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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: Dude your replies are so fucking lame. If you ever brake free from your fantasy of irrelevant conjecture you will realize how stupid you sound. Your about one click above a retard eating his own shit. You trying to match wits with me is like a worm fighting an eagle.I will lay you 2-1 if you send your girlfriend over here i can convince her my cock is a vanilla ice cream cone. Sweet dreams princess. like girls? I thought little boys were your kick.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: Truth hurts huh lttle lady.WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Sandusky! Just cause you are on bail doesn't mean you're allowed back on the internet to prowl for youngsters! I'm gonna have to call your parole officer.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: Psychological projection is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them. An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.'Emotions or excitations which the ego tries to ward off are "spit out" and then felt as being outside the ego...perceived in another person'. It is a common process. The related defence of 'projective identification differs from projection in that the impulse projected onto an external object does not appear as something alien and distant from the ego because the connection of the self with that projected impulse continues'.[In this sense, projection is related to denial, arguably the only more primitive defense mechanism than projection, which, like all defense mechanisms, provides a function whereby a person can protect the conscious mind from a feeling that is otherwise repulsive.IThis often means projecting false accusations, information, etc., onto an individual for the sole purpose of maintaining a self-created illusion. One of the many problems with the process whereby 'something dangerous that is felt inside can be moved outside - a process of "projection"' - is that as a result 'the projector may become somewhat depleted and rendered limp in character, as he loses part of his personality'. Further, while engaged in projection, individuals can be unable to access truthful memories, intentions, and experiences, even about their own nature. SOUND FAMILIAR . DONT CRY SWEETHART ITS PRETTY COMMON. MY THEATER ROOM IS PROBABLY WORTH MORE THAN YOUR HOUSE AND I WILL EVEN LET YOU THROW IN YOUR GLORIFIED TAXICABS. i CHALLENGE YOU TO FIND ONE INSTANCE IN THIS THREAD WHERE I SAID ANY THING ABOUT RACE. THAT IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF YOU PROJECTING YOUR I NSECURITY ONTO OTHERS. NIGHT NIGHT LITTLE FELLA!! Fuck off Sandusky
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: His Idea of rich is a sedan they use for taxicabs in eastern Europe. How did that rivers fade work out for you last night cockwhipe. Stick to the playstation little fella. What a mo mo. This guy is a fucking loser. Youre so angry at your shitty little life it just bothers u so much that you cant cash a fucking ticket if your life depended on it. Thats why whenever you get mad you have to bring race and other NON SPORTS RELATED BULLSHIT into the conversation. Your life is pathetic. Your mom must be so proud. I forgot to ask her when my dick was down her throat. Get your porn mag and go to bed lotion boy. You fucking douchbag, clown. Get off the public library's computer and get a job you unemployment collecting, trailer park living, asking your mom for permission to go out past 8 oclock, porn downloading degenerate loser. Come out of the closet too, your mom already knows your gay...she told me "noone spends that much time in his room, never goes out, and I never see him any girls". So do us all a favor shoot your fucking self or overdose on pills or both or whatever it is you child molesters do you fucking sandusky. |
MVP702 | 109 |
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MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Plisskin76: You people are hilarious! Nice pic, did you take that at the mercedes dealer?
Once again, hating on the lifestyle instead of the comment. Jealousy is out of control !
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Jordaholic: 1: You are a Raider fan, that totally explains your weak logic and grammar. 2: Your stats from your source is also known as common knowledge. My source told me, the sun will come out this week! 3: So is Vincent Jackson, Antonio Gates also in on the take? Of the 17 interceptions that Rivers have this year, 5 of those were tipped by these two players that lead them to be intercepted? 4: So when you are in the locker rooms, giving these players handjobs and oral satisfaction, do you also solicit player injuries or possible game strategy? 5: Your pudgy shape makes me laugh, keep living your sad life and make sure my suite is ready for New Years Eve you tool. Pudgy shape? That's not what your mom, grandma, and sister said last night you fucking loser. I had it all in their mouths! Ask your wife how my dick tastes. Fucking Cuckold !
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: I THINK that avatar sheds a great deal of light on your opinion. Your avatar is a picture of a chicks ass that you got on the internet. You are a fucking geek! You probably sit up all day eating fucking cheetohs and rubbing the crumbs on your shirt. You search for pictures of naked chicks online and post them on your page to make you look "cool". You are a perverted loser who probably hasn't been laid since 1999 and the closest thing you'll ever get to getting laid is when you prop up your monitor, log on to the porn site and beat off to a video. You're a fucking dweeb.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Jordaholic: 1: You are a Raider fan, that totally explains your weak logic and grammar. 2: Your stats from your source is also known as common knowledge. My source told me, the sun will come out this week! 3: So is Vincent Jackson, Antonio Gates also in on the take? Of the 17 interceptions that Rivers have this year, 5 of those were tipped by these two players that lead them to be intercepted? 4: So when you are in the locker rooms, giving these players handjobs and oral satisfaction, do you also solicit player injuries or possible game strategy? 5: Your pudgy shape makes me laugh, keep living your sad life and make sure my suite is ready for New Years Eve you tool. Umm your arguement has nothing but hate behind it. Another jealous loser who drives his mom's 1999 Honda Accord to work. Cash some tickets loser. "I've got a $5 21 point teaser in action today! I hope it wins!" - Jordaholic
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: Jason Garrett is a point shaver!!!!! I saw Jason Garrets wifes uncles cousins friends brothers sisters hairdressers retarded kids bus drivers chiropracters masseuse in mandalay bay hand a million dollar winning cardinals ticket to a three balled hermaphrodite who then gave it to a one armed man that took a city bus north to downtown vegas. He cashed at the lovely 4 queens sports book and stuffed all the money into a backpack walked around the corner got on a 1983 schwinn ten speed that had no brakes and one good pedal. He clacked back south on Las Vegas blvd passing MVP702s sister smoking crack with 6 bums and Dwight Gooden behind 7-11. Took an elevator to the top of the stratosphere hotel and zipped off in a UFO. Now that's comedy! See, when your funny, we can actually have a conversation. When your just makes you sound jealous.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by Snappa: I'm sure you must know, MVP that it is also a FACT that Al Davis was paid millions by Alex Spanos to put together pathetic teams that had 7 losing embarrassing seasons in a row ending last year in a ho-hum 8and 8 debacle. Then Al got sick and didn't care about the money anymore. I mean, how could it be any clearer? And last Sunday, EVERY battery-chucking Raider player cashed by letting the Dolphins walk all over them. And it's a FACT that EVERY professional athlete that has a bad game or off year is on the take, shaving points. Good investigative journalism, MVP. And you have TWO MBZs? Whoa, Bro, wish I could be like you. That last sentence is the most honest thing you've ever said in your whole life.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: His Idea of rich is a sedan they use for taxicabs in eastern Europe. How did that rivers fade work out for you last night cockwhipe. Stick to the playstation little fella. What a mo mo. Cash a ticket loser. |
MVP702 | 109 |
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Too all you stupid assholes who keep saying the car isn't mine, GET A FREAKING LIFE AND START CASHING TIX YOU BITCHES !
I have 2 motherfucking Benzes and you sorry ass clowns work your whole life trying to get one! Don't hate on me cause I'm getting money! If you wanna hate cause you don't agree with my opinion than fine! BUT STOP HATING ON MY RICHES YOU IDIOTS! INSTEAD GO AND GET YOURS !!!
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by _keyser_soze_: Look, it is quite clear that: You don't know Phil. At all. Maybe he stole your girlfriend in high school, before you dropped out - whatever it is, you don't know Phil. That Benz isn't yours. I mean, if you wanted a REAL car, you wouldn't buy that one. For the money, there are MUCH better cars out there - which a rich, wannabe gangsta like yourself would know. At least you didn't go for the entire cliche and go with the Escalade with the tinted windows... I'll let you go. I'm sure the dinner rush is coming up at McDonalds - and you have to get back to making those fries. Supersize my order. Bitch. Did the bank call you about your loan payment being late on your 2003 Hyundai Accent? Oh that's right! You gambled your car note! Degenerate.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by scotty0129: So much for your theory dbag. Nobody is "hating" on you or jelous. We only know what you bring to this thread and you look like a egotistical dbag looking for attention. You first post in this thread screams "look at me". Well we all looked and aren't impressed. That's not jelousy. Hope you didn't fade em last night. Dumass. Learn how to spell. Dumbass is spelled with a B. Clown. Sorry to bury your already low self esteem. WOW 3-9 ATS and all of a sudden you're an expert on Rivers. Get a life loser.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by pulledclear: A wanna be know it all rides San Diego like a fucking moron and concocts some absurd fantasy about Rivers shaving points. You ask him to support his rants with facts and has none. What a shocker. In my community one would wonder what tragic event ocured in someones life that would allow them languish in such mediocrity. But in yours, my SOURCES tell me its pretty standard. Sweet dreams princess. im done with you. GOD DAMN YOU ARE AN IDIOT! I HAVE NOT BEEN RIDING SAN DIEGO YOU FN DOLT! IVE BEEN FADING THEM AS HAS RIVERS AND IVE BEEN CASHING EVERY DAMN WEEK AND THATS WHAT IM TRYING TO TELL U STUPID CLOWN!
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by jackjaffee: He didn't lease anything, he hurried up and leaned on some stranger's car in a parking lot and had his buddy take a quick photo. I love how everyone is hating on my benz. Geez, u guys need to get your money right. We were talking about sports now it moved to my car? Pure jealousy. Cash some tix and maybe u could afford one. Since i have 2 of them, your r gonna have to catch up loser. Now go fill up your moms 92 Tercel.
MVP702 | 109 |
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[Quote: Originally Posted by RGoo5]
I have nooo idea whether or not loser Rivers is shaving points. But I do want to comment on people saying he makes millions of dollars and wouldnt risk all that money to gamble. First off, if someone is a degenerate or addicted to something, the last thing they are thinking about are consequences. If rivers is a degenerate gambler, which im not saying he is, he wouldnt give a shit about the consequences. Its a disease where all he gives a shit about is the rush and getting his fix, its not about the money. As for the money aspect.... dude the more money you have the more expenses you have. I guarantee Rivers blows through his 10 mil a year like a normal person spends 100k a year. Just because he can and has made millions of dollars, in no way means he is comfortable financially. Look at all these rappers and athletes that are broke 2 years out of the league, making 15 mil a year. Its very easy to blow through that kinda dough with nooo problem. And apparently he has 6 kids, probably with a couple differnet broads, I guarantee this dude is not financially stable. Im not siding with anyone, nor saying the dude cheats. Im just pointing a couple things out. [Thank you ! Thats all im saying...
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by scotty0129: This guy is a f'n moron. Just becasue someone is playing bad doesn't mean there shaving points. Like you said he is a millionaire. He just signed a huge contract in 09 with about 39 mil guaranteed. He is just playing like shit and just becasue you lost money on SD numerous times this year does not mean he is "shaving" points. Go somewhere else so us "NFL dweebs" can read something imformative. He gets aroung 6.5 mil guaranteed per year for the next few years and only gets more if he performs. He would make more money by just performing rather then get some "billy joe bob" to open a 200k acct (pennies). Let's say your right and his "buddy" opened an acct and they managed to "fix" every game this season for 200k/game. That gives us 3.2 million. He can make that and get more endorsments by just winning. Bring some more proof then you just running your mouth becasue you lost a little on SD. Once again, im sure you know philip rivers like a brother. The money arguement is irrelavent when people have problems bro. You are the fn moron here. ESPN tool.
MVP702 | 109 |
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Quote Originally Posted by LazVegaz: I'm sorry that you have a two beers, get tipsy, and rant about someone shaving points because they have 6 kids. This is my first season and for NFL, I'm in the positive. I don't buy picks because I've seen how much of a failure these cappers are. Is that your main diss to people? I wouldn't be surprised if you buy picks. Don't quote me on something I never said. You have zero credibility, and no one cares about your dad's Mercedes. Broke degenerate comments. "I've got a $5 8 team teaser"- LazVegaz
MVP702 | 109 |
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