrats to Trump on being slightly smarter than some idiots who can't shower? ![]() I always thought you were smart enough to see through this b.s. Detox. I guess I was wrong.
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: Here's how the country voted in the Presidential election Here's a heat map on murders ![]() You mean most of the murders take place where most of the people live?!?!?!?!?! GTFOH!!!! What a revelation!!!!!! How did we not see this before?!?!?!? |
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox: Here's how the country voted in the Presidential election Here's a heat map on murders ![]() You mean most of the murders take place where most of the people live?!?!?!?!?! GTFOH!!!! What a revelation!!!!!! How did we not see this before?!?!?!? |
I_Need_A_Detox | 6618 |
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